Ink Nest Captured! (4)

"Father doesn't need to worry about it too much. We have some more… pressing matters." I said, getting the topic back on track. 

"Indeed, stay still and allow me to check your condition first." Yang Kai said, placing his hand on my head. A wave passed over me. "Hmm… I figured as much. I don't see any problems with you achieving the 3rd Order Emperor as of now. But anything further seems like a stretch. It looks like you'll have to transform into your phoenix body at least once before you can achieve the Great Emperor Realm." Yang Kai sighed. 

"I've had the same thoughts. But it doesn't matter too much. Whatever I can't use, I'll simply transform it into something others can use freely. I also need to repair my trump cards. I ended up using three of them last time. Dragging along so many small universes is not a pleasant sensation." I said with a nervous chuckle. 

"What are these trump cards? How did you make them?" Feng Ying asked, curiously. 

"Each one is a reverse dragon scale filled to the brim. The three I had used were the weakest ones but I don't have many left now. And the ones I have left are all only slightly weaker than those three were combined, save for 1 slightly above the combination." I explained. 

"What do you mean filled to the brim?" Bai Yi asked intrigued, recalling the item I gave her and Feng Ying once before. 

"The energy from cultivating can be stored in items. A sort of imbuement. Though it's probably more similar to how artifacts are imbued with energy. Only difference is I am constantly charging them. That is until the reverse scale is full." I explained.

"Hmm… That means you'll need more reverse scales to pull it off. Which means you have a way to recover your scale… Leiji, does that scale have to be…" Yang Kai started asking.

"Yes father, it has to be one's own reverse scale. So there is quite a great difficulty in this method. But With how my dragon body is now. If I were to use all the trump cards at once… I might be able to severely injure a lesser Feudal Lord. I doubt I could kill them though… That would be one hell of a stretch. And I wouldn't dare say that I'm confident it is possible. I might explode from handling that much power anyways. So it wouldn't be worth it. Instead I'll save something like that for later. IF, it becomes necessary." I explained, making sure Yang Kai knew the full extent of the situation. That being, this wasn't an easy thing to pull off. 

"I see… If I did the same thing, what do you think might happen? Say I used one of my reverse scales to make this trump card in the same way?" Yang Kai asked, overly curious.

"Father, if you were to use one of the trump cards filled to the brim… I don't think 2 Territory Lords would be your equal. Or at worst case, you would be able to kill a Territory Lord single handedly. Of course you would be drained after this but still conscious for a number of reasons." I articulated my thoughts. "Does father wish to try it? There should be more than enough energy here for it. That ink nest is not small, after all." I continued, my eyes widening, instinctively. 

"Pft, Bwhahaha, Of course I'm going to try it. But remember this isn't the only Ink Nest we're taking down. How long will you need to deal with this one?" Yang Kai asked, laughing at the look on my face. 

"I'll need a bit of time but the sludgy section where resources would go in… That can't be touched until the last moment. Any impediment will most definitely rally numerous Territory Lords. We don't want that just yet, now do we?" I explained. 

"So everything else is fair game then? In that case I'd like you to let the 5th and 6th ranks bring you chunks of it at a time. And give them a fair portion of the energy as well. There were also a few 4th ranks though they are still struggling to wake up. Likely from a lack of world force. You should spend some effort waking them up too. We can have them recover their cultivation to the fifth rank. And use them as back up if needed. We did come here with less than 50 people, after all. And I'm certain that like all the rest they will be quite eager to strike back at the Ink Clan in whatever way possible." Yang Kai detailed. 

"Then I'll work with that in mind. And I'll use the Ink Clan's corpses as a backup medium. Oh, and here are all of the 7th rank materials and below that I gathered." I said, handing over my absolutely overflowing space ring. 

"Hmm… a good harvest indeed. Was it the same for you?" Feng Ying asked, inspecting the ring after she took it instead. "I'll distribute some of these to the crew for their efforts and sake of improvement." She continued. 

"The Ink Clan is greedy, even to each other. Meaning… I got enough to say I am 1 seventh of the way there. Though, when I return to the 3000 Worlds I might be able to retrieve the Yin and Yang Elements quite easily. So I guess 3 sevenths." I said. 

"Hmm… Does that include your senior sister as well?" Bai Yi giggled. 

"Yes. However, we didn't find any good material to start with. A shame I won't be able to get an Immortal Tree or even a Firmament Tree… Actually… I wonder, no that wouldn't be a good thing. I'll just have to pay a visit to the Great Evolution and use that cauldron. With my luck I might just get lucky enough to get one." I said, trailing into a deep thought before returning to a normal speech pattern.

"Alright, go ahead and do what you have to do to get started, I'll be using some of that strength to repair the damage from removing my Reverse Scale. Having a Trump card that has a chance of killing a Territory Lord out right is invaluable for the moment." Yang Kai said with a smirk, not caring about the potential agony that was to follow.