Shocking Details

The looks I received were relatively mixed. However, they all decided to just accept my words as fact, for now. "In that case, since you have the required resources then we should talk about the other matter at hand." Feng Ying said, breaking the silence. 

"Yes, Leiji, you know how to make those pills. Do you have the right ingredients for them?" Bai Yi asked, with an eager glance.

"I do have the required materials. But honestly it's pathetically easy to make them. Even a non-cultivator can make them. It's actually kind of funny just how easy it is." I chuckled, as my body grew a little bit, stopping after an inch or so. 

"Wait, really? Such a miraculous pill can be made without some sort of energy?" Bai Yi said in shock. 

"Indeed, it's not just that either. The actions of mortals are far more versatile than you might think. For starters there are significantly more of them than there are cultivators. And without them there wouldn't be cultivators." I said, calmly. And handed the recipe over to Xia Ning Chang. 

"This recipe… Is it really that simple? I think any open Heaven Realm would be able to find these materials just about anywhere inside their own small universe." Xia Ning Chang said, after having read the recipe. "Though, while it can be fashioned by the hands of mortals. It seems only the first part of its effects will work. And they won't last long either. But, it's no wonder why Husband's Small Universe has such a large Population." She continued. 

"Hmm, it seems it won't be nearly as effective in the hands of mortals. But the fact they can even make it to begin with is impressive. But what else could Mortals be better at than cultivators?" Yu Ru Meng asked, curiously, while rubbing my head. 

"Well for starters, Mortals have significantly shorter life spans. Which necessitates a heightened sense of urgency in all things throughout their life. If cultivators had a similar drive, there would easily be a few times more open heaven realms by now. Even with an army of vile marching against us." I said simply. "While Cultivation takes time. That doesn't mean preparations should. As a matter of fact. Here is something to think about. The Gourd Vine. It grows a set of rank 5 gourds once a month. In the long run that means there is a new possibility of a 7th rank in the future. Now then, what would have happened if that Gourd Vine had been in my father's Small Universe?" I elaborated, posing a thought provoking question. 

"With his attainments in the Dao of time… Holy, no way. Then if it had been inside his small universe there could have been multiple more sets of resources in the same amount of time!" Xue Yue exclaimed, picking up on the idea. 

"Indeed. Now then, for all the time that this could have been happening there would have been more chances for 5th rank resources. And, there is another rather important thing that could happen as a result of this as well." I confirmed and pressed the issue again. 

"Is it… perhaps there could have been a change in the Gourd Vine's ability?" Tao Ling Wan asked, thinking through it a bit faster than the others.

"Correct, with enough time everyone grows. Including the strength of resources. The Gourd Vine is special in that it equally distributes the world force to generate all 5 elements and 2 forces. This means there would be no imbalance. And with how many people live in my father's small universe, even without my influence, that gourd vine would likely be producing 6th rank gourds by now." I explained. "That or a second and possibly a third one would have sprouted." I added after a short pause. 

"I had been wondering why you completely shattered the record for reaching the Emperor Realm. At first I thought it was due to your unique aptitude for cultivation. But now, I think that these things were just auxiliaries to your growth." Feng Ying mentioned, with a sigh. 

"Oh, I could have been born a cultivation cripple, and still have reached this point relatively quickly. I was, after all, born with a complete understanding of how all the realms functioned. And that alone would have been enough for anyone with a halfway decent desire to grow stronger, to well, grow stronger. The hard part would be the first step. Everything after that would have been a piece of cake." I explained. "And, it is also how my lightning is so deadly towards the Ink Clan. I cultivated it to specifically destroy evil. And the Ink Clan… Well, they are created out of this evil." I added.

*Knock* "It's Yang Xue, may I come in and see my Nephew?" Yang Xue said, opening the door. 

"Pfft, Sister-in-law, you don't have to knock." Su Yan giggled. 

"Oh, then I won't be polite next time." Yang Xue smiled. "Little Leiji, looks like he is enjoying himself there." She giggled. 

"Aunt Xue is right, mommy is quite warm and comfortable." I said with a big happy smile. 

"That's funny, your mother cultivates Ice principles." Yang Xue smiled and sat down next to Su Yan. 

"Ice and Fire, Cold and hot, Freezing and Burning. They are all the same energy. Just using it in different directions. Or in other words, they are just two sides of the same coin." I said, raising my brow. I held my hand out and summoned a small ball of fire. Then switched it to a ball of Ice. "I just used the same principles to do both of these things." I said, putting my hand back down. 

"WHAT!!" Everyone shouted. 

"Thermal principles. I simply controlled the temperature of the area. The best part with these is that anyone who cultivates either extreme can use the other as well. But, they do need time to practice." I sighed. 

"Just imagine the surprise if you suddenly switch up the element you're using in the middle of battle. That could become quite the technique to change up the battle's Tempo and confuse the enemy. Say is there anything else with this case? Aside from Yin and Yang?" Ji Yao exclaimed. 

"Uh… That's a bit… I'm not really sure. But I wouldn't be surprised. Fire and Ice are just the most obvious ones." I said, growing a little bit more.