Star Soul Palace

~~A Library Side Room~~

The room was filled to the brim. So many martial arts and cultivation methods were stacked neatly in an alphabetical order. It was clear to see that a rather studious individual had organized everything already. They had clearly been working too hard for too long, and were passed out, sleeping with their head on the desk that I was meant to use. 

"Hmm, Ohhh, Ah." The person stretched with their eyes still closed, and took a big yawn. And then they noticed there were others in the room and sprang up quickly. They were clearly a newly promoted 2nd order Emperor. "Young… Young Master! Please pardon my rudeness. I…" The person said. 

"En, was it you who spent all this time organizing the methods?" I said, walking up to a pile and picking up a book. "It's quite neat. In fact, it's almost perfect." I added, walking over to the other pile and picking up the other copied book. "Do you happen to know what it is? Or shall I explain it to you?" I continued, with a hopeful glance towards the individual. 

"Young Master, I… I understand. It was because I fell asleep at the desk. And in doing so, ruined the ambience of the room. Even though I am a librarian here in the Void Temple, I still made a shameful display of myself." The man said, in a tone indicating that he was only, at most, half certain of his thoughts. 

"Hmm, while that contributed to it, that isn't the problem in its entirety. Though I could scarcely expect more. One may think it was something to do with that. However, I'm talking about your cultivation. You, having settled yourself into the Library, have incidentally mixed up methods, have you not?" I explained, simply narrowing my eyes. 

"What! Young Master, you were able to see that much? And only at a glance?" The Librarian exclaimed in utter surprise.

"Indeed, after I became a Great Emperor, my eyes became much stronger. I can discern the true nature of things. Of course this ability is limited to sights that are in fact weaker than myself. If you like, stay here and once I'm finished I'll personally help correct your problem. Though, I won't be promising it will be painless." I said, in a tone that seemed like it would carry an air of benevolence to my words. 

"Young Master, I am not worthy…" The Librarian started, in a panic. Only to get cut off. 

"I am the one who decides who is and who isn't worthy to receive my aid. And your problem is quite bad. If anyone else were to try and help you…" I said, and then saw the look on the guy's face turn solemn. "I see, that's why you are worried. Very well, I'll help them as well. Just know that after this, you must take extra care to keep this danger from happening to others. If I end up finding a way to resolve all of the issues at once regardless of the nature of the problem Then you will inherit the responsibility of performing the technique on anyone that suffers a similar fate to yourself." I added, with the proper tone, of course. 

"I will make it an heirloom of my family, Young Master." The Librarian said, then realized the folly of those words. "I mean, I will make it required training to be part of the Library staff." He finished. 

"Good! That's the right way. This trouble is merely a bump in the road, or a clog in the creek. Even if I can not resolve the matter through this method I will still help you before I leave. Though, if we go that route, you'll have to pray to my father's likeness to be cured next time." I explained. 

~~Several Hours Later~~

"Good, all my work here is done. And I shall leave the Village by the World Tree subtree up to you. I made sure there was enough there that a small settlement could move in right away. Use it as a way to train the Disciples in how to govern people, while also being a training location. I have the feeling that it will aid their growth in the future." I said, before vanishing from Void World. 

"Why would… THE YOUNG MASTER IS WISE BEYOND HIS YEARS!" Temple Master Tang Wen shouted in realization. Losing his Temple Master's demeanor for a moment. "Of course! When one Rules the power of an entire world this means all aspects. And aside from nature, the next most important component is the life within. Simply having them live there is beneficial. But, if one took an active role in living beings in that world… The connection between them grows! And therefore increasing the effect." He explained his thoughts. 

The rest of the disciples that were around Tang Wen were of two groups. One was surprised and understood why the Temple Master made such a fuss. And the other was surprised and just flat out didn't understand the point nor the words Tang Wen had used. The former group were those who were either at the Emperor Realm or had some Emperor Qi, though the smaller the amount the weaker the understanding. The latter group, the bewildered ones, were Dao Source Realms and below who had no Emperor Qi. It was clear that this event would have massive changes on the caliber of Open Heaven realm masters that were released from Void World in the future. 

~~Star Boundary~~

"It went well, I take it?" Yang Kai asked me with a look of pride. 

"Thank you father, I have now collected all of my belongings from Void World and all of the people who followed me in the past have boomed their population, and still had no desire to part from my image. In short I had no trouble migrating my people." I reported. 

"Good, now then, you can probably tell already, but we are currently in Star Soul Palace. Are you ready to do this now, or would it be better to come back later?" Yang Kai explained, and then whispered a quick run down of the situation of what happened in the last few hours, to me. 

"I see, I think it's for the best if I pay a visit now. Even if I can't completely heal Lady Lan Xun's injuries then I can at least get a real grip on the full extent of the situation." I explained, simply.