Healing Lan Xun

"Good, in that case, let's go in. The rest of us will stay back a distance so as not to mess anything up by accident. But we will be there to help in the event it is needed." Yang Kai added, as the maid in attendance to Lan Xun opened the door to Lan Xun's chambers. 

~~Lan Xun's Chambers~~

Upon entering Lan Xun's chambers it was eerily obvious just how injured Lan Xun was. The room was dimly lit as if not to have too bright of a light accidentally cause her any further injury. The air was nearly still and full of pain. Lan Xun laid on her bed wearing the most comfortable sleep where one can be put in after having been unconscious for so long. Her face was pale… No, that's not it. 

"Are you the one who changed Lady Lan Xun last?" I asked in a soft inquiring tone to the attending maid. 

"Lord Great Emperor, I am the replacement from earlier, though I have changed my lady before in recent time. Why does Lord Great Emperor ask such things?" The attending maid asked, now completely flushed in the face. 

"Well, my official capacity is not as a doctor, nor an alchemist. So it is rather inappropriate for me to make an examination myself. Much more so, since the patient is unable to grant me their consent. So I have to ask. Was the rest of Lady Lan Xun's skin just as pale as her face currently is?" I explained, before asking. "I really don't want any rumors to go around. I'd then be forced to marry her regardless of generation. Though, her personality isn't off putting. I could bear that stigma of crossing generations, that is, if it was for her." I thought calmly, making sure to only show concern on my face. 

"AH! Such things are things I can… The last time I helped to wash and change Lady Lan Xun, her skin was just as Lord Great Emperor had suspected." The maid explained in a bit of a pained tone showing that the information was somehow lustful. 

"I see…" I noted mentally as I walked to the side of the bed and held a palm out. "Please keep the room in complete silence for a few moments." I whispered to everyone. 

I then began inspecting Lan Xun's Soul. And what I found… "This is insane. She should be commended for surviving this long." I thought, and continued the inspection. "Hmm, I suppose that the Star Boundary helped her a bit. Seems like it didn't want such a noble bloodline to die out." I thought, and my straight face turned into a soft smile. I then finished up the inspection and moved my hand to my chin and began to ponder. 

"Lord great Emperor, is there a way to save my Lady?! Please, save her." The attending maid accidentally said aloud. And then clammed up quickly, and dropped to her knees. Making an appeal like that to a Great Emperor directly was, well, not a good thing, to put it plainly. 

"It's not that I won't, nor that I can't. But this will definitely be troublesome. The easy way should be obvious to anyone here. But I won't suggest that method since. it would be wrong to do something like that to someone." I said, grimacing and then letting out a shallow sigh, at the slight of the maid currently trembling right now. 

"You mean, that dual cultivation can heal her? Yeah it would be for the best if you didn't go that route. It would be unbecoming of your title." Flower Shadow Great Emperor said, with a hell of a look on her face.

"Indeed, I may have 6 wives as of today. But it's not like I'm someone who would take advantage of a woman incapable of making a decision." I said, waving my hand gently. 

"So what is the other way? And will you need any help with it?" Iron Blood Great Emperor asked in a serious tone, opting to ignore the fact I casually mentioned the number of wives that make up my harem. 

"If you could avoid using the Star Boundary's power for a few days. That would be most helpful. While I am unnaturally strong for someone of my cultivation. It's not as though I don't also have limits. Ideally I'd like to have become a Great Dragon and Great Phoenix at the very least, before attempting this. And father, You'll have to postpone your seclusion for a few days after as well. I'll need time to recover after this. The damage is… severe. Any later and I might not have been able to do anything but the easy method." I explained in as little detail as possible. 

"I see. Then it is urgent. So you should start right away. If you need us for anything else we will wait right here. Ask if you need a break and we will do what we can to stabilize her condition." Martial Beast Great Emperor said, standing there confidently. "By the way, you, on the floor. If you want to pass over that mistake go and bring us some refreshments to enjoy just outside the room." He conveyed, to the trembling maid. 

"Right away Lord Great Emperor. This humble one is grateful for Sir's benevolence." The Attending maid said, standing up and bowing before leaving the room. 

"Not to be a downer. But I doubt any of you could pull off what I'm about to do. It just so happens that my power is perfect for this. And I'll warn ahead of time. After I'm done Lady Lan Xun will need help in her recovery…" I said, in a tone that would not arouse any bad feelings. 

"Hmm, very well, get started right away. I want to see this through. And I won't be leaving this room either. To make sure Lan Xun's chastity is still intact after the fact." Flower Shadow Great Emperor declared sitting down in a free chair positioned to keep perfect watch. 

I sighed as the other Great Emperors walked outside the room. And then I began the long and arduous process. "This would be way easier if I could directly connect our souls…" I sighed in my mind, as the surge of power from the Star Boundary came to me.