Meeting Smiles Again

Out in the distance the guards could see a brilliant display of lightning, arcing and branching. Twisting and turning, coiling and crashing. The bolts left behind remnant trails of their presence eventually forming a shape. The shape was that of a group of dancers. And the images where their hands met, Thunder quaked the void. 

"That's good news! That's the dance of victory!" The Adjutant said, with a bit of shock in her voice. "But how did this image form? Wouldn't he need to know how to do the dance too?" She asked. 

"Out of all the dances ever performed there are a few that even us old men know. And the one of victory is the one we know best. I doubt he wouldn't know it. And even if he hadn't before, what is the use in guessing now. It's clear he knows enough to have produced such a scene." Zhong Liang said, stroking his beard and laughing. "Though I'm more surprised at the steep climb this boy has made. That power he is using… Each strike of lightning carries a mighty power, no less than a 5th rank making a slight effort." He added. 

"I noticed this too. My Yin-Yang Heaven is truly lucky to have such a disciple among its ranks." Division Chief Lu An said, appearing to witness the sight. 

"He is a member of my Blue Sky Pass. It's only natural he be considered a Blue Sky Paradise Disciple." Zhong Liang said, glancing at Lu An sideways. 

"But Yang Kai is the son-in-law of my Yin-Yang Heaven. And this Leiji character is his son. So it's only natural that he be considered a Yin-Yang Heaven Disciple. Don't beat yourself up about it. I'm sure a mighty young one will appear in your Blue Sky Paradise." Lu An chuckled. 

The ship arrived at the edge of the pass. Yang Kai stepped out and greeted Zhong Liang as the Images of the dancers faded. Ding Yao followed after and then the other 7th ranks. I was the last to step out stretching and then cupping my hands to greet Zhong Liang and others. 

"Yang Kai! Enter the pass and come to speak with me and the other commanders. Your team may rest and take it easy for a while." Zhong Liang ordered. 

Feng Ying took the ship into her small universe and everyone flew into the Mountain Pass. It was a time of celebration and relaxation. A time of comprehending all of the gains from the battles that had been fought. And Ding Yao was about to give the other commanders a big surprise. I went with Yang Kai and Ding Yao because this was where we were going to discuss the matter of returning to the 3000 Worlds. However, we weren't expecting to see who we saw. 

~~In The Meeting Room~~

"Yang Kai, did you have fun outside this time?" A woman's voice said, as soon as Yang Kai entered the room. 

"Hey! I know that aura!" I said, running in. "Smiles!" I exclaimed and ran over to her. "I haven't seen you in… uhm… decades." I smiled. 

"It has been a while, and it seems like you've done a lot of growing up since then. Already at the pinnacle of the 3rd Order Emperor Realm. And even a half step away from the next step. But, aren't you surprised to see me? The last time I saw you I was still healing." She said, giving me a hug. 

"Why does… this feels familiar… hmm." I thought. "Well, I already knew about Smiles' situation. My father liked to talk about you a lot! And now I see why." I said with a happy smile. 

"Oh no, Boy I know that smile on your face. Don't think I haven't noticed over these last several months." Ding Yao said, in an attempt to warn me. 

"Oh? And why don't you tell this queen what that smile means?" Smiles said, looking at Ding Yao. Her smile was clear, purposeful and showed her annoyed intrigue. 

"Uh… this, it's really not this one's place to say such things." Ding Yao said. "But there are only two people he has ever smiled like that towards. Feng Ying and Bai Yi. Both have… a relationship with Yang Kai." He muttered softly under his breath. 

"Oh, interesting. Leiji, why don't you tell me about this a little later. I'm quite curious what made you give me that smile. But there are other important matters to talk about." Smiles said, patting my head, just like a mother would. "I'm going to make that brat Yang Kai realize these feelings one way or another. Who would have thought my chance would present itself like this and so easily." She thought. 

"Oh yeah, that's right! We killed 4 Territory Lords on our last mission! We just got back from it. There were a lot of Ink Clan! Which meant a lot of meat to eat." I said, as others had just sipped their tea. 

"What did you just say!? Brother Ding, is this the truth? Did the Dawn squad kill 4 Territory Lords?" Zhong Liang asked, spitting out his tea in surprise. 

"Brother Zhong, how dare you waste tea like this. Have you forgotten manners?" Liang Yu Long asked, wiping his face dry. 

"Ahahaha, a good scene. But yes, 4 Territory Lords were killed. Just under 200 Feudal Lords and countless Low and High rank Ink Clan fell into the eternal slumber. I killed 2 of the territory Lords myself. And Yang Kai… well he killed one… But the other… Well, calling the fate he suffered… That was definitely a death but it must have been the most miserable death imaginable. Again, killed by Yang Kai." Ding Yao Laughed, and then slowly started getting more serious with every pause. 

"Yang Kai, give us the report and then we will discuss merits and then the other important matters can come next." Smiles said, sitting down and forcing me to sit on her lap like I was a teddy bear. She was clearly showing her intent and not a soul could deny it. 

"Very well, this Disciple has returned from a mission and is here to report. Mission completion was successful. And this is how it happened…" Yang Kai said, starting his lengthy report, while someone else recorded the event.