Few Vs. Many (4)

With my sudden appearance the high rank ink clan was unable to act in time. My spear plunged through his face and down his neck. Ink blood gushed out as the intense lighting tore away at the vile creature's flesh. Tearing his flesh and soul alike, until. *Boom* The High rank exploded in a brilliant display of the overwhelming power of Thunder and Lightning. 

"You damn brat! I'll kill you for this! How dare you kill my Ink Clan's people!" One of the remaining two peak high ranks yelled in anger. "My Ink Clan here me! Help me fight and kill this bastard before he grows any stronger!" He ordered. 

A flock of Ink clan low and high flew towards the peak high rank. Each yelling "Ink is eternal!" before exploding into ink clouds. Ink Clouds that were quickly being absorbed by the peak high rank. 

"Heh heh, Damn human brat. Your time is up now. I just have to hold you back long enough and then you'll be… DEAD! AHAHAHA!" The other peak high rank laughed maniacally. 

"Ahahaha, still idiots as always. Though you are marginally better than the other bastards that were here before you. At least you're willing to actually put up a fight. However, you are mistaken if you think I'm just going to let your companion perform this secret technique." I tagged, shrugging my shoulders and shaking my hands. 

"HA! You can try. But with me guarding here what else can you do? You're not even an open heaven realm. How could you possibly defeat me and get past all the others here." The peak high rank smirked, spreading his arms wide, as the low rank and high rank Ink Clan started lining up on him to be distractions. "You're too weak!" He snickered. 

I didn't say anything. Instead I stretched a little and then… a smile on my face as I once again vanished. 

"Be on your guard! He may come out from anywhere. Be ready!" The peak high rank ordered and put up his guard. "Now that I remember, didn't he just do this beforehand? And he even killed one of us in an instant just after he appeared. This brat really is no good. He must die today." He thought, frantically looking around as beads of sweat dripped down his face. 

"Senior, I think… I think we scared him away. Ahahaha! Our might really can't be underestimated. Even a freakish brat fears us." A low rank laughed. 

"Yeah… it looks like he is gone for now." Another low rank said. 

I appeared out of the void directly behind the peak high rank. The one who was performing a secret technique. "Surprise!" I taunted, as my Lightning Sphere appeared. The Sphere enveloped all of the Ink Clan I was currently facing. "It's time I taught you a lesson. Consider it thanks for helping me temper myself. Thanks to you I have no more issues with my new found strength. I hope you'll accept my gift as thanks." I said, stabbing my spear through the peak high rank's heart. 

"Argh! How? I didn't even sense you coming?" The peak high rank said. "And what the hell is this place? It feels like I'm being torn apart from myself, all over the place." He muttered, spitting up blood as more blood gushed from his gaping chest wound. As he watched his still beating ink heart drip blood at the end of my spear. 

"Simple, your senses are far too dull. A cow and bell could sneak up behind you." I laughed a little, being quite relaxed. Then leaned in and smiled sinisterly. "As for where this is? For you? You should consider this the gate to hell! Now that you've entered, don't expect to leave!" I laughed. "Now then, I suppose I should get busy and start sending you on your way." I added. 

I tore my spear out of the high rank's chest, taking the left side of his chest with. And then a simple twirl and kick. The now dead high rank was sent flying as well as the other part of him. Slamming into more Ink Clan. Drumming up strikes of lightning on the ones caught inside. Some outright dying instantly. 

"This is going to be a bit tough. The size of this Sphere is much larger than before. And it seems I can only instantly kill the 2nd rank equivalent and below with one strike each. The peak low ranks here on the other hand will take a bit more effort. At least they and the lower end of the high ranks can't move inside this Sphere." I thought, bounding into action. 

"Just let the Lightning Sphere deal with the low ranks. The other ones here are all heavily restricted in their movements." Fang Qing mentioned. 

"Oh I have a plan. And it will be one where I won't have to work too hard." I replied with a smirk as I claimed another Ink Clan's life. "For now though, I must punish these disgusting bastards for having ideas about my mother. If they ever manage to meet me again after this… Heh heh… They won't have a good end." I snickered, putting my spear away and replacing it with my hammer. 

"Brat what the hell have you done to me! I can hardly move!" The final peak high rank cried out in agony. 

"What have I done to you? Nothing much just yet. So sit tight I'll come break you later. For now just sit and watch. Heh heh, in other words. Wait here for your special treatment." I laughed, turning into a bolt of lightning. Wherever I went was met with the fall of another ink clan. 

"This… this kid is brutal. It's worse than Yang Kai. One killing god was enough to worry about. But now… I fear that only that special technique could kill this brat. But now that he is here… I'm afraid he is just a fish in water. Only a Feudal Lord could put this fish on a chopping board." The high rank ink clan thought as he watched his clansmen getting obliterated. "Domineering and Fierce… Thunder and Lightning… I guess he has earned the qualifications to come and fight." He continued.