Sun & Moon Trip (4)

"There! How is that? Now you can focus on this instead. And you can use these for your cultivation, right?" Moon's Nether Glimmer said, asking with an intense passion. 

"Uhm... Yeah that will work. I must say, I am surprised Big Sister Lan and Big Brother Huang did that so easily. Being as strong as you are, it must be difficult." I said, with a slight nervous twitch in my smile. 

"Come now, don't say things like that. Now start doing what you need to do! We brought the crystals over specifically for you to use." Moon's Nether Glimmer smiled intently. 

"My father will be able to explain the reason why Ruo Xi is here. If there are any questions I'll answer them after I finish refining these crystals." I said, slowly flying over to the 2 giant crystals, they were clearly 9th rank materials. "Oh, and a word of caution, do not indulge in physical contact with Ruo Xi, at least not unless you are in the right state of mind and can completely control your power. Otherwise you could hurt or potentially even kill her by mistake." I warned. 

I flew up and away from the ship into the Void. "Young master, Weren't you going to just pick up the resources here and then leave?" Fang Qing asked, curious. She was part of my consciousness at this point, kind of like a second brain, but also closer to parallel thought. 

"Well, that was the plan at first. But now, I have the perfect environment for myself right here. I may have had some designs on doing it here anyways. That way no one could ask why I brought out 2 yin and 2 yang crystals." I explained, as I took the lotus position. 

"But why not just put it in the pile of crystals we will take with us when we leave this time? Wouldn't that work? We could just take the crystals after the fact, right?" Fang Qing asked, thinking it out for herself, and then paused, shutting up after realizing how much I had thought it out already. 

"That's right, we could do that, but there would be too many questions getting asked. Mostly because the Light of Purification that would come out of a pair of 9th rank crystals... Is likely capable of instantly killing any Royal Lord regardless of the situation. Such a trump card gone missing, well, I'd rather not deal with those questions." I elaborated, mostly for Shandain, who seemed beyond confused at the moment.

I was now below the ship where no one else could see me. "Ahahaha! Just in time. I'll have to thank my big siblings for this." I said, letting out a laugh. 

"They really are perceptive aren't they. But is my Dao Seal strong enough for this? I know yours is without a doubt, but mine, is a bit weaker." Fang Qing asked, analyzing her Dao Seal again. 

"You should be fine. Though you will have a few surface cracks by the time we finish 6 of the elements. When that happens you should hand over control to me at that time. And I'll refine the elements first just to ensure my ability to help you out." I said, after finishing my analysis. 

"In that case, let's begin. Since there aren't any problems for now, How about we refine both pairs at the same time?" Fang Qing suggested, getting excited. 

"Let's put our storms to the test shall we." I smirked, and then the crystals began making circles around me. 

The energy from each of the four crystals quickly wrapped around me. The power of Yin & Yang surged on the spot and the chaotic energy permeating the Void flowed towards me like a raging current. Even the ship was suffering in the rapids that were formed as a result. The two Dao Seals I have begun changing in a fundamental way. Almost like their existence became surreal and filled with heavenly energy.

"Young Master... this is an oddly comfortable feeling. No, I feel absolutely incredible. What exactly is this?" Fang Qing stuttered through the enjoyable sensation. "It's better than making love." She added, as her Dao Seal filled with power. 

"It really is an incredible feeling. I thought these two were going to be forced to the most undesirable level of pain and anguish. But honestly this doesn't even hurt. Hmm, and it looks like your Dao Seal is stronger now." I said, with a satisfied and blissful tone. 

"It's still nothing compared to yours, Young Master." Fang Qing said, her soul figure quivering in sensational bliss. 

"True, but now it is less likely we will need to worry about your seal cracking under the pressure." I sighed, still feeling fantastic. "I wonder if this is how it feels when someone refines these two elements at once. I'll have to find a way to test that in the future. We are bound to have plenty of people ready to try just about any kind of test we could imagine." I uttered softly. 

Fang Qing remained silent but managed to nod her head in agreement. But that, well, from the looks of it, that nod was all she could muster up. The situation was quite the experience to say the very least about it. I was expending pretty much all of my focus to maintain the refinement. 

"I'll have to thank my wives, Had I not been bathed in bliss by their hands, I doubt I'd be able to handle this particular feeling right now." I sighed, my cheeks flushed red and my body hot.

After several weeks of being refined under my own methods, the 4 Crystals had completely vanished, and their energies perfectly fused into my Dao Seal. The same went for Fang Qing. 

~~ Ship Deck ~~

Once I had finished I flew up to the top side of the ship. "Well, that sure was interesting. I expected it to be far more challenging than that, given the complaints of difficulty I heard. Perhaps the Yin & Yang forces were easy due to my Dao? What do you think, Father?" I asked, cupping my with a smile. 

"It looks like you were successful in refinement. Congratulations! Though if I had to say something about the difficulty, I didn't have too much trouble with one of mine. It's likely due to everyone having their own affinities. Nothing to worry about." Yang Kai laughed, patting my back as he appeared behind me.