Comfort (3)

"Ahahaha! Come in, the water is amazing." Yu Ru Meng laughed as she and Yao Ji both jumped in. 

"Sisters, don't be too reckless. And follow the rules will you!" Su Hua Chang yelled. 

"The water is really good. Sister Smiles…" Su Yan smiled, and nuzzled me closely. "It's perfect for gaining the skinship I missed out on. Thank you." She added. 

"It's a small matter. I'm more impressed that Leiji hasn't passed out yet. He is a young man in a boy's body. But seeing he has control over himself I guess it's fine." Smiles said, stepping into the water while putting her hair up. 

"Leiji has always been a good boy. I wouldn't let him bathe with me for nearly as long as I did if he wasn't. It seems he knows where the platonic ends and romance begins." Feng Fei Qiang said, kneeling on the grass outside of the Spring. 

"Your master has high praise for you but doesn't want to come into the water with us. I wonder what's wrong about it?" Shang Qing Luo said, flashing her eyes. 

"No, nothing is wrong, it's just, I didn't think you would want me to be in the way of your relationship." Feng Fei Qing said nervously. 

"Calm down, you've done my family a great service by taking him in. You have my thanks. And the Hot Spring will be very beneficial to you. Aside from that I am even willing to guide you through any questions about your cultivation." Xia Ning Chang said. "Of course I may not be the most suitable teacher for you. But I'm certain it won't be hard to find the most… suitable." She added, looking over to see Su Yan and myself. 

Everyone else's eyes shifted and stared. I was locked in Su Yan's inescapable embrace. And only had our heads poking out of the water. It was a cute scene that got a rise of emotions from the others. Jealous was chief among them. But it wasn't an envious feeling, more of a calm before the storm to decide who was going to be next.

"Mommy, I think my Phoenix Source is finally stabilizing." I muttered in my blissful feeling. 

"That's because you need to be by your mother for your source to become stable. It is similar but reversed for the Dragon clan. Hence why the power structure is also reversed. But now that you and I are finally together your source will stabilize. Eventually reaching the same degree as your Dragon source." Su Yan explained. "Also this effect will only be magnified even more after you drink my milk. But I want to stay like this for a little longer. I missed you terribly. Fei Qiang, tell another story and then I'll feed him." She added softly enjoying the motherly sensation she gave off. "This feeling I really hope sisters can understand for themselves. If you don't get it with Leiji, then you'll just have to have your own baby." She added again softly, but slightly smug about it. 

"Oh, about stories… Hmmm, I think I can tell the next one. After all, I was there." Smiles said. 

"You were! Wait? Why don't I remember Lady Smiles there? The next story is when he fought to defend his little friend's image. Even going as far as to fight against 3 True Elements before he even…" Feng Fei Qiang started explaining. 

"The reason Master doesn't remember Mother Smiles being there is because she was in a different form. She was that friend." I uttered softly. 

"So you knew already? That makes it easy." Smiles said, transforming herself into her child form. "Now do you remember me?" She added quickly and then transformed back. "In fact I can transform back to a child state. It was this ability that the Phoenix Empress emulated to make Leiji return to his child form. Though his situation is a bit different. Isn't that right Su Yan?" Smiles added, with a gentle hand motion. 

"Sister Smiles is right. The skill was used to make the Phoenix Source the most dominant side of himself. Thus forcibly suppressing his state to that of a child. And it won't be until after his source fully stabilizes that he will be able to return to his original state." Su Yan said. "Which means, we get to play with our little boy for a long time." She added, feeling incredibly happy. 

"Wait, doesn't that mean we should let him focus on that instead of taking the time away from his recovery?" Xue Yue asked, a little worried about it. 

"No need to worry about that. The Human Race's Army won't be forcing his advancement. Rather we want him to do whatever is needed to fully stabilize himself. That said, I doubt it will take him more than 50 years to break through. And when he does… he is likely going to be stronger than I am now." Smiles said. "But let's start that story. It goes a little like this…" She said, diving into the time I fought the 3 bullies. 

~~Several Minutes Later~~

Su Yan stood up and sat down on a higher stone level under the surface of the water. She sat such that her breasts were exposed to the air, clearly showing her nipples. And then positioned me to sit sideways on her lap. "Go ahead Leiji, I know you need it." Su Yan said, adjusting her nipple enough for it to reach my mouth. "I'm going to baby you as much as I can. Including this." She smiled. 

Seeing my mother do this for me even after everything I've been through… I couldn't help myself. I had originally wanted to resolve my problems myself. But it was just another method to the solution. So I started drinking Su Yan's breast milk. 

"Ahh! Sister, I'm so jealous. I want to do that too! Let me have him next. I want to feed Leiji." Shang Qing Luo said, staining up, and leaned forward with her hands on her hips. And she displayed a half pout on her face. 

"You're not the only one Qing Luo. I too wish to feed Leiji through this method. I'm not sure why but I feel it may help his source stabilize. Though I'm curious why he has two sources." Zhu Qing said, pulling Shang Qing Luo back down into the water.