Transplanting A City (4)

"You're alright now, right husband? You were giving off quite the hot aura before." Bing Xue asked, with a calm worry. 

"I'll be fine now. The heat was intense though. I wouldn't recommend doing this kind of thing unless the performer has a body on par with the peak of the 5th rank at the very least." I said, taking Bing Xue's feelings in.

"By the way, what exactly was it that caused such a reaction to you?" Iron Blood Great Emperor asked, curiously as he crossed his arms across his chest. He also sent a whisper to Lin Yun'er. 

"Because I was acting as the conduit to the star boundary for the duration of the refinement. So all of that lightning that fell, might as well have been striking myself as well." I explained with a victory smile. 

"I… I see, that's quite something. To think you would go that far… No, never mind that. You are also Star Boundary's Great Emperor. You didn't deserve such questioning. Forgive this old man's reckless words, Nephew Temporal Thunder." Heaven's Revelations Great Emperor said, accidentally letting out his inner thoughts in shock. 

"Ahahaha! No need to forgive. Uncle hasn't done anything wrong. Simply being curious about things is fine. I'll tell all my Uncles and my Aunt more about the details another time." I said. "But to start with, Star Boundary never needed the world tree in the first place. The Great Emperors are simply far more meaningful than was known at the time." I added, hinting towards an even greater reason. 

"Good, Now then, let's watch Void move out the city in question." Martial Beast Great Emperor said, changing the topic. 

Yang Kai was now above the center of the prepared area. He calmed his breathing, his mind and he slowly seemed to assimilate with the Star Boundary. As he did this, a large city slowly began appearing in the Star Boundary. It was like a mirage. However, it was real. That was the silhouette of Night-Love City. 

Looking around the surrounding one could see the small towns, villages, hamlets and stand alone huts. The area this covered was vast. Though compared to the Star Boundary or a 7th rank Small Universe, this span of space was absolutely nothing. Even still it required immense concentration to do what Yang Kai was doing now. Moreover, no one other than a great emperor would be able to perform this feat. It requires a fusion of both powers. 

~~A day Later~~

The city became completely solid and no longer was a mirage. It was a city of Star Boundary. The people in the city and surrounding area were fine. Though they did seem to be a slight bit confused. Seeing this, Yang Kai sighed and took a breath. 

"There is no need for you to fear nor worry. I had moved Night-Love City to my home world, Star Boundary. Here, there are many masters that are willing to take in good disciples. Many of whom are of the realm above the Emperor Realm." Yang kai explained, announcing himself so his voice carried to everyone. 

A few figures flew up to greet Yang Kai. They were the City Lord and his family. The entourage was the City Lord, his wife, his son, and his son's wife. There was also a young girl around the age of 4, maybe 4 and a half, held in the city lord's wife's arms. So everyone aside from her bowed with cupped hands. 

"This humble city lord greets the Dao Master." The City Lord said, nervous as a result of the last exchange they had, being a bit rough. 

Xiu Che flew over instantly. Without a care in the world. She wanted to see her little sister really bad. I turned to Flower Shadow. "Aunt Flower Shadow. Please come with me." I said, flying over towards my father. 

"Ding Ai! Big sister is here!" Xiu Che called out as she flew over with great speed. 

"Big sister? But mommy said that big sister was like big brother?" Ding Ai questioned tilting her head. "Where is my big brother-in-law? That's what he's called right?" She asked, putting a finger to her lips in a cute inquisitive way. 

"Aren't you just adorable?" I chuckled, and pat Ding Ai gently on her head. "You can just call me big brother." I said, with a smile. 

"Ah! I have another big brother! Yay yay!" Ding Ai cheered, with a child's innocent smile. 

"Nephew Temporal Thunder… This little girl. Can I take her as my Disciple? She is…" Flower Shadow Great Emperor said, starting to go into an explanation. 

"Aunt Flower Shadow, I asked you to come specifically for this reason. When my little sister here was born I felt that she would do well under Aunt Flower Shadow's guidance. That said, I can not make that choice for my little sister. I can only act as a mediator." I explained. 

"So this is who the Young Master spoke of at that time? If Young Master Leiji is recommending Lady Flower Shadow, then this humble one does not have any misgivings about this matter." The City Lord Xiu Xiang said, bowing deeply. 

"I… I don't want to part from my daughter. But I understand this is her chance to rise to great heights. So I won't interfere. If my darling Ding Ai wants to cultivate under madam, then I will also not interfere. Instead I'd be thankful." Ah Tao said, bowing. 

"So what do you think little Ding Ai? Do you want to be my disciple? I'll make sure you grow strong." Flower Shadow Great Emperor said.

"Can I get strong enough to help my big brother?" Ding Ai asked, getting excited. 

"Depending on the help you want to give your big brother, it is not just possible. But certain." Flower Shadow Great Emperor smiled. 

Ding Ai looked at me and I nodded. "Yes! I'll train to be super powerful and help my brother with all the cool plants. The medicine pills big brother made are super helpful! I want to help in the best way I can!" Ding Ai smiled, excitedly. 

"Then I'll take you back with me. There you can perform the ceremony of worshiping the master." Flower Shadow Great Emperor smiled. "Today is a good day!" She thought happily.