Few Vs. Many (3)

"You bunch of wastes think you can kill this king? Hmph! Do you have the ability?" Yang Kai said, forcing his voice to echo with power. The power of his voice killed several of the low rank Ink Clan on its own. Which sowed even more chaos. 

"What! Don't act so arrogant! In front of this army your meager team is fated to be this king's playthings!" A Feudal Lord said. 

Daybreak appeared from the void in all its majesty and glory. The barrier array activated in full instantly, blocking the attacks from the Ink Clan all at once. 

"Since you have attacked… Heh heh… I suppose we should return the favor." Yang Kai snickered, signaling the beginning of the Ink Clan's worst nightmare. 

The attack arrays on the ship began firing rapidly. With no mercy the rays and blasts of energy filled the void. Everyone hit by these attacks and survived would suffer one of two fates. First they would be shocked for the rest of their life, living that very short span of time in the worst kind of pain imaginable. Second, they are stunned for as long the paralyzing effect lasts. 

~~Several Moments Later~~

"Hmm it seems that worked well. The Ink Clan suffered a significant loss this time. And it even looks like the number of feudal Lords remaining aren't enough to entangle our 7th ranks any more." Yang Kai said, inspecting the situation. 

"Good! FINALLY! I can cut loose! Ink Clan bastards don't let me catch you slacking!" I said, jumping off and bolting straight for the nearest gathering of the Ink Clan.

The Ink Clan, still half in shock, didn't respond at first. Then they saw me hurtling towards them. I had a big smirk on my face as I watched the idiots laugh. 

"Ahahaha! This little brat is so weak yet he actually dares to come and confront us by himself." A high rank Ink Clan, laughed. 

"I know right! Even we have the ability to slap him to death. This is too funny. The Human Race is really full of stupid people that only know how to court de… ath. *Blurgha* What?" Another high rank Ink Clan said, coughing up blood and looking down. Then life left his eyes. 

"Do you dare laugh now? Or will you get serious? I do hope you will at least do well enough to entertain me for a while. I've been itching to fight for a while. Let's see how well you do. Heh heh" I smirked, snickering.

"Brat! We are high rank Ink Clan! Don't you dare disrespect us!" One said, lunging forward hoping to hit a powerful punch on me.

"Hmph! Meager skills before an expert!" I said, flipping to the outside, killing five other Ink Clan and then stabbing my spear through the back of the other ink clan that had lunged at me. "Now do you see?" I taunted.

"Brat you court death!" Another Ink Clan yelled. "How the fuck did this brat kill those 5? I didn't even see it. And when did he have a spear in his hand? Who is this brat?" He thought. "No it doesn't matter who he is. He must die today!" He shook his head, trying to hype himself up for the fight ahead. 

"Come! And face disaster! Heart beats like the HEAVENS MIGHTY THUNDER!" I continued taunting, before I launched into a one sided brutal beatdown.

Lightning bolts appeared in the void arcing from enemy to enemy. Each enemy quickly suffered a quick and agonizing death. Then a few peak high ranks flew into the picture. I landed an attack on one but missed the other two. 

"Interesting! Finally, after slaughtering your pathetic excuses you call soldiers I get a decent piece of meat. What's more you delivered yourselves right to me. Ahahaha! Come!" I said, now having my excitement reached its peak. 

"Brat you court death! If we can't deal with you, Then once Sir Feudal Lord comes You will be dealt with quickly. Taste my Heaven destroying fist!" One of the three High Rank Ink Clan said. 

I narrowly dodged the attack to the outside. Then twisting my body I landed a Thundering Lightning Kick on the underside of the high rank's elbow. Lightning sparked out and up from the other side of his arm and went on to kill more of the low rank Ink Clan. 

"AHH! MY ARM! MY FUCKING ARM!" The High rank roared in pain, stumbling. "You damned brat! I'll eat all the meat off your bones and then grind your bones to power!" He roared out in pain again. 

"I don't usually like the suffering of others. But for you I'll make an exception. You little bitch baby should just suffer for eternity." I snickered. "I'm barely even getting warmed up. NOW GET UP AND FIGHT!" I yelled. 

My heartbeat sounded like the Rumble of Thunder and radiated out as a sound attack. Confusing the senses, leading to some losing their minds. My blood pulsing through my veins with the intensity of lightning… No, it was lightning. 

I began picking up speed. My spear splitting through the enemy. Cutting the enemy's numbers down. "So this is the benefit of the One with the Dao Divine Body. I like it. No, I love it!" I thought, as my kill count went up. 

"This bastard is truly reckless. Let's work together to kill him. He is too freakish to be allowed to live in this world. We must pull out the roots when weeding." A high rank Ink Clan said. 

"Let's go then!" The one with a broken arm said, grumbling with anger. 

The three High Ranks charged towards me using a secret technique. One appeared in front to slow me down. And then another to my favored side. And then the third one hit me with a downward slam. Sending me hurtling down to the ground creating a crater. 

"Ahahaha! Not so tough now are ya you little brat? Why are you even here? Is your father stupid and mother a dumb bitch?" The Ink Clan with a broken arm said, not realizing the hell he just landed himself in. 

"You… You… YOU DARE! YOU DIE!" I roared out. My dragon roar behind the words. Then vanished from their sight. 

"Where did he go?" The high rank Ink Clan said in a panic.

"Surprise you disgusting vile creature! Don't ever talk about my mother like that!" I said, appearing from above.