Lan Xun's Oath (2)

"Leiji! What are you saying? You're going to get me into trouble like this." Yang Kai spoke up, immediately. 

"Ahahaha, don't worry too much father, Senior Bright Moon had already entrusted her to you. But if you don't like that, then I do have something I would like assistance with. Though, it is a shame indeed. Martial Aunt Lan Xun is quite a good match for you, father. Besides, it's already an inevitability. Or have you forgotten that you're going to be taking responsibility for all the hearts you've claimed. Oh shall I bring out the list?" I retorted, chuckling as I spoke.

"But that's, wait, you have a list! How? When?" Yang Kai said in a slight panic. "Just how many are on that list?" He asked after seeing that his current wives were giggling. 

"Oh, about that, while there are a total of 61 additional women, 2 of them would be the fault of Mother Shang, So considering them wives would be a bit much, though they would still be your responsibility to take care of. Oh and there are several of these women, I know you've gone a bit... in depth so to speak." I explained. 

All the while Lan Xun was sitting there squirming a little at the thought of her marrying the man she really wanted to marry. And Yang Kai was both red in the face and exacerbated at the situation, letting out a sigh. Though the others that were visiting had their own good chuckle. 

"Temporal Thunder, what exactly is it that you wanted help with? Is it something only Lan Xun can accomplish?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked, bringing her folding fan to cover her face, in a slightly seductive manner, this was of course her way of showing that we were talking as Great Emperors.

"Simply put, there is nothing that I, am in a position to ask her, that others could not perform. And as much as I tease my father about the list, it truly does exist and I do believe he should at the very least take responsibility for those women. Even if they are not seen as official wives, he does have a responsibility to do that much." I replied. "That all aside, in the case with my Martial Aunt Lan Xun, she swore an Oath to the heavens to show the ultimate gratitude a woman can offer. So in this case there really is only two options, that is if she desires to continue cultivating any further in the future. She must marry my father or myself, and while I am the one who completed her treatment, I dare not take full credit for it. My father is alive and well, not to mention that it would be heartbreaking to become the daughter of the man you love instead of his wife." I elaborated further. 

"I see, so you're not simply desiring her to become family in some way." Flower Shadow Great Emperor replied. 

"I was actually going to ask if my seniors had felt that change too. This seems to have confirmed my suspicions." I smirked. "The future is bright." I added. 

"Ahahaha! When you talk like that, it makes it hard to see you as only a young man." Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed. 

"Please, I've already had more than my fair share of experiences at this point. That place... Make all other battlefields look like nothing more than children playing with sticks. If my Dao attainments were not able to make up for my Cultivation's shortcomings, I would never have been able to fight in such a place. Let alone perform nearly as well as I have thus far. That last battle though, Hahaha, Father finally stopped holding back." I explained. "In any case, I've made some accomplishments thus far, but I won't make an active effort to tout them, lest the situation calls for it." I added, finishing off the thought. 

"I see, tell me, is Lan Xun on that list Leiji has? And how do you feel about this?" Iron Blood Great Emperor asked, looking directly at Yu Ru Meng. 

"She is indeed on the list. As far as how my sisters and I feel about it, we already number, 12. So while it is a bit annoying, I have, several ideas on how to make it work. Even when we eventually reach the total of 73 women. Besides, it seems like Leiji views his current situation as fortuitous. And the more the easier it will be to control my Husband." Yu Ru Meng explained with a flash crossing her eyes. 

"I do indeed find my position fortunate. What child wouldn't? I have 12 mothers, all who care a great deal about me and worry for my well being. The more the merrier, however, it's not like I'd ask my father to wed every woman in the world at random. In short, I won't ask him nor pressure him to do something, that I myself am unwilling to do as well. That being said, I will adamantly refuse to wed a single other woman beyond the number of mothers I have. I may be like my father, but I respect him too much to do such a thing." I added, directly after Yu Ru Meng finished speaking and all my mothers nodded in unison. 

"I see, and by extension, if I were to marry the man I love now, you'd gain a 13th mother. And in your view that would be the ultimate form of generosity a woman could give you. But, then what is it that you would ask of someone who could not marry your father, nor yourself? Would you take their flower, or something else?" Lan Xun spoke, in a half daydream of what her future looked like. 

"Martial Aunt Lan Xun, if I actively took action to prevent a misunderstanding between myself and Martial Aunt Gu Pan, then it should be easy to tell I wouldn't claim a woman's most sacred of treasures just for a little healing. Call me crazy but that's not what I'm after, nor do I have any real need for primordial Yin. My Dao more than makes up for a lack of it." I sighed, annoyed at the insult.