Temporal Thunder Great Emperor

"You aren't a Great Emperor anywhere. You wouldn't understand it even if I explained it to you." Iron Blood Great Emperor coldly stated. 

"Don't press the issue. I am also a Great Emperor and I would have done the same thing even if it meant fighting all of you. There is no need to question it. But to put it in simplest form, the others who fled were basically doing the equivalent of killing their family in front of their eyes." The Elder from Wind and Cloud Paradise explained. 

"Then I guess we can let it go. I would toss over an entire Great Territory if someone killed my disciple let alone my very own flesh and blood." Yu Xiang Die said, showing that her position had changed. "I hope Void doesn't hold this against us." She thought, and sighed. 

~~Several Days Later~~ 

The Dragon and Phoenix met above the tree and spiraled around each other. The energy slowly transformed into human form. The color turned Purple. The color of power and prestige. All across the star boundary the sky quaked. The ground trembled. And words slowly appeared in the clouds. Hazy and unclear. But it was clear, this was a Great Emperor's ascension. 

People all around the Star Boundary kneeled and bowed showing reverence to the heavens. And waited in anticipation for the new honored name of the Great Emperor to reveal itself fully. The Giant Human-like purple figure looked at Iron Blood, cupped its hands and bowed slightly. Then coalesced back into pure energy, and dove into the World Tree.

~~No-Return Pass~~

A Purple mass of energy flew out of Yang Kai's Small Universe and directly over to me. Completely ignoring the chaotic space-time like disturbance. I absorbed this energy into my body and I felt a mighty connection to a far away place. It began to grow steadily. My energy soared, the chaotic lightning around No-Return Pass and on Star Boundary both reflected it accurately. The intensity of the Lightning only grew. 

Up to a million Miles out from the No-Return Pass, The Ink force couldn't help but be drawn towards me. It didn't want to, but the pull was far too strong. There were even several low and mid rank Ink Clan that had been in hiding to investigate the situation. But even they were being forcibly drawn in by the chaotic lightning and thunder within the space-time distortion. 

With Ink Force as a supplement, I surged once again. "So this is what it feels like to have a Dao Seal. No wonder it's the minimum qualification to break through the Open Heaven Barrier. It even acts in a similar way to the Ancient Divine Spirit Source. This is quite something. I feel way stronger than before. I don't think Feudal Lords have much of an edge against me anymore. And I could probably take them on solo now." I thought, as the chaotic event slowly dissipated. 

"Well, I'm more impressed by your new name. I don't need the other slot since I have a connection with you. It's impossible for me to be left behind anyways. Perhaps that's the reason the Star Boundary only gave out one slot." Fang Qing giggled. "That name fits you well." She continued giggling. 

~~Star Boundary~~

The sky no longer hid the words. And fully revealed the name of the newly minted Great Emperor. The sky read out… VOID SON… TEMPORAL THUNDER.

"Now that is an incredibly fitting name. With a disturbance like that I wouldn't expect anything less. Though, what does it mean by Void Son?" Hua Qing Si asked. 

"Did Yang Kai have a child with someone?" Dong Su Zhu posed. 

"If Husband had a baby with some other woman I won't forgive him! How dare he do such a thing when he complains about us trying every time!" Xue Yue yelled out. 

"I'm sure there is an explanation for this. We just have to ask him about it when we see him next. Let's not make any rash decisions just yet." Xia Ning Chang said, trying to keep herself from crying.

"Oh! I'm going to beat him good when he gets back. How dare this bastard make Sister Ning Chang cry like this!" Yu Ru Meng said, angry as hell. 

"No, don't beat my brother. We don't know the situation just yet. It's not good to make assumptions. Remember, Su Yan is over in the Ancestral domain. But the two of them have cultivated a different art. There could be feedback of sorts." Yang Xue said, coming into the room. 

"Oh! And what about the child? What should we do with it?" Yu Ru Meng said, grinding her teeth. 

"The child is a Great Emperor of Star Boundary. Even if they end up being illegitimate we should still at least consider being motherly towards them." Xia Ning Chang suggested. 

"Hmph! A child that doesn't come and greet his mothers. But becomes a Great Emperor! Why should we accept such a thing?" Yu Ru Meng turned her nose up. 

"Because, whether the child is legitimate or not, they will be able to provide a different source of pressure on Husband. Perhaps this time we can force him to give us all children." Ji Yao explained. 

"On top of that, how could they come and greet us so easily? Wouldn't he have been born there? Such a place must not be easy to come back from." Xue Yue said. 

"It isn't a good place. If he really grew up there… It would be difficult to come here. But he would be a truly powerful cultivator." Qu Hua Chang said. 

"Sisters… What if the images were the clue we needed? If we use that as a basis… wouldn't the child be… Well, Sister Su Yan's?" Tao Ling Wan asked, proposing a solution in line with what Yang Xue had said before. 

"I think you should wait. I want to see this grand baby of mine. Managing to become a Great Emperor like his father. He must be a good seed. You ladies just need to worry if he has made your grandmothers yet or not. A boy like that would surely attract many young ladies." Dong Su Zhu said. 

"How do you know it's a boy?" Yang Ying Feng asked. 

"Womanly intuition. And, do you think that boy would dare to put his own daughter through the same stuff he went through? And how would she become a Great emperor without that? And from a place not in Star Boundary?" Dong Su Zhu glared at her husband.