Arrived In Star Boundary

"Regardless, this is interesting. If it's really possible then it would be quite the extraordinary boon to the Human Race." Smiles said, gently putting her hand to her chin descending into deep thought about something. "Leiji, why is it that you have the ability to come up with these new and incredibly powerful things? None of the 9th ranks have ever thought of it. And even the Open Heaven Method was something given to us originally by the World Tree." She asked, looking directly at me, with a serious glare. 

"Well, I'm not exactly sure, mother Smiles. I could ask you a similar question. Why is it that everyone else hasn't figured this out? The average Cultivator attempting to break through to the Emperor Realm would have already had numerous experiences." I said, with a soft sigh. "So from my perspective it's quite odd. And you can understand why. The things I have come up with have existed in some form. Just the principle wasn't ever applied to cultivation. And now that you've seen it first hand, even Mother Smiles feels this way. Though, if I had to give an answer to that question… I'd have to attribute it to the fact that the memories I retained from my previous life grant me some sort of immunity to the suppression of the 3000 Worlds. That, or I was simply fated to be the one to start the event chain." I went on to explain further. 

"I see, it's true that finding out you had memories from a previous life… Moreover a world where cultivation didn't exist. That must have been rough." Smiles said, letting out a heavy sigh. "It's a shame that the answer isn't satisfactory. But that's all I will get in the end. Leiji wouldn't lie to us. Which means even he doesn't know the true answer to this phenomenon. I'll just have to settle with this for now." She thought. 

"Well, we did have extremely different levels of technology. I'd go as far to say that it could be considered better than this place. Moreover, we had weapons that would make a regular mortal capable of killing Qi Transformation Realms. And there were others under the description of "Weapons of Mass Destruction". Those would easily vaporize any Immortal Ascension Realms and below that were within 10 meters of the impact zone." I explained. "We lived in a constant state of mutually assured destruction. And no, I will not bring any of these weapons here. If combined properly with the Artifacts and cultivation… I am unsure of what the outcome would be. It could be disastrous." I added, before anyone got any ideas.

"I see, I don't like the use of artifacts as it is. After all, one's true strength is always the most important. So I don't see any reason to make such things. Especially given the uncertainty behind it." Smiles said, nodding in approval of my decision. 

"Leiji, we are almost back to the Star Boundary. And you'll be away from me for a little bit after arrival. So don't do anything rash, understand." Su Yan said, squeezing me tight. "We can finish nurturing that Source of yours then." She added. 

"Mother, I don't think there will be any need for that. My source has finished stabilizing. You just don't want to let me go now." I said, with a cute smile. "I'm not complaining about this either. Mother's embrace is the best." I added. "Anyways, I'll give my mothers a gift of a few of those pills to help in the events to come." I said, pulling out 2 dozen pills and floating a pair to each of my mothers. 

"Oh? You really know how to act. Seems like you're going to have more siblings in the future." Yu Ru Meng smirked, grabbing the pair of pills and putting them away. 

"Of course! I want little siblings just as much as you want babies of your own." I retorted with a cute and cold pout. 

~~Later, High Heaven Palace~~

"Head Palace Manager, Hua Qing Si, this Palace Master has returned." Yang Kai announced, as the door to the main audience Hall opened. 

In the Hall many of the elders from the Cave Heaven Paradises were gathered. The Great Emperors had gathered as well. They had all been expecting this day to come. And with Yang Kai sending word to the other Great Emperors, it was easy for everyone to gather. Yang Kai had quickly assumed his spot at the very head and center of the hall. Sitting back down on the Palace Master's Chair. 

I had finished returning to my 20 year old looking self. "With all my powers now in perfect equilibrium. At least, in stability anyways, I feel absolutely incredible. Though I should wait to try refining a resource just yet. I have other responsibilities I might get tossed my way." I thought, walking into the room and taking a special seat. This chair is and always is reserved for one person in particular. My sitting down in it sent an instant realization to everyone else in the room. 

The eyes all looked at Yang Kai, with a quick eagerness. They expected an answer. Though they already knew the answer. Yang Kai nodded and then the eyes were on me again. However, I felt an eerie feeling from one of the 7th ranks. 

"Father, the Elder sitting in the fourth set of the third row on the eastern side of the hall. They are an Ink Disciple." I whispered. 

"Can you handle it in your current state? A 7th rank ink disciple is quite a big jump from what you had been dealing with." Yang Kai asked, whispering back. 

"I'll need help in restraining them like we did on the battlefield. But purifying them won't be an issue." I whispered back. I then stood up and looked around the room. "Various seniors from my High Heaven Palace, Guests from the esteemed Cave Heaven Paradises, my name is Yang Leiji, Son of Palace Master Yang Kai and Lady Su Yan. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I said. "To my Star Boundary's Great Emperors, I am Temporal Thunder. And lastly, Uncle Iron Blood, You have my thanks for last time. It was quite difficult with all those thieves stealing from me." I said, bowing slightly and cupping my hands towards Iron Blood Great Emperor.