Few Vs. Many (5)

~~Daybreak's Deck~~

"Little Leiji looks like he is having some fun." Bai Yi said, cheerfully, releasing an arrow shot through a Feudal Lord's head. 

"Senior, But he still needs to be careful. If enough high ranks get inside that Lightning Sphere of his it could spell trouble for him." Miao Fei Ping said. He and two other 6th ranks were ready to charge forward the moment it was needed. "I can't let Young Master experience such problems. If they pop up my small squad will immediately lend aid. The last time in the Void World… He practically handled the whole war on his own. I was unable to help him in the slightest. Now that I have some power, I won't let him wade through that suffering alone." He added, confidently. 

"Aren't you brave? But it is a good idea to have small squads like you. In the worst case if you work together you might even kill a Feudal lord." Feng Ying smiled. 

"Senior jests, I don't dare say that we could do such a thing without proof. Yes, those tokens made by Leiji are quite good. But they still have their limits. And so do we… But, there shouldn't be any harm in testing that theory out. With Senior Bai Yi watching out we can rest assured that if it truly gets too dangerous the Feudal Lord won't escape disaster." Miao Fei Ping said, in a noble voice. 

"Good, then get ready. Because one is approaching my little Leiji right now. It seems Leiji's Slaughter of the Ink Clan has not gone unnoticed. And a Feudal Lord is taking action. Go on, and give them hell. These creatures deserve no mercy, after all." Bai Yi chuckled. 

"Right away, senior Bai Yi! Rest assured we will do the very best we can." Miao Fei Ping said, as he and his two companions cupped their hands and bowed. "Brothers, follow me to kill the enemy!" He added, surging his power. 

"Right behind you brother! I have to pay that young man back a life saving debt." The other two said, surging their strength as well. 

The three hurtled at great speed. Feng Ying looked over at Bai Yi. "Sister Bai, just how many Ink Clan has Leiji killed on his own this time? I've been a bit busy over on this side, so I haven't been able to pay too much attention to him." She said, curious. 

"The count he has culled is a bit hard to keep up with. So I stopped counting by 1 and just decided to wait until he comes back to say. But I know this much, he has claimed at least 6 thousand Ink Clan on his own. All in the low to high rank Ink Clan." Bai Yi said, letting loose another light arrow, exploding on a group of Ink Clan's clansmen. 

"Ahahaha, that's our husband's boy for you. Killing off 1% of the remaining enemy force on his own is nothing to sneeze at. I bet it would have been an even greater number had we not restricted his Dragon Transformation." Feng Ying said, letting fly a sword slice.

A 5th rank cupped her hands and reported to Feng Ying. "Vice Team Leader, the second flurry of attacks is prepared and our replacements have been brought up to speed. We can fire at your command." She relayed, expecting an answer. 

"Good, then… I don't need to tell you what needs to be done next do I? From now till the end of battle, once you are ready to fire… Well… KILL THE ENEMY!" Feng Ying ordered. Her voice echoing across the active battlefield. 

Daybreak's array surged with strength in the hands of the 5th ranks. All of them were chanting; "Kill the enemy!". Causing a flurry of attacks to brighten the mass of darkness that was Ink clouds. 

~~On The Universe Worlds Surface~~

The battle was fierce and vast. All of the Dawn Squads personnel were deployed. The Ink Clan remaining in my area were becoming quite scarce and hard to find. Not to mention it was no easy feat to only knock the Ink Disciples unconscious, while making it look like they were killed. Truly not an easy thing to pull off. But the high rank Ink Clan I had trapped before was still alive. 

"Ahahaha! Brat you're finished! Ahahaha! Sir Feudal Lord has taken notice of your antics and is coming this way. I wonder how you'll die! Go on and be a tasty morsel for Sir Feudal Lord." The high rank said. 

"Hmm… it seems there really is a Feudal Lord coming this way. Perhaps I should move sooner than before… Huh! Ahahaha, nah I'll kill your damned Ink Clan to the very last one before I make my exit." I said, appearing in front of the high rank Ink Clan. 

"Oh yeah! And just how do you plan on doing that!? The Feudal Lord will be here soon and I have thousands more clansmen coming to you down. YOU WON'T LEAVE THIS BATTLE ALIVE BOY!" The high rank roared in anger. 

"Ahahaha!" My eyes narrowed. With a stone cold, piercing stare I looked the high rank Ink Clan in the eyes. "Watch me." I smiled, and closed my fist. Lightning arced off my eyes. 

"What? What… what the hell is this!" The High rank cowered in fear of my Dao. 

"My Dao! Now go to hell!" I yelled.

My Lightning Sphere started spinning. Starting a whirlwind in the surrounding area. And then another few smaller ones to accompany it. Thunder boomed and rolled. Lightning struck and coiled. The strength of my Dao filled the battlefield around me with an absolute pressure of dominance. Swallowing up everything. Ink Clan dying left and right by the dozen. And Former Ink Disciples being pulled into my Lightning Sphere, quickly becoming unconscious. 

"Do you see it? This is the punishment for insulting my mother!" I laughed.

"Young Master… I think… I think that high rank Ink Clan is dead by now. Should we…" Fang Qing said, slightly timid. 

"Already done, though I have to keep the act up for now. That Feudal lord hasn't noticed Senior Miao Fei Pings' squad yet. And keeping that attention on me will give them the best chance of killing it. Besides, with this method I can quickly recover the Ink Disciples. Two for one deal." I replied in my thoughts.