Feudal Lord Felled

In the air just a short distance away. "Brothers, you know what to do." Miao Fei Ping said. 

The three of them were all proficient in the sword dao. Taking out their mid rank artifacts, and flaring their sword intent. It became quite clear they were each keenly accumulated to their chosen Dao, as with three slashes each. Their attacks flew towards the Feudal Lord. An elegant and pristine cutting edge. Sword intent filled the air and their three attacks fused together. Creating a single attack born of 9. 

The Feudal Lord had already committed to his attack on me. Turning his head he saw what awaited him at this moment. "You damn brats! I am a Feudal Lord! How dare a bunch of ants… DARE CONSPIRE AGAINST ME! I'M KILLING THIS DAMN BRAT EITHER WAY!" The Feudal Lord yelled, grinding his teeth in a seething anger that could be felt for thousands of kilometers. 

"Ahahaha! You think you're attacking me? That's… Hilarious! You're attacking nothing but air. You brainless wretched creature." I laughed having already rendezvoused with the squad. 

"WHAT!" The Feudal lord shouted in surprise. "Don't think that this puny attack can kill me!" He said, forcing his body to twist and contort in an effort to block the attack with his own.

The 9 slices attack collided with the Feudal Lord's Ink Palm attack. For a moment the attacks were equal. Then a bitter struggle between the two attacks started. A back and forth of sorts. A few moments later The Ink Palm had managed to gain the upper hand and started pushing the attack back. 

"Ahahaha! Nothing but paltry attacks! Watch how I teach you a lesson. DON'T BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW! CLANSMEN COME AND KILL THIS BRAT!" The Feudal Lord yelled out, and surged the slices back. 

"Young Master Leiji, are you certain of this?" Miao Fei Ping asked, after listening to my words. 

"En, just put a little more power in and it will be enough. Don't worry about the token breaking. I can replace it right away if need be. So feel free to let loose and let your power surge. I'll swoop around and do my own thing." I said, vanishing. 

"Well then brothers. It looks like we have to try a little bit harder. Let's not waste this chance." Miao Fei Ping said. 

"En, if that Young Master wants to test out how durable these tokens are then we should go for it." One of the other two brothers said. 

"Agreed. With such knowledge of the limits we may very well be able to make better plans in the future." The last of the three said. 

All of them nodded in agreement. "You damn Ink Clan is doomed to fall, my human race will not fall!" Miao Fei Ping said. "We will push back for as long as it takes! My brothers! PUSH!" He added. 

The three brothers surged their strength. Slowly but surely increasing the output of power using the tokens. The attack clash slowly began switching who had the upper hand. Eventually returning it to Miao Fei Ping and the other two. A little more and they gained ground pushing the palm back and even making cracks in the palm. 

"Alright! My turn!" I said, appearing above the Feudal Lord with my hammer in full back swing. "Take this you disgusting bag of shit! JUDGEMENT FALLS!" I yelled, bringing my hammer down square on the top of the Feudal Lord's head.

The Feudal Lord's head caved in significantly. "Ant! How dare you hurt me! Die!" He roared in anger spitting up blood, as some more leaked out of his head. He then used his blood to land an attack on me.

"You'll pay for hurting him! My Brothers… KILL!" Miao Fei Ping yelled.

Another surge of strength fueled by worry and anger, pulsed. The Sword intent blades grew in size and ferocity. Then forced straight through the Ink Palm cutting it apart. As it flew the feudal Lord was dazed and couldn't figure out what to do. Still envisioning that he was winning. Until, the 9 blades sliced and diced the Feudal Lord into 18 distinct parts. 

"Wha…?" The Feudal Lord managed to say just before dying. 

"Young Master! Young Master Leiji!" Miao Fei Ping called out. 

I popped out of the void and spit up silver blood. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine in a little bit. It will be faster if you can draw some Ink Clan into my Lightning Sphere. Remember the battle is far from over." I said, wiping my mouth and setting up the Lightning Sphere again. 

"Don't be so reckless next time. Do you have any idea what your mothers would do to us if you died? I fear they might even try to do something since you got hurt." One of the other 6th ranks said, shaking at the thought. 

"No worries. I made the move so it wasn't your fault. Anyways, enough of that. How was it?" I said, eating a healing pill just for good measure.

"Heh, it felt great. I think there is still room for us to get accustomed to the token but safe to say it didn't crack. Perhaps with some more practice the situation will get better." The other 6th rank said. 

"Heh, the tokens should slowly adapt to the bearer's strength. Meaning you likely won't ever need another one. So just keep using it and see what happens. That being said, don't get too overly used to it. We don't want any accidents." I said. "Now then, it seems we have some guests here for our services. Let's give them the best service we can." I added. 

"Kill the enemy!" Miao Fei Ping and the three said, rushing out of the Lightning Sphere and lighting up the small part of the battlefield with their attacks. 

"This Feudal Lord actually gave me a good idea. I wonder… How dangerous is my blood to the Ink Clan? My Dao alone is enough to rip apart and destroy the Ink Force on a passive basis." I thought as I slowly recovered my strength under the protection of the Lightning Sphere.