Few Vs. Many (2)

~~Periphery of the Ink Clan's Army~~

I appeared from the void to see Ning Qi Zhi waiting there anxiously excited. "Oh no, did martial uncle get too excited?" I sighed, shaking my head as I summoned my Lightning Sphere.

"No, no… It's not that. I promise…" Ning Qi Zhi quickly said. 

"Are you sure about that martial uncle? I have already had to remind one of you energetic uncles to follow the plan. Do I need to make it 2 for 2?" I said flashing a look at him and tossing over the now former Ink Disciples. 

"Nope! I understand it perfectly clearly but…" Ning Qi Zhi said.

"But nothing! You think I don't want to run rampant either? The only reason we're doing it this way is because you were all scared about me fighting in the first place!" I said, having lightning sparking off of my body. "Out of everyone here I need this the most and I'm the only one restricted completely. It's so frustrating." I grumbled, following Ning Qi Zhi back into the void. 

"Good, Senior this way please, Team Leader has opened another place for you to attack. Drop off the Purified Ink Disciples and this junior will tend to them." A 5th rank said, motioning for Ning Qi Zhi to follow. 

"Good! I want to get out there and fight again quickly. Oh Vice-Team Leader… Martial Nephew Leiji is quite anxious to fight as well. I don't know how long until he won't be able to handle it anymore." Ning Qi Zhi said, as the 5th ranks moved the former Ink Disciples out of his small universe. 

"I know he is. He didn't like this part of the plan to begin with for that very reason. But now… He really does need to have these kinds of trials. He needs to temper his new physique and adjust himself to his 3rd Order Emperor cultivation." Feng Ying said, observing the situation on the various points where others were fighting. 

"Leiji has a sense of discretion. He will act only when he needs to. So I believe you shouldn't worry about him. If he decides to fight, then he will fight. And that is why Bai Yi and Feng Ying are still here." Yang Kai said, letting out a strained chuckle. "Besides, he knows that even I can't keep this part of the plan up for forever. Once I take the ship out of the void… Heh heh… The Ink Clan won't know what hit them. He is much better than I was in his realm. And even better in terms of age." He continued. 

"Understood, I'll go out now and keep this up. Once we are done let's all go back and get drunk!" Ning Qi Zhi laughed, now stepping out of another crack into the battlefield. 

The process was simple. A 7th rank open heaven realm would come out and instantly take out the feudal lords. Then sweep up the trash on the side quickly after. If there were Ink Disciples then the 7th rank open heaven would use their own means to suppress the Ink Disciples. I would appear and purify the Ink Force on the Ink Disciples. Rinse and repeat. 

~~Several Days Later~~

"Alright everyone! That's as long as I can hold phase one of the operation. You guys all moving back and forth was exhausting." Yang Kai said. "Phase two begins after they return from this last trip." He added. 

A few short moments later. All of the Dawn squad had gathered on Daybreak's deck. With everyone having been brought back to the deck it was more than enough for everyone to know the significance of what was about to happen. 

"A shame we can't hold on any longer. Taking them down by 150 thousand troops is no small feat." Qi Tai Chu said. "But I know that Team Leader must be exhausted after performing the methods these past days." He added, showing he wasn't blaming, merely stating. 

"No more need for idle chat. We're about to get a bunch of excitement. Besides, even though I could swap places with my son… He really does need to fight. Right now he is not able to utilize his full strength effectively just yet. Thus it would be dangerous to have been put into this role in such a state." Yang Kai explained, giving a meaningless excuse. 

"No need to worry, us seniors shouldn't be relying on a junior too much. And these are the things we should do. Providing an environment for Leiji to temper himself is a great service. In the future he will definitely be a pillar of my human race." Qi Tai Chu chuckled. 

"Father, let's go and strike the best kind of fear into these vile creatures. I've been waiting for several days and I can almost taste it." I said, getting a little anxious. 

"Good, everyone get to your stations. As soon as we leave the void activate the arrays. Let's give them a welcome present." Yang Kai smirked. 

"Understood!" The crew sounded off and assumed their designated battle positions. 

~~On The Dead Universe World~~

Rumors of Yang Kai having appeared had managed to spread through the Ink Clan's Army. However, no one believed it was him after hearing the descriptions from the ones who managed to escape the onslaught. The reason they didn't believe it was simple… How could one man be in two spots at once? Even for Yang Kai, such a feat is legitimately impossible. 

While the Ink clan didn't believe it, it still sowed quite a panic among the Ink Clan. However, they refused to disturb the Territory Lords. Who would dare go to the Territory Lord to report such unconfirmed information? If it wasn't verified then it wasn't worth earning the ire of the Territory Lord. A mistake in judgment that they would soon come to lament. 

A large Void crack appeared in the air above the Ink Clan's Army. It was in view of about 300 thousand of their troops.

"Sir Feudal Lord! Do you know what that is?" A high rank Ink clan asked panicking. 

"Everyone, hide in the mist! The Killing God is coming! It's Yang Kai! When he comes through, find the opportunity to attack and… attack!" The Feudal Lord yelled out in a panic.