Few Vs. Many (1)

The Ink Clan had arrived at the conquered Feudal Lord level Ink Nest that Dawn Squad had captured. The number seemed overwhelming but was actually quite pitiful. Of the 750 thousand strong army most of its masters were injured in some way. Those that weren't injured, had just recently managed to break through or had extremely little battle experience. Still though it was quite a lot of distractions that had piled up to meet their enemy.

~~Dawn Teams Ambush Spot~~

"Despicable Ink Clan. They really brought this big of an army." Shen Ao muttered softly. 

"I told you it was going to be a large number." Yang Kai whispered. 

"I know you said it was going to be a sizable force. But… this is more than they usually have attacking a whole passes cardinal direction." Shen Ao whispered back. 

"Don't worry, most of these cockroaches are just that. Bodies to be thrown at the problem. The real problem is the 4 Territory Lords. They are not going to be easy to deal with." Feng Ying Whispered. 

"Don't worry with the plan that we developed, the situation will be a bit easier to deal with. And besides I have a way to take one of them down immediately if need be. But it is a last resort and I only have one of them." Yang Kai said. 

"Don't worry I can hold the other three. But I can't say for how long. 30 breaths at most." Ding Yao said. "They may be injured but they are still 3 Territory Lords. And I haven't had the chance to fight using that token yet." He continued. 

"It doesn't matter, with the plan we have now it is very likely that even the masters of the Ink Clan will fall." I said. "For now we just wait and watch the Ink clan Army get thrown into disarray." I added. 

~~The Ink Clan's Side~~

"Damn it! Where the hell are they! You go down and scout the situation out." Deep Claw Territory Lord Growled angrily. "These damn bastards are going to pay for this. Daring to disturb this king's rest and recovery. I was about to dine on a few of the Ink Disciples too." He continued, grumbling. 

The group of Scouts was rounded up and sent down to the surface of the Universe World. They couldn't find any trace of anything but a massive battle that took place. The building's destroyed and the ground filled with craters. Once done they left and reported to the Territory Lords. 

"Sir's, this one took their team and explored. I can confirm there was indeed a massive battle that happened here. It seems the information was correct. 7 Feudal Lords were supposed to be here, they must be dead. But I also didn't see the corpses of anyone, from either race. Other than that the place is safe for our Army to take a quick break." The Scout team's Feudal Lord reported.

"Good, then have everyone go down and see if we can't repair this nest. If it is functional us Territory Lords are going to recuperate. The Feudal Lords will spread out and scout the nearby area. Perhaps they are hiding, perhaps they are not. But either way we must try our best to find them. If you find that killing god, Yang Kai… Kill him. Find us if you can't." Deep Claw instructed. 

The Ink Clan's Army flew down and landed on the dead universe world. They quickly got to work and managed to get the Ink Nest to function. All four Territory Lords entered the Ink Nest, one after the other. The rest of the army had spread out. Forming small localized forces each controlled by a varying number of Feudal Lords.

~~Outskirts Of Ink Clan's Army~~

Out from the void stepped Shen Ao. "It's time to have some more fun! Come and be my punching bag." He said, instantly killing a Feudal Lord and then killing the low and high rank Ink Clan's. It happened in a matter of a few breaths. 

"What the hell are you? You… Are you…" The remaining Feudal Lord pointed while shaking. Shaking his head he turned around and fled. "You Ink Disciples hold him back and provide for my retreat. I have to tell the others." He added, flying away. 

"Heh heh, You think escaping is going to be that easy?" Shen Ao snickered, firing a light ray which completely enveloped the fleeing Feudal Lord. "Oh! Nice this one's body remained intact. Martial nephew is going to love this." He thought to himself. 

"How dare you kill sir Master!" The Ink Disciples yelled, charging towards Shen Ao. 

"So annoying. Will you juniors just pipe down already?" Shane Ao said, motioning his hand down. 

Following the motion of Shen Ao's hand. The Ink Disciples all fell to the ground and struggled to even move. 

"Not bad Martial Uncle. I'll do my part in this matter now." I said, appearing from the void. 

I summoned my Lighting Sphere cleansing the Ink Force's corruption from the Ink Disciples. Though they promptly fell asleep directly afterward. To which I quickly tossed them inside of Shen Ao's Small Universe. 

"This method will be a bit troublesome in the future. Seems like we will need to get the biggest benefit as fast as possible. Because once the Ink clan finds out about this it will become harder and harder to succeed." Shen Ao lamented, as we walked back into the void. 

"Don't worry Martial Uncle, we have planned for it. It is the reason why all of the 7th ranks are allowed to act as they please in the beginning. Otherwise we wouldn't have enough improvement to merit the risks we are taking." I said, heading to another void crack. "Also, try not to hold back just to save the corpse of the Ink Clan. they provide little benefit to me now anyways. Unless you want to go and get me an Ink Nest. That would be some good fun." I smiled and stepped through another void crack. 

"That young man is fierce." Shen Ao muttered. "Well, I better hand these guys off to the others to take care of." He thought as he started pulling out the former ink disciples.