After Battle Party

~~Daybreak's Deck~~

"Good everyone has returned. Let's escape this place now." Yang Kai said. 

All of the attack arrays fired off at once. And I expanded my Lightning Sphere to cover the ship. The original defensive array was taken down. And in a few short breaths later, the surrounding area around the ship became free and clear of the Ink Clan. 

Yang Kai tore open the Void and the ship sailed into the Void crack. Leaving behind nothing but an empty spade where the ship had been before. The Ink Clan raged and cursed. 

~~1 Million Kilometers Away~~

"Now that was what I call a successful battle. We took an army 750 thousand strong and culled them down to just under 200 thousand. Everyone should get some rest and recover. Remember the next phase will be only 7th ranks outside the ship. Even if you have a token as a 6th rank, it's better for you to defend the ship with those attacks." Yang Kai said, addressing the team. 

"Ahahaha! The Team Leader praises us too much! I only killed around 25 thousand of them myself." Shen Ao said with joyful laughter. "I had quite the laugh though. One of those feudal Lords thought I was Team Leader for a moment. Oh that was funny. The look on their face when they realized how many killing gods came today… It was priceless." He continued. 

"I had a similar situation over where I was. A couple of Feudal Lords made audible swallows when I told them my name. I must say that it felt good seeing just how terrified they were." Ning Qi Zhi laughed. "By the way, how many Ink Clan were felled by Martial Nephew? It shouldn't be small right?" He asked, leaning in with a look of intrigue. 

"This… To be honest I lost count after 30 thousand. But… while that number may be high… I Only had to deal with 1 Feudal Lord. And even then I had help with it." I said, nervously making sure to not say the number. 

"57 thousand low rank and high rank were felled by Martial Grandson. I made sure to keep count so others don't claim it for themselves." Ding Yao chuckled. 

"Oh… I suppose Martial grandpa would have the right number… Haha… While that number is high… Most of that was because they were stupid. Nothing but moths to a flame." I laughed nervously. 

"In any case, aside from the ships' arrays, you definitely had the largest total. I think you might even be able to buy an 8th rank material once we return. Perhaps two." Qi Tai Chu mentioned. 

"Speaking of rewards. Martial Nephew, I seem to remember hearing something about a jug of wine." Ning Qi Zhi said, with an expectant smile. 

"Martial Uncle, those were Martial Uncle Shen's words. Not my own. Besides that, the village where it is produced is in my honored father's small universe. Even if I wanted to have a taste I'd have to ask permission for the time being." I said, shrugging my shoulders. 

"The village has already prepared the Wine and a few other things. Signature recipes that you created, Leiji. I had them start preparing it a while ago." Yang Kai said, taking out several jugs of wine, an assortment of meat buns and other snacks. "Everyone can help themselves." He added. 

"Oh, be careful with the wine. I know you all have some strong stuff but this isn't weak either. Pace yourself first lest you won't be able to perform in the next battle." I said, quickly as I claimed my own jug along with a meat bun. 

Everyone chowed down on the snacks before them. Each experiencing a new flavor in their own ways. Some squirming in glee and others had a breakthrough. The first one to breakthrough was a 5th rank to 6th rank. "Hmm… That's odd." She said, inspecting herself.

"What's wrong? Did something go wrong?" Feng Ying asked, glancing over at the woman. 

"I don't think so? Could I trouble Martial Aunt to take a look? I want to know if I'm just seeing things or not." The woman said, a bit confused. Meanwhile I chuckled. 

"Let me see…" Feng Ying said checking the woman's cultivation. "What! Is this what you were talking about?" She asked, in shock. 

"If Martial Aunt sees the same thing then I guess it's true… My cultivation is consolidated already… not all the way, but" The new 6th rank said, closing her eyes and focused for a few breaths. "Done! That… Was the fastest and easiest I have ever consolidated my cultivation. Even going as far back as the Body Tempering realm." She continued, describing the situation. 

"Leiji! Just how did this happen? What kind of heaven defying methods were used this time!" Feng Ying questioned, after holding onto my shoulders so I could escape. 

"Uhm… uh… If I'm being honest I didn't even think it would work. But mother Feng is mistaken." I said, starting to explain, then Feng Ying started shaking me. "It's not a heaven defying method. Quite the opposite." I managed to get out, stopping the shaking. 

"Oh? Explain quickly!" Feng Ying smiled, showing her intent to not let this go. 

"Can't I keep this secret at least?" I asked. 

"Fine, everyone here. No one is allowed to repeat the secret. There, now what did you do?" Feng Ying said. 

"This… I uhm… Infused the wine with my understanding of the open heaven method. The knowledge that I got from the Universe World's World spirit. Back when I became a 3rd Order Origin King. And even opened a small realm of my own." I explained. "I didn't think it would have such a profound effect though. Wish I could have sensed just how much of an effect it had. Oh well." I added. 

"So you're saying this wine… that we have been freely enjoying… has been infused with such understanding… To the point it can speed along one's cultivation and consolidation of their realm…" Feng Ying said, shaking. "I can't decide whether I should be angry or happy about this development." She added. 

"This batch probably only just finished not that long ago. Since it would age a bit faster in my honored father's small universe it should have only just finished about 7 or 8 hours ago. So even if I had made it known earlier we wouldn't be able to drink it like this until… Well, now." I explained.