Setting The Games Terms

Just before crashing into the ground, Gold flashed Silver and I assumed my dragon form. Letting out a Dragon Roar in the process. Then circled around in a coil and flew back towards the sky. And returned to human form. 

"Ahahaha! Transforming the second time is much easier than the first." I laughed. "Way more comfortable too. Mhm… I can get used to this." I thought, and pushed out my Divine Sense to find Yang Kai. "Ah there you are." I thought. And with a flash I disappeared from the sky and appeared at the open entrance to the meeting room that everyone else was in. 

~~Meeting Hall~~

"Son! How is it? Are you alright?" Yang Kai asked, quickly. 

"Father worries too much. It was my own ignorance that caused the situation. Had I known just being that close to the tree would open up my Phoenix transformation I wouldn't have bothered trying to hide it. Beyond that I feel fantastic right now. Like a breath of fresh air after breathing smog. Or the feeling one gets entering an herbal bath after long days of harsh training. Perhaps I shouldn't have hidden it at all?" I said, stretching and rolling my shoulders. 

"There is no sense in worrying about it now. Though, I heard something from the Phoenix Empress earlier." Yang Kai said, patting my head in relief.

"If Father is talking about the Husband Catching Games, I already know about it. Mother's nest had… A plethora of information. I can't share it all with you. But there is one thing you absolutely must know. "Yin-Yang Joyous Re-Unification Art" is the full name of the Dual Cultivation Method Mother and Father practice. I found the undamaged and unforgotten parts of it. I'll pass it on to you and then you can give it to mother when given the chance." I said, passing a ball of light over to Yang Kai. 

Yang Kai caught the ball and crushed it in his palm, absorbing the information contained within. "If this is truly the full method… Then it seems that your existence is quite the stroke of luck. To think so much of an already mighty method was lost to time. Your mother and I won't have to worry about reaching the 9th rank anymore." He said, with a look of shock on his face. 

"That's right. Ancient Divine Spirits are strong. How could a silly human method restrict them? It may be a strong method, but it is far from being strong enough. Though it does come with some prerequisites… One's Source must already be at the Divine Level to avoid the restriction. Which I don't see being a problem for Mother nor Father." I smiled.

"This young man is quite lively. It seems that the 3rd Generation's will has been realized now. Yang Wang An Leiji… You bear the Source of two different Divine Spirits. This means you can be considered a clansman of both while also being neither." The Phoenix Empress said, glancing at me with a look that indicated her superior social rank. 

"Leiji greets Sir Dragon Emperor and Lady Phoenix Empress. I understand Lady Empress's words just now. Lady Empress need not worry. I won't run from the games. Rather I think there should be a slight change. Since I am a clansman of both while also being one of neither. If the Ladies of Phoenix Clan will attempt to catch me, perhaps they should make a team with a Dragon as well." I said, cupping my hands. "While it may sound arrogant, there is no one below the 7th rank who can capture me alone. And now that I have the ability to use all my power. It might be difficult even for a 7th rank. I am, after all, able to fight on the Ink battlefield already." I added, just to give that little extra push. 

"Ahahaha! Quite a Bold young man. I don't think that there is a problem with this proposal. It would be a bit difficult to accept you not being a member of either. But, during the game you'll have to be suppressed to no more peak young Dragon level." The Dragon Emperor said, giving me another out. 

"I accept these terms. But does Lady Empress accept them? If she is worried about me taking multiple wives, this matter is a mute point. As I already have two wives. And both will never leave my heart and soul." I said.

"There has never been a male Phoenix that has been so daring. Your mother is definitely going to have to teach you a lesson. But fine, though I'm going to make sure you are even further suppressed." The Phoenix Empress said, with a demanding smile.

"I can accept these terms as I owe Lady Empress a favor already. Young Lady Chi Qiu and her mother helped me avoid the blockade outside my mothers nest. Otherwise I'd still be trying to fly away. While I am confident of escaping from Feudal Lords… Escaping Ancient Phoenixes… That is far beyond my ability." I said. 

"Hmph Good! You know what's good for you then. Now, I need you to transform. I have to determine just who will even be eligible to participate. Once I know that we can discuss how many teams there will be. Also, if two teams manage to touch you at once they will both count. And I don't need to explain why, do I?" Phoenix Empress said. 

"I… Understand Lady Empress's meaning." I said, following her outside. 

After a good look at my form and the vibrancy of my feathers. The Phoenix Empress came to a decision for herself. "Brother Dragon, How many ladies in your Dragon Clan have at a minimum high level vibrancy that are also Young Dragons?" She asked. 

"About 80, though ones who are strong enough… about 25." The Dragon Emperor said. 

"Good then we will have 25 teams. Tell your Clan and I'll tell mine." The Phoenix Empress said, flying away. 

"Elders go and inform the Young ones they have a chance to work together with the Phoenix Clan. And that a suitable Husband won't be far from their grasp. And if they seem too prideful. You should also tell them that if they marry out. Then they won't be confined to the No-Return Pass in the future. That will definitely get them fired up." The Dragon Emperor said.