Ink Nest Captured! (5)

"If you're certain of this, father. Then I won't stop you. But you should already know that this won't be painless. Removing one's Reverse Scale is incredibly painful." I said, and then transformed. 

"I already knew you were going to say that." Yang Kai chuckled a little. Then transformed. "It's not likely to hurt more than tearing one's foundation or soul apart." He smirked confidently. 

"Sister Bai Yi, we should go and leave these two to do what they must. We can inform the team of the deal for them to receive some extra pure World Force." Feng Ying said, motioning to leave. 

"Alright, let's go, I'm curious about this method that Leiji spoke of. But it is important to gather the warriors so they can improve. I'm sure they will gain some insights as they disassemble the Ink Nest. So they should get started right away." Bai Yi mentioned before the two of them turned into streaks of light across the sky. 

"Alright, father, watch closely. To do this properly I have to keep my energy signature on the scale. This is the toughest part of the process." I said, straining as my Reverse Scale slowly floated away from my body. Retaining my signature. 

"Hmm… And then what?" Yang Kai asked, watching intently. 

"Pour in energy until it becomes stable on its own." I said summoning my Lightning Sphere and taking out ink clan corpses to refine. The Scale began to fill with an intensely condensed world force. And continued, 1st rank Open Heaven strength, 2nd rank, 3rd rank, 4th rank, Until it reached the absolute maximum of a mid break through 5th rank Open Heaven.

"I see… And your Dragon body is only around the peak of the 4th rank. Interesting, that you managed to have it stabilize the strength at damn near the 6th rank. What is the determining factor for this kind of result? Do you know?" Yang Kai asked. 

"From what I can tell, it is uncertain. However, it could just be a representation of the maximum level of the individual's one on one fighting prowess. Or perhaps a 1 rank up from the dragon's strength. But we would figure that out quite quickly if we got another full dragon to try it out. One that has no human cultivation at all." I explained breathing hard as I placed the now fully functioning trump card away in my Small Realm. This allows me to use it instantly with no delay. 

"I see, our cases are indeed too similar for it to give much insight. How long does it take to regrow that reverse scale?" Yang Kai said. 

"For me it only takes a few hours or a day at most. But it will likely be different from dragon to dragon." I replied, and showed that the scale could already be seen. "In father's Case I think a few hours would be the worst case. After all, fathers healing ability is significantly better than mine. So father shouldn't suffer a loss. But it is like all new things, uncertain." I continued. 

"Hmm… Very well, I'd like to do this just in case it becomes needed. Is there enough here to fill one up for me?" Yang Kai asked. 

"I think there is… But I'd be using all of my Ink clan corpses. Does father have some he could use instead? Since, I will need to use them so as not to waste effort in…" I mentioned before getting cut off. 

"Young Master Leiji, I've come bearing a piece of the Ink Nest! I hope the Young Master will accept it according to the orders Martial Aunt passed down." One of the eager 5th ranks said, arriving outside my Lightning Sphere. 

"That was quite fast… Very well, The energy I can gather from this piece is decent to start. But… Calling me Young Master… I'd prefer Junior instead if Senior is alright with that. You have called one of my mothers your Martial Aunt, after all. But, brother is a bit… too much. And my father is not your Master." I said, after feeling that shiver go down my spine. "I don't need anyone calling me Young Master anymore." I thought. 

"But I can't not call you Young Master… My Senior Brother Miao Fei Ping calls you Young Master as well. So please forgive me for not being able to accept such a thing, Young Master." The 5th Rank said, as more 5th ranks drew near. 

"Son, it's fine. I'm sure they simply mean to be respectful. As far as Miao Fei Ping goes… I highly doubt you'll get him to stop scaling you Young Master." Yang Kai chuckled. 

"Very well, since father says as much. I can accept it. Just try not to spread it too much. The title has some negative aspects attached to it. I do have another condition. You must follow it." I sighed, and coiled my body up raising one claw like a finger. 

"What is this condition, Young Master?" Several people asked. 

"You must understand that I am nothing like the snot-nosed young masters. Far from it… Those numb brained idiots ruined what should be an honorable title." I explained. 

"Ahahaha, I promise that none of us think of you like any of those other Young Masters." The people now waiting all laughed a little. 

"Good, then you may enter or just toss the part in and collect the energy later. Either way is good. I won't forget who gets what." I explained, and then glanced to indicate I had hidden meaning behind my words. 

"We understand Young Master. We will leave you and Team Leader alone for the moment. And when we return it will be with more pieces like these." A 5th rank said, tossing the piece of Ink nest into my Lightning Sphere, He cupped his hands and then left. 

The rest followed suit leaving Yang Kai and myself alone. "Good, now there should be a good amount of resources to use for you, father." I said with a smirk. 

"No, the energy from these things is for you to use for those who brought you ink nest parts. So take these first and use it instead. I'll find a way to pay you back if it's not enough. You still need to make 2 more and become a peak 3rd Order Emperor." Yang Kai said, throwing over a few thousand ink clan corpses out of a space ring. 

"Then we should begin whenever father is ready." I smiled as the energy began collecting instantly.