Tribulation Over

~~No-Return Pass~~

"Hmm, the mix of chaotic time and space seems to be disappearing." An Ancient Dragon commented, needlessly. But they couldn't help but say it for some reason. "I felt like I was compelled to speak? Huh, that's odd." They thought after utter silence greeted their words. 

"What do you think, Yang Kai? How is it? Did Leiji succeed?" Bai Yi asked worriedly. 

"Don't worry, he isn't so weak that he would fall from something like this. Remember all the battles? He did the same thing here. If anything he is about to reveal himself. Oh! Smiles, can you be prepared to open your small universe? Leiji is going to need a private place to change. It's likely his clothing has been destroyed this time." Yang Kai explained, and elaborated. "I experienced a similar problem a while ago. Though for different reasons, it's fair to assume that Leiji's human form will be naked." He thought.

"Why is it taking him so long?" Smiles asked. "Even if it was a crazy thing it shouldn't have caused him to become so slow." She added. 

"He has always been meticulous when it comes to these kinds of things. He is going slow on purpose. There is no room to make any mistakes here. Though I can confirm he is indeed a Great Emperor now. But he has to overcome something else it seems." Yang Kai said. "Anyways, with what happened, I don't think it's possible to hide him from my wives any more. I just hope it doesn't cause any problems." He added with a sigh. 

"Oh? So then, what was that purple light that came out of your small universe?" Feng Ying asked, jokingly. "Did you give your son some extra helping hand?" She giggled.

"No, I didn't. That was a gift from the Star Boundary. My Son is a True Great Emperor of Star Boundary. My home world. His title even appeared in the sky there. He is now officially one of us. It really is just like him though. He just made it infinitely harder for Ru Meng to cause continuing problems for him." Yang Kai explained. 

The chaotic time and space calmed. Slowly stabilizing in the area. The effective area gradually became smaller and smaller. Similarly my energy's density and purity both grew substantially in tandem with this development. 

"Huh? My garments really are kind of destroyed. A shame, that. This was my favorite outfit too. Damn it. I'll have to get a new one, and quickly… Here's hoping father remembers the times he has lost his." I thought, opening my eyes and seeing the hazy figures outside the distortion. "I really can't fly out just like this. The Phoenix Clan would not allow me to leave so easily afterwards. It's the same as if a human woman exposes herself completely in front of many men. She would either be forced to marry, or never be allowed to marry. I'll just take Dragon form now. That will make it easier." I thought, assuming my Dragon form. "Good, it still has all of its scales. What a relief." I sighed. 

I roared out, the distortion disappeared and revealed a much larger dragon. "Wow! He really grew a lot this time. And… his scales are… are… so… BEAUTIFUL!" A young Dragon of my generation said with heart shaped pupils. 

"Father, I require a moment of…" I started saying.

"Don't worry Leiji, Come in and I'll let you back out when you're ready." Smiles said, opening a door to her small universe. 

"Thank you, Mother Smiles." I said, flying into the door. The door disappeared behind me.

"Sister Smiles? You aren't planning to take him away now are you? Don't forget the games have yet to finish. If you try to take him now, I'll make the several teams still in the game all bear his babies." The Phoenix Empress said. 

"I do not intend on taking him now. He needs a little privacy to get a change of clothes. That distortion left my son naked in human form." Smiles explained, with a calm but fierce smile. 

"Ahahaha! So it was for your benefit then, Sister Phoenix. If they hadn't done this all of your clan's young ladies would have only one male they could take. Sharing him. Or none of them would be allowed to be with him." The Dragon Emperor laughed. 

"Shut up! Your clan would have been just the same!" The Phoenix Empress said. 

"Indeed, but there are many more eggs yet to hatch. So my clan would be fine either way. The same can not be said for your clan. Who would those Male Phoenix live with?" The Dragon Emperor said. 

"Tell that boy to hurry up, This game should finish up soon! I want to know who it is I'm going to allow to leave the pass." The Phoenix Empress said. 

"Oh, he's done. Seems like he had a change of clothes already. Here he is." Smiles said. Opening the door again. 

I fly out in human form. A brand new outfit. One that fit my new title well. The fabric alone gave off a powerful feeling. "Ahahaha! That was certainly one interesting experience." I laughed. "Father Void, Son Temporal Thunder is here." I said, cupping my hands and smiled. 

"You succeeded, good! Ru Meng won't be able to cause you many problems anymore. But, unless it's with everyone else you can just call me father. And I'll still call you Leiji." Yang Kai said, giving a fathers nod of approval. 

"Then, this Leiji wishes to wrap this game up quickly. I've wanted to see my mother for far too long now." I said. 

"Go on then. I'm excited for how your mother will react when she sees you for the first time. I know she will be proud of you." Yang Kai said. 

~~Ancestral Land~~

"Sisters… Can we talk? I had vision while I was cultivating. I'm not sure what it was about." Su Yan asked Shang Qing Luo and Zhu Qing. 

"Is something bothering you Su Yan? If you don't mind, I might be of some help." Qing Luan asked, looking up curiously at Su Yan. "Her original graceful and calm ice empress demeanor is different today. I hope it isn't anything to worry about." She thought. 

"Sister Su Yan, if something is wrong you don't have to ask us to talk about it. We are sisters." Shang Qing Luo said.