Few Vs. Many (6)

Just a little off in the distance there was indeed a Feudal Lord hurtling towards me, furious. A chaotic and flared evil disgusting aura being released from him. "Boy am I glad I finished off the rest of the other Ink Clan around here. Otherwise this could be troublesome even if I had a way to reliably kill a Feudal Lord. But now… Heh, this won't be… never mind seems like there are still some more fools begging for death." I muttered. 

"These Ink Clan bastards are quite despicable. They give off this overly disgusting sensation. Let's kill as many of them as we can." Fang Qing said. 

"YAY! More fighting! I got the popcorn, chips and drinks ready." Shandain said, plopping down on a couch she made inside my knowledge sea. 

"So it's going to be a fight. Then what is the Young Master going to do? With your dragon form being restricted, how should we proceed?" Fang Qing asked. 

"Funnily enough, even after fighting this much… my energy is still quite high and my small realm has expanded significantly. Moreover, the perfect situation is about to rear its ugly head. So let's go… Berserk. And we will start it off in style. But first, let's send the passed out former Ink Disciples back to the ship. Otherwise they might get caught up in a bit of a painful experience. And likely suffer disaster. It's best to bring them back for treatment and restore a portion of the army." I said, opening a tear in space at my location with a similar one on the ship deck. 

I began tossing the former ink disciples through. Time was of the essence here considering that I was like a flame and the ink clan were moths. "Heh, it really will be like moths to the flame." Fang Qing laughed, as the final person arrived at the ship and I closed the Void Tunnel. 

"Now then, let's start round two of the beatings with a proper… gift." I said, facing the direction of the Feudal Lord, and let out a smirk. "This is going to be fun. An opponent I can use my absolute full power to hit." I chuckled as a ball of incredibly dense lightning formed in front of me. Gradually reaching the breaking point. "Huh, so this is the maximum I can control for now… too bad! Push it harder and further!" I thought as the energy coursed through me and the surrounding area. 

~~Daybreak's Deck~~

"What! Leiji don't force yourself too much like that!" Bai Yi said, in a slight panic as she continued launching arrows. 

"What's he! What the hell! Is he trying to kill that Feudal Lord himself?" Feng Ying said, very close to jumping out. 

"Don't worry, he isn't trying to kill a Feudal Lord. That attack is going to be meant as a distraction to give those three who just left a better chance. It's quite a good strategy if you think about it. After all, Leiji is the target of that Feudal Lord right now." Ding Yao explained. "And don't worry too much. Yang Kai wouldn't just let a Feudal Lord waltz up to Leiji." He further explained. 

"I know, it's just… Even though I did not carry him. He is still my little boy. And his women wouldn't forgive me if something happened to him." Bai Yi said, in a soft tone. 

"Oh my, so it seems sister Bai and I really do have the same thoughts. Perhaps after this trip we can force Husband to reconsider his previous plans." Feng Ying giggled, as she cut down more Ink Clan. 

"These women are too fierce! They slaughter us while giggling about it. Go and wake up the Territory Lords. We must end this quickly." A Ink Clan's Feudal Lord in the Ink Cloud ordered, a bit too loudly. 

"And you're next on the chopping block. *whoosh* Oh never mind. Looks like it's already over now. Cause your head is gone." Bai Yi giggled, as the Feudal Lord fell from the sky. "Now, back to watching my darling little boy play." She continued. 

"Leiji! Don't worry about breaking the fun toys down there. There are plenty more to play with." Feng Ying laughed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to hear her. But also knowing I knew what she meant either way. 

My attack was now fully charged and ready to fire. "This thing is quite unstable. Heh heh…" I thought. 

~~From the Feudal Lord's Perspective~~

"Damn it! That damn brat was able to kill even peak high ranks. I must kill him today so the Ink Clan doesn't suffer a loss." The Feudal Lord thought. "Damn this was a long fucking run. I had to keep myself concealed so I could take advantage of the chaos on the battlefield, then this brat gave me the perfect opportunity. Hmph, stupid human." He snorted. "Huh? What's going on over there?" he said, slowing down but continuing forward. 

My Sphere stopped spinning and the storm that had been brought about had also quickly subsided. Revealing the destruction and absolute domineering power of Thunder and Lightning. But there was also me, floating there holding a ball of energy in front of me… a ball containing a mighty power. 

"Since this is our first meeting, I prepared a gift for you. I hope you'll accept it. Apologies if it isn't to your liking. But why don't you try it and have a bite." I said, in a taunting tone. 

"Shit! He knows I'm coming how the fuck did he?" The Feudal Lord thought. "Ahahaha, Impudent brat! You don't know the immensity of heaven and earth." He laughed, attempting to show no fear. 

"You have no right to educate me on the immensity of heaven and earth! NOW! EAT! THIS! Thundering Through Time and Space!" I roared out and fired off the attack.


The highly unstable attack began hurtling towards the Feudal Lord at high speed. "Impossible! This! I must dodge!" He thought, rolling to the side but taking the hit right in the middle of his upper arm. "ARGH!!! DAMN YOU BRAT! HOW DARE YOU BREAK THIS KING'S ARM! ROT IN HELL!" He roared in pain, speeding up to close the distance.

"I'd like to see how you'll kill me. Since I'm not the one you're fighting." I taunted holding the middle finger up.