Demonstrating Refinement

I walked back into the hall with a puzzled look on my face. And then I began pacing back and forth deep in thought. Not worried about anything really just, thinking about a couple of the things I felt over the last several moments. "It was only about a few hours since I transformed for the first time. But even that is enough to push my strength so much higher." I thought. 

"What's on your mind now little one? Getting scared?" The Dragon Emperor asked, chuckling. 

"Oh, I'm not scared. It will still take the teams a while to catch me. So I'm not worried about that. Rather It's useless to worry about something as inevitable as that. In fact I'm excited. A challenge where I really have to master myself… Well, it's thrilling." I replied calmly. "Rather… Sir Dragon Emperor, if during the game there comes a moment I… suddenly stop. I'd ask you to lift the restrictions as soon as possible. I'm getting an odd feeling. One that's hard to describe in words. It feels like an advancement of some kind… And yet also a form of regression." I added, for context. 

"Don't worry, If something really happens Phoenix Empress and I will do what we can. Just do your best. For now though, would you mind showing us this refinement method? I'm quite eager to see this good thing." The Dragon Emperor smiled happily. "Long ago we made a promise never to interfere in the war directly so long as we guard this place. It was an Idea that the Human Race came up with. But now that it's been so long… My clan has grown restless. And as you can imagine, there are still many scales left over. So with this method it will allow us to help in a better, more meaningful way. Yet also maintaining our indirect involvement. For giving my Race such a chance, I would even be willing to have you take 5 of our young ladies home to your family." He continued, in a tone that showed he felt conflicted. And the other elders made a similar face. 

"Ahahaha, no need to worry. The funny thing is, I made these tokens originally for the war. But in the end, I think I like the use of them much better. The process is the same in either craft. The only important detail is the image one has when crafting these. Since, I'll need some of the more jewelry-like versions. I'll demonstrate how to make that one first. I have just enough scales now to make at least 2 sets. But I should be close to another shedding. So it won't take long for me to finish them either way." I said, with a brief explanation. 

~~Above the No-Return Pass~~ 

I flew up into the sky and took my Dragon form once again. With a dignified roar accompanying my transformation, Many Dragons and Phoenix arrived to see what was going on. Since there was something a little unusual going on. It was bound to be interesting. And to these excitement deprived individuals here, anything new was like an award winning movie in my original world. So I didn't care too much about the other prying eyes while I refined a pair of earrings and a necklace. 

"And Unfortunately I don't have any more scales to use at the moment. I kind of had to use them for other things. I hope what you saw was enough for some of you to learn." I said, coiling up and stretching my claws like they were arms and legs. "One more thing to note. My father is capable of using my Scales to refine these tokens as well. However, the reverse is not possible. So it is either linked via family lineage, or by strength of one's source. I can not say anymore than that. Because… Well, my father and I fall under both circumstances. So it is at the very least limited to that. Any questions?" I added, and then transformed into my Phoenix form and stretched again. "Sorry, I haven't been able to use this part of me for long so it's still new. And I need to get accustomed to it." I smirked nervously, as I saw the many young phoenix ladies basically drooling at the sight of me. 

"Is it possible to have a similar effect with say our feathers for instance?" An Ancient Phoenix asked, quite quickly. 

"Like I said earlier, Senior, I have been able to use my Dragon Strength FAR longer than my Phoenix Strength. While both are relatively on par with each other. I have done no experiments on my feathers myself as of yet. Though, I highly doubt a feather could be turned into a token. Perhaps some sort of fan? But that would be the most solid it could become. I have always used regular scales for these tokens. Which is what also limits their power down to a level that the average human Open Heaven Realm master can wield." I explained, politely. "However, I will be experimenting with this idea in the future. If done the right way… I think I could even make a sort of thread. And thread means fabric. Ahahaha! A dress type artifact with the space attribute. Now that sounds like fun to make." I smiled, having come up with an idea. 

"Chi Qiu, you need to do everything you can to win him as your husband. There is no way there will be a better mate to come along. Unlike others he is able to be a pure Dragon, and a pure Phoenix at the same time. Yet while in human form he has none of the common characteristics we have." Chi Qiu's mother whispered to Chi Qiu. 

"That means he really is the best. And it doesn't matter unlike those impure ones I heard stories about. I'll go and talk with my Sisters from the Dragon Clan right now. I'm sure I can find an excellent sister." Chi Qiu whispered back. "I already have one in mind." She added. And then flew off to go find her.

"Those two are twins… If anything… Oh! That is actually a great plan. If the four of them work together their odds will be much better. The Husband Catching Games isn't just a competition to test the man. And these Young Ladies will figure it out the hard way, and fast. 25 teams? Easily going to be 20 within a cup of tea." Chi Qiu's mother thought to herself.