Comfort (4)

The wave of water spread out, nearly covering my face. But in the end it froze with a whip of ice principles. Then Su Yan glared daggers at the two of them. "Maybe I shouldn't let you hold him." Su Yan said with that serious smile, the one that attempts to hide anger but only ends up being scary. 

"No, we won't make any waves." Shang Qing Luo said, extending her arms out and shaking her hands. 

"That's right I still want to hold him too. He's still cute like this." Zhu Qing said, nervously pointing her fingers together and pouting slightly. 

"He may be cute now but he grows up into a total womanizer. He already has 6 wives and you heard what he said before." Yu Ru Meng said. Sitting down on the edge of the Spring next to Su Yan. She looked down at me. "It's funny, the phrase suck on his momma's breast is perfect here. But, for some reason… I can't bring myself to tease him for it. I wonder why that is? Anyways, what was that all about earlier? The 59 other women with potential." She added. 

It was at this time I had finished drinking the milk from Su Yan's left breast. "Well, that's because there are 59 other women who could have a decent shot at being brought in. Whether they are wives, concubines or otherwise… I haven't come up with a name for a different tier. But all of them have the ability to be taken by daddy in a way that would make them be a mother figure. The funny thing is, at least combined between all of my mommies you know all of their names. Judging by that alone, I think daddy showed some restraint. Definitely not free and unfettered." I said, stretching and looked at Yu Ru Meng. "But I know daddy's heart only the second best. Mommy knows daddy's heart the best." I said. 

"It's true, there are many names that come to mind. Husband was quite wild when he was younger. And remember the ladies we met on Shadowed Star?" Xue Yue said. 

"Or Tong Xuan Realm, There were several who had a path to Husbands bed. In fact, there were two I know I wouldn't have minded sharing Husband with." Xia Ning Chang said, becoming slightly embarrassed. 

"Heh heh, I know a few off the top of my head. When I took Husband to fragrance city back in the small sealed world." Shang Qing Luo said, with a lustful and jealous smile.

"Hell, even when we were just starting out, there were several ladies endowed by Husband's charm." Su Yan sighed. "Honestly the number only increases with time. His charm is stronger than most charm demons." She added with a quick glance. 

"Yeah, that might be my fault. But it doesn't matter, we expected Husband to come back with another wife. But the most surprising thing was he married Sister Smiles." Yu Ru Meng said. "It's surprising since we had 2 sisters from Yin-Yang Paradise as it is. And now their Old Ancestor 9th rank master is here too." She added with a sigh. 

"Don't worry, I won't push anything. Let's just get along as sisters. Now then since… Oh, it looks like he's back to drinking. Su Yan, is your breast milk that good?" Smiles asked, curiously. 

"I don't know, this is the first time I've had this happen. But Leiji seems to like it." Su Yan said. "Now let's get to another story. And Ru Meng, please move a little. You're showing Leiji all your lower assets." She added. 

"Hey, his eyes are closed! And what does it matter anyways? He's already seen all of us. It's not like I'm going to eat my Husbands Son all up." She said, putting her elbows on her knees and holding her face up with her fists. She looked down at me intently as if she was waiting for the moment I stopped drinking. 

"Good, then I'll continue the stories of Leiji's life as long as I can. But there will be a gap. You'll have to ask The Dao Master for those. Maybe his wives know some of them. But I know that he has a few he won't share no matter what. Anyways, after the battle…" Feng Fei Qiang said going into another story. 

A few moments later I had finished drinking. And sat up right. Then lend up against Su Yan. "Mother Smiles, asked a question earlier. The answer is yes." I said with a yawn. "But now there's no more…" I said, with a half pout. 

"Pfft, I know I might not have the same effect as Su Yan. But come here and see your mommy Xia." Xia Ning Chang smiled with a faint blush.

Su Yan looked at me and smiled. "You can trust mother Xia to hand you back to me, Son." She said, with a kiss on my cheek. 

"Then I will… Hug Mommy Xia for a while next." I said. "But if I do that, I have to go around for all my mommies. Will mommy make it clear that I end up back with mommy?" I said, poking my fingers together. 

"Of course. Now stop making mommy Xia wait for you." Su Yan said. "They wouldn't dare to get between you and I for much time at all. Divine Spirits care more deeply about nothing more than their children, after all." She added, with a slight tear forming. 

Xia Ning Chang picked me up and wrapped me up in her arms. "There, how is that, Little Leiji?" She spoke softly, after embracing my small body. 

"Mommy Xia is really good at hugs. But, something is different. I get a deeper sense of motherly love from Mommy. I think that's just because I am her flesh and blood." I said, in a relaxed state. Albeit slightly less comforting than in Su Yan's embrace. "Oh! I know, Mommies can give me brothers and sisters. That way there won't be anyone missing out. And I'll get siblings… But you'll have to do it soon. Daddy is going to break through to the 8th rank. And with my strength practically sealed… He won't stabilize immediately." I explained. 

"Don't worry about those things for now. I just want to help give you what you missed all these years. I will always consider you my very own son." Xia Ning Chang said softly and kissed my head.