Twin Ice Dragons

Among the crowd of phoenix there was another young lady who noticed Chi Qiu's departure. "Why is Chi Qiu… Oh, she must be going to find her team. We are supposed to make a team with the Dragon Clan… It's quite annoying that I won't get to keep my man for myself but… Even I can tell there is no way I'll be able to win alone. It might even be impossible with just the help of… One partner… Chi Qiu is going to get the sisters." A young woman thought, and then flew after Chi Qiu. 

"Ah! Why are you following me? I thought of them first!" Chi Qiu said, seeing one of her peers catch up. 

"Don't be like that. I know what you're thinking. But have you thought about what it would mean? The two sisters will refuse to team up unless they can win together. And the teams this time must strictly adhere to 1 phoenix and 1 dragon. So no matter what you need me this time." The Young lady said. 

"Fine! At least you're the most tolerable of the others. But did you know that he already has two women? This is really annoying. Such a great mate and he was taken from us before we got the chance to see him. If you're bothered by this news then I recommend to sister Feng Qiang to back out now." Chi Qiu said, with a taunt. 

"Oh don't be like that. Even if he has more it won't matter. His feathers are too Vibrant to pass up on this chance. It's been a long time since the Games happened. And all of the current males are being kept at home. Some are just scared about being caught. However this future mate is different. He is out right challenging us to come for him with our best effort. Naturally we should give him a big surprise." Feng Qiang smiled. "Though it sounds like you're still a little irritated by this if you want, after we win you can just stay on the side while I have fun with him. I'll make sure to put on a good show for Sister." She giggled. 

"No! After we win I'll have fun with him. He will feel so good that he'll forget about all others. Hmph!" Chi Qiu said. "Besides, we really do need to try hard. Otherwise it will be difficult for us to continue our Clan in the future. And the Dragon Clan is the same just, in a different way." She added, with a remorseful sound. 

"Indeed, the male dragons think themselves invincible yet haven't fought once. And when they try to appeal… They can't even make the incredibly low bar that had been set before. I actually feel bad for the Bing twins." Feng Qiang said. "This is the chance of a lifetime and we must invite them to take part. We are the top 2 in our clan of our generation. And they are similar." She added. 

~~A House On The Dragon's Side~~

There were four young dragons inside and a great dragon. "And that is the situation. What are your thoughts?" The Great Dragon said. 

"I hate it! I won't approve of this! I came here with my brother today to court Bing Xue and Bing Hua!" One of the male young dragons yelled, clearly annoyed. 

"That's right! Who does this guy think he is?! How can he compare with the two of us? We are the best males in our generation. I won't let him take away our mates!" The other brother yelled standing up. 

The Twin sisters merely sat there and sipped a bit of tea. Then glared a cold ice stare at the two boys. The two of them were in perfect sync with each other. Which only added to the terrifying situation they felt overcome them. The two brothers paused with a temporary fear before finally calming down. 

"What do you two think of the situation? I have seen him myself and I don't think you will suffer a loss. Aside from his high compatibility and Vibrancy… If you marry him, you won't be confined to this place any longer. Since you will have married into his family. He will have to take you away." The Great Dragon said. 

"So he is a good match for a mate. And he is strong. And he can take us away. But what good does that do if either of us are separated from each other?" Bing Xue asked, putting on airs.

"If that's the problem you're worried about. Sister Bing Xue shouldn't worry. I have seen Leiji myself and he is not someone that just a single team could catch." Feng Qiang said, arriving at the doorway. 

"Sister Feng Qiang and Sister Chi Qiu? Welcome, what brings you here this time?" Bing Hua asked, motioning an invitation to sit down. 

The two male dragons saw the Phoenix young ladies and became quite flustered at this sight. It was rather rare for there to be a mingling like this. Even if it was them who forced the situation. Feng Qiang and Chi Qiu sat down and accepted a cup of tea before answering. 

"To put it bluntly, my grandmother, Lady Empress, has made a ruling that heavily favors us ladies. However, as a result of the nature of the male we are chasing, we must form teams with a young lady of the dragon clan. And we would like to form two teams with each of you. Out of all of the potential partners, the two of you are the best options and we get along better than most." Feng Qiang said. 

"The two of you already know we won't participate if my sister and I are separated from each other. Are the two of you forming a four member group? I thought this wasn't possible? And what do you mean when you say more than one team is needed to capture him?" Bing Xue asked. 

"Simple, we will form two teams and then work together. It was decreed that multiple teams can win Leiji as their mate. And with the four of us you won't have to worry about being separated from each other. Moreover, you'll be our sisters through a good relationship. So what do you think?" Chi Qiu explained.