After Battle Party (2)

"I see, then I guess I can't fault you for that. In any case we should put the rest of it away for now. That could be sold for a fortune and shouldn't be too late to use just before a break through." Feng Ying sighed. 

"That's why I warned you all to go slow. It's powerful stuff in its own way." I said, putting the rest of the unopened jars in my small realm. "Oh, I think this might have a massive negative impact on the Ink Clan. But considering how little of this there is… It wouldn't really be an effective weapon. It's better to just drink it." I added. 

"Martial Nephew, why did you infuse this understanding into the wine? Instead of a jade or book of some kind? Surely those methods are better." Shen Ao asked. 

"Martial Uncle, if you have to ask that question… Then your understanding of the open heaven method might be lacking somewhat. That, or you're drunk. But considering that you would have gained that insight by now if you were drunk…" I said, bluntly. 

"I think I understand. But I think you should explain it clearly, son." Yang Kai said, sipping the wine he had.

"I won't be responsible for anyone's breakthrough after hearing what it is I am about to say." I said, with a sigh and waited for nods before continuing. "The world is ever changing, ebbing and flowing. Like water. And full of both happiness and sorrow, like drunk and sober. The power of a world grows with age, like… wine." I described in very simplistic terms so as not to cause too much of a ruckus. 

Sure enough… A dozen people broke through a minor realm. And those who didn't seemingly gained a massive insight. I could tell since it was written all over their faces. It was as clear as day that they had all gained at least something. 

"I see, I really was blind. To think that such an obvious fact had been sitting in front of me so many times throughout my whole life. And I am just now understanding it. It makes me more interested in the information that the Universe world gave you." Shen Ao sighed, realizing his own shortcomings. 

"Trust me when I say this, Martial Uncle… I am still deciphering the information. And I can go at it dozens of times faster than the average person. But I once gave a 7th rank a small hint of the information I had seen. They are currently attempting to breakthrough to the 8th rank. Back then however… The amount I had understood wasn't even a drop in the vast ocean. Now, I have a few drops." I explained. 

"I see, and I bet that the words you spoke earlier don't even amount to the insights you gifted to that 7th rank. Wait… why did you give it to them?" Ning Qi Zhi asked, curious.

"It was a gift to reward him. That senior was the one who brought that particular Universe World back to the Mountain-Pass. Without him doing so I wouldn't have been able to gain this knowledge. Nor would I have seen what the Ink Clan actually does to worlds. Now that… is something you should all understand already. But it is a completely different feeling from this perspective. Once this campaign is over, I'll share it with those at the high ranks." I said. 

"Why not now? And why not everyone?" Ding Yao asked, raising a curious brow. 

"Not now because we have a battle to fight. And not everyone because… anyone below the 7th rank might lose their minds in terror." I answered, solemnly. 

"You say it like that. But even still I must ask. You are not looking down on us are you?" Ding Yao asked, putting the pressure on.

"Martial Grandfather, I am not looking down on anyone. It really is just that bad. Have you all noticed that my hatred for the Ink Clan has far outclassed anything you do? I have zero respect for them. They are nothing more than filicidal butchers and an infection upon the world that must be culled. I don't give a damn how strong they are. They are nothing good. In fact the weaker they are the better they are. The stronger they get the worse they are and the further they stray from the heavens." I said, explaining myself. 

"You definitely don't respect them in the slightest. I can see that for certain. But, share with me a small portion so I can confirm it. After all, you are still a rather young man. Perhaps I can shed some light on it." Ding Yao said, suggesting a method to dispel the tension.

"If it will ease the worries of everyone here. Then I can do it. But… I will only show you at most 2 hours of one day during the Ink Clan's attack on that Universe World." I said, creating a ball of light atop my finger and sent it towards Ding Yao. 

Ding Yao accepted the light into his knowledge sea and… instantly began sweating. The situation was clearly not good. And his face had gone from curious and light hearted to worried, angry and difficult, instantly. After a little while he opened his eyes. 

"The Ink Clan deserves a million deaths. I was wrong to doubt you. Forgive me. Even when you said two hours worth I was still hesitant to think it would be too much… The Ink Clan isn't some Race of being. They are nothing more than an invasive infection upon my human race." Ding Yao said, wiping the sweat off his face, and a few tears. 

"I'm afraid I must confess something else. Martial Grandfather Ding, I said that was 2 hours… It was a single incense." I said, choking up. 

"I figured as much. I don't think even the Old Ancestor would be able to make sense of two hours of that without suffering a change in mood either. Probably for the best you don't share this with anyone else on this trip." Ding Yao said. "Though, now that I know all of this… Sending you back to the 3000 worlds to grab use of the energy source you spoke of… Definitely going to happen now. Having you break through would be one of the biggest boons to my human race." He added.