Few Vs. Many (8)

~~Daybreak's Deck~~

"Madam Vice-Leader, Disciple reports." The 6th rank array's overseer came up to Feng Ying and cupped his hands. 

"Report." Feng Ying quickly said, unleashing a barrage of sword slices at the Ink Clan surrounding the ship. 

"The Array's have been recharged and the Disciples are ready for phase 3. We can begin at your command." The array overseer reported. 

"Good good good. Sister Bai, fire off the signal. We are going to begin phase 3." Feng Ying ordered. 

"Oh, I almost forgot there was a phase 3. Phase 2 went so well. 400 thousand ink clan's clansmen have been slain, after all. Thought we could continue." Bai Yi giggled. 

"It was indeed a great result. However, even with those tokens Everyone has gradually become exhausted. And will need to be ready for when phase 3 begins. That aside. Yang Kai has yet to fully recover, or perhaps it's something else. Heh, wouldn't that be something else." Feng Ying said, glancing over to where Yang Kai was concealing himself. 

"Don't worry, I have recovered. I was just keeping an eye out for… unforeseen situations. Little did I expect Leiji would have had to deal with a Feudal Lord. Even if he did work with a few others, that is still no easy accomplishment. Remind me to reward those three generously if I forget. That simple action they took was quite good. And revealed a lot of information about the Ink Clan. Now then, Bai Yi, call everyone back now. They deserve a bit of rest." Yang Kai said, before returning to his focused study.

"Good! Here goes." Bai Yi said. She then fired off the 108 dividing 9 arrows. It was an ultimate attack that would drain her of energy for a substantial amount of time. And thus was used only as a last resort or to signal the end of the battle. 

With each of the arrows fired dividing into 9 separate arrows, the power was obviously weakened. However, this wasn't a problem, as it was only to serve as a means of creating mass chaos among the enemy ranks. A feat that was… rather easy for this thing to accomplish. As each arrow fell the energy would be enough to outright claim the lives of lower end high rank ink clans and below. As one can imagine, such energy falling in just shy of 1000 different locations around the battlefield all at once… It was indeed the best creation of chaos and confusion. 

"Three seniors, quick!" I said, opening a Void Tunnel for Miao Fei Ping and the other two. 

"Many thanks, Young Master." They said, jumping through, and then joined the defenders of the ship. Attacking the Ink Clan continuously as everyone waited for me to do my final part of the job. 

There were 4 evacuation points that must be reached by the 7th ranks after that arrows were launched. So seeing the arrows the four 7th ranks began retreating at once. This didn't include anyone else usually. However, there were two more groups of three. 

I arrived at the first point and continued slaying the ink clan in their confusion while I waited for the others to arrive. "Hmm… perhaps this was too far for them to travel to during their battle." I thought. "In any case I'll lock this place down until they arrive. It should be Shen Ao, and Ren Zhi Bai. Along with a group of 3 token users. I can wait a few moments." I continued thinking. 

"Young Master, sorry for being late, these three were attacked by a couple of Feudal Lords and we went to assist." Ren Zhi Bai said, sweating, entering the Lightning Sphere. 

"Yeah, those two seemed like they had used a special secret technique. They were far stronger than normal. There were also no other subordinates with them." Shen Ao mentioned scratching his head.

"Good, Martial Uncle Shen you will follow me and Martial Uncle Ren take the others back with you." I said, creating another temporary Tunnel to the ship. 

"Understood, happy hunting." Ren Zhi Bai said, taking the 3 exhausted 6th ranks through the Void with him. 

"Martial Nephew, lead the way." Shen Ao chuckled, as the Tunnel closed. 

"Indeed, I'm sure there is a similar situation over there. And I'm not confident enough to handle Feudal Lords. Let alone boosted bastard ones." I said snapping my fingers and teleporting the both of us to the other spot. 

~~The Other Rendezvous Spot~~

"Hehe, what do you, I was right on the money." I said, pushing my Lightning Sphere to spin again. "Martial Uncle please assist the others. I'm afraid I can't move right now. These four Feudal Lords are quite beefy." I whispered. 

"No problem! I'll take care of them. One by one." Shen Ao said, cracking his knuckles before blitzing one of the Feudal Lords. 

"About fucking time brother Shen! These damn bastards got much stronger all of a sudden." Ning Qi Zhi said, quickly picking up his own tempo to match Shen Ao's.

"Apologies, but we had a similar situation over there. Let's end this quickly like we did in that first test. Then talk later over a jug of Martial Nephew's wine." Shen Ao chuckled. 

"Oh! Martial Nephew is giving up some of that village's wine? Count me in! Let's waste these fools." Ning Qi Zhi laughed, excitedly.

With a reward of their favorite kind of beverage on the table… the two of them synced up. Blending their attacks together seamlessly. And quickly killed one Feudal Lord and then wasted the other one in short order. 

"Time to help Senior Brother Qi Tai Chu. I bet those 6th ranks are exhausted by now." Shen Ao said, as the two of them raced towards the other two Feudal Lords. 

With the 3 token boosted 6th ranks and 3 token boosted 7th ranks… What are 2 Feudal Lords, other than fish on a chopping block. So it was quite easy to imagine the result. With Shen Ao and Ning Qi Zhi already in sync, the battle was rather short. 

"Yeah that's a lot better." I said, creating a Void Tunnel once again. 

"Don't forget that wine later, Martial Nephew." Ning Qi Zhi said, being the last person through the tunnel aside from myself. 

I condensed my Lightning Sphere down, and then rapidly expanded its size pushing whatever Ink Clan were around significantly far away. Then I disappeared and reappeared on Daybreak.