Returning To The Pass

"Leiji! Is this really your Lightning Sphere? It's… Far more impressive than it was previously. It's now a mixture of three different colors all clearly defined yet also not. It's a truly beautiful scene." Bai Yi said, in a moment of surprise. 

"It feels like the pulling force of your Lightning Sphere has also grown. Even the Ink Force is unable to handle being near it. Being completely purified before even coming into contact with it. The streams of pure energy are visible to the eye. Such power…" Feng Ying said, admiring the scene. 

"Ahaha! Martial Nephew is a dragon among men." Shen Ao laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulder. 

"Of course! I am a literal dragon after all. Or has Martial Uncle forgotten?" I said, glancing at him.

"No, I haven't forgotten. It's just a phrase, just a phrase." Shen Ao said, backing off waving his hands in an effort to keep me from being angry. 

"Good, take this, consider it thanks for helping to eliminate most of the dangerous injuries." I said, sending a flow of pure world force his way. "And you as well." I added, sending another one towards Miao Fei Ping. "Without the two of you, I might have been down for a few months at least. I owe this debt. And I don't like owing debts. So please don't refuse." I continued. 

"Good, this martial Uncle will not refuse. Every time this happens I always get closer to the 8th rank. No sense in refusing it." Shen Ao laughed. "Ah, so comfortable." He said in a satisfied tone. 

"Thank you, young master. Though this one is undeserving of such rewards I will use it so I may continue to be of use." Miao Fei Ping said. 

"Why so serious? There is not going to be another big battle for a while." I said, calming Miao Fei Ping's overly protective nature. "Besides, according to seniority, you and I should be Martial Brothers. Your Martial Brothers and Sister are my father's disciples. Thus putting us all on the same tier. Situations change and life goes on. We aren't in the temple anymore. If you continue to call me Young Master I really won't know what to do." I explained. 

"Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. Wait… Won't that make it difficult later? Once you break through I have this feeling you're going to be higher than I am." Miao Fei Ping said. 

"Don't worry about such trivial matters. Once this prince breaks through it's not going to change who my parents are, is it?" I asked. "So why should it be any different for generational peers?" I smiled, holding a thumbs up. 

"Achem… Now then, I'll take the Ink Disciples out. You should focus on them for now." Ding Yao said, clearing his throat to change the subject. 

"Martial grandpa can bring them out without worry. So long as they aren't an 8th rank Ink Disciple, they won't escape my purification." I said, turning to cup my hands in his direction. 

"Good, there are quite a few and there will only be more in the future. I have 500 now, and there are at least several more dozen Ink Nests to go through before we are done. Unfortunately, it seems like it will take us about 3 months before we will return to the pass." Ding Yao said, opening his small universe and pulling Ink Disciples out. 

"Leiji, when we return to the pass… I'll need your help with something. I'll discuss it with you as we travel." Yang Kai said. 

"Good! Then let's get this party rolling! After this I can finally go to greet my mothers." I said, excitedly. 

I assumed the lotus position and hovered just above the center of the ship. Closed my eyes, and focused. "Father, we can whisper the details. I'm going to take advantage of this time to grow accustomed to my new strength while we talk." I whispered to Yang Kai. 

"Good, first, I don't want to just send you back to the 3000 worlds. For your first meeting, it doesn't feel right if the whole family is not present. So I'm going back with you. I need you to help me figure out a sure fire way to pull this off. Any Ideas?" Yang Kai whispered back to me as he kept a lookout and helped teleport the ship through the void. 

"Do I have any ideas? I have a few. All of them require the aid of others though. And I know you well enough that the first idea is not going to work. I wouldn't want to use it unless absolutely necessary. The second one is a bit rough around the edges… And the third one… Well… I don't know how much I'd like to do that one… I'd like to avoid as much contact with those clans as possible." I whispered. "I'll go into detail now…" delving down into a deep explanation. 

"Hmmm, that… I feel like it could work. Unless there are any hiccups. We should plan on the second option. And if that doesn't work out very well… then we can only try a combination of things." Yang Kai whispered to me, after I finished explaining. 

~~3 Months Later Blue Sky Pass~~

"Senior! A ship on the horizon!" A wall guard called out to the guard leader. 

"Hmm, is that? But they only set off not that long ago? It's not even been 6 months?" The Guard Leader said. "You, send a message to the Army Commander at once. Inform him that Daybreak is in sight." He ordered, pointing to a guard.

~~A Short While Later~~

Zhong Liang appeared at the wall and looked out to see the situation. His Adjutant stood slightly behind and to the side. While Zhong Liang stared out, he stroked his beard and then the Adjutant put her hand on her belly. Catching Zhong Liang's attention. "Are you worried about something?" He asked, raising his brow. 

"No, it's just, I wonder how many of them came back this time… That Leiji is still so young and only a 2nd Order Emperor… Such a battlefield isn't easy even for us. But him… he is just a young boy in this place." The Adjutant said, softly. "He reminds me that I won't be having any in my lifetime…" She sighed. 

"Army Commander Look!" The Guard Leader said, pointing out in the distance. 

Zhong Liang looked up and his eyes widened with shock. "He may be a boy but he certainly knows how to make an entrance." He laughed.