Dramatic Act

"Grandma… you're crushing me." I said, being crushed in a tight hug. It very quickly loosened. "Ah that's better, Grandma doesn't need to hold on so tight. I'm going to run away. Rather, it's like this…" I said, recovering quickly and then whispering in Dong Su Zhu's ear the plan my mothers and I had come up with. 

"Pfft… My precious little grandbaby. He has been saddened deeply." Dong Su Zhu said, starting to play her part to perfection. As her face became quite excited after hearing the plan. "Kai'er! You have 12 wives and only one child! What is the meaning of this? Do you want to leave your wives to suffer mothering a child that is not their own? How cruel. And besides you're responsible for continuing the family lineage." She added, turning her nose up. She then broke character for a moment and coddled me close. "Ah, I know, I know. Don't you worry Little Leiji, Grandma will give your father his punishment for not giving you siblings to play with while growing up." She said, tearing up as she returned to her character. 

"Mother, Leiji is already an adult with 6 wives of his own. Should it not be… Anyways, once he breaks through I highly doubt much of anything could pose a threat to his life. My bloodline is secured already." Yang Kai said, nervously. 

"Yang Kai! If you don't give my sisters and I a child this time around… I'll take my sisters and remarry!" Yu Ru Meng scolded with her fist on her hips as she leaned forward. Her face showed just how serious she was. 

"Oh!" Yue Xue exclaimed, acting like she was clenching her heart. "Imagine the pain… Little Leiji would be separated from his mother or father again. How could he bear such a heartache? After seeing him like that this time, are you willing to put him through that kind of heartache again?" She added, in a dramatic voice, and nearly falling to the floor, acting of course. 

"Stinky man! How could he do that to his own child? Perhaps… We should just…" All of the wives including Bai Yi, Feng Ying and Smiles, all said in unison with tears rolling down their cheeks. 

"This… No, I wouldn't force my son to go through that suffering ever again. I knew the pain he was going through as we got closer. And it would be wrong of me to put him through that willfully." Yang Kai said, walking over to comfort his wives. "I'll do my best to make you happy. But, I have a request. We are in quite a serious time crunch here. With many things that need to be done. I promise to give you the love you deserve. But allow this Husband to take care of the main reason we were able to return to the 3000 Worlds." Yang Kai said, Wrapping his arms around a few of his wives. 

"Then we will set off for Star Boundary at once. Having heard of the mission you must accomplish. Going to the Star Boundary is the most efficient place to carry it out. And we can also use our own bed again." Yu Ru Meng said, gently caressing the underside of Yang Kai's chin. 

"Good! Then we shall set off at once." Yang Kai declared. 

With the plan set, the Yang family, The Dawn Squad and the temporary members that came with Dawn Squad, all gathered. This included Su Yan, Shang Qing Luo and Zhu Qing. They had originally been in the Ancestral Land and they haven't returned to the Star Boundary in quite some time. 

Accompanying them as well was Hong Hu and Qing Luan. The two of them were leaving in the event an escort would be needed for the return trip. But they were also curious about what it was the other Ancient Divine Spirits were after. Seeing 10 Dragons and 10 Phoenix was unheard of. And had never once happened since after they disappeared from the 3000 Worlds to guard the No-Return Pass. Their intrigue was simple to explain and understand.

~~On Daybreak~~

I was in a room with my mothers, Grandmother, and my wives. Huo Lei told a few stories about me while I was being smothered by my Mother Su Yan. "And it was at that moment I fell in love with Husband. I'm glad I did. He has given me many happy days and little worries." Huo Lei said, after finishing up the story of when she first met me. 

"Oh my, Leiji, you really did something as crazy as take on an Origin King like that!" Su Yan said in surprise. In her surprise, she began inspecting my condition again. It was like her motherly protective instinct kicked into overdrive. "Phew, I'm glad you're safe, my darling son. Remember mommy loves you. So don't go overboard." She said, rubbing her cheek against mine. 

"Mother, you're asking too much. My Dao is too Domineering to not go overboard. If I don't then I can't control it. Besides, with my special physique as it is now… I'm kind of locked into a fight until I can safely say I met my goal. But don't worry. I'm sure that after my Breakthrough to the Great Emperor Realm and the stabilization of Phoenix source is done, there won't be anyone below the 7th rank who could threaten my life." I said, half giggling. 

"Only that? I would say even if a Feudal Lord came after you, the Feudal Lord would lose for sure." Smiles said, raising her brow. 

"Well, That might be true. But don't forget that the Ink Clan is significantly weaker than the Human race on average. And more than that, my lightning is tailored to destroying Ink Force and Ink Clan. So much so my father didn't use the Light of Purification much at all on our assault mission against a Territory Lord." I explained. "So fighting a rogue human race master… I could probably pull out a victory. But I doubt I'd be in great shape afterwards. And before you say it, my Small realm has basically reached its maximum with how strong I currently am. I need to be stronger to make it stronger. A vicious cycle. But in the end I can only improve my strength now by becoming Open Heaven." I further explained.