Inevitable 13, 14 & 15th

"Oh, I see, forgive me, I misspoke. I didn't mean to insult my savior." Lan Xun replied with a sense of regret flooding over her like a tsunami swallowing a mountain far inland. "I really shouldn't have let my feelings get the better of me there. What will I do if he refuses to accept me when I marry Yang Kai?" She thought, worried beyond comparison, she was right to think this way because, she, Lan Xun, wouldn't get another chance. 

"It's fine, big things become small, and small things become nothing. So don't worry about that thought running through your mind. It's painfully obvious, after all it is written on your face." I said, lifting my hand off the chair's armrest. "In any case, the matter I'd ask them to accomplish is not a simple one, though it is impossible for men and women alike to manage it on their own. Have you seen the newly established, Night-Love City located between my High Heaven Palace and Ice Heart Valley?" I inquired, after chuckling at the face Lan Xun was making.

"I have, a master here had taken the initiative and showed me around the city. It was quite lively. Though I could tell, there were simply an incredible number of young ones there. And their infrastructure was simply a dream. Seriously just turning a handle and water comes out. And if that wasn't enough if you turned the other handle, the water that came out would be hot! Truly a marvel to behold, and something I would love to install in the cities that surround Star Soul Palace." Lan Xun said changing tunes quickly, but she was still curious. "But there was something I saw there that struck me as an even greater surprise. Even now I still find it hard to believe. Tell me, is it true that there is a pill there that can guarantee a healthy conception and birth without fail, every single time? If so, I..." She asked, stopping abruptly when she noticed the look in my eyes, telling her to stop before she went too far. 

"It is true, at least partially. Some of the pills are made by mortals so the effects can be slightly less effective. Though, the mortal made pills are never given to a cultivator. In short, if the refiner was not someone of the origin realm or better, the pill wouldn't even be used for cultivators." I explained. "So, the short answer is yes, but it is a bit more complicated than that." I added, with a sigh of relief. "In any case, it is that pill I would have them use, with their lover of course. Any additional future manpower will be essential for what is to come. Even if the fight doesn't reach the level I suspect in the future, we will still need to artificially inflate our numbers and as rapidly as possible. A concept anyone at the open heaven realm should understand, and that goes double for high ranks." I explained. 

"So, it really does exist. And you have a kind heart to match that life saving grace of yours." Lan Xun said, as her eyes widened. "It would be an honor to have a son like you." She added, now sitting in a way that emulated the 12 women she was aiming to be equals with. 

"Ahahaha! So there it is, Void! You really are the jealous envy of all men." Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed out loud, wiping the tear from his eye. "Let's make this an even more joyous occasion and have my Xiao Qi marry as well. She has been quite taken with you for quite some time now. I wonder what your thoughts are about this, Palace Master Yang Kai?" He proposed, not as a Great Emperor, but as a senior and a father. 

"With the way this is going I might as well get in on this. I do believe that my disciple Li Shi Qing has some thoughts. I'd like to see our ties grow stronger as well, and as her master and as a woman, it is painfully apparent that she harbors feelings towards you, Palace Master Yang Kai." Flower Shadow Great Emperor smiled, clearly wording out her intent. 

"A shame I do not have a disciple to offer, So I can only watch from the side and offer my congratulations." Ice Feather Great Emperor sighed. 

"This... I see, then son, it seems like I've been backed into a corner this time. If I accept one it seems I must accept all to retain their honor, but if I reject them all I still lose as I have to have a valid reason to refuse each of them." Yang Kai sighed, a long and deep, heavy sigh. 

"Father, it's not a bad thing, if you had a problem with taking multiple wives, you wouldn't have done so, or at the very least put a hard limit on yourself. Not, that I'm complaining, the bigger the family the better." I said as I sipped on my tea. 

"So long as there aren't any disputes on inheritance, I never did like the Inheritance War, I did however understand its significance and importance. Though with Leiji, I doubt there will be someone who would try to go against him. Anyway, as long as my children don't go and try killing each other then I'll say it's fine." Yang Kai thought, rubbing his chin as he glanced in my direction. 

"Would you stop worrying about it that much, Husband. With so many mothers it's not likely any would go and do anything crazy like challenge Leiji. In fact, I doubt I could best him as I am now." Yu Ru Meng said, tugging on Yang Kai's ear. 

"Ah! Alright, I get it." Yang Kai said, rubbing his ear. 

"Husband, the reason our little boy has been so persistent about this is because he, like I, can sense the true feelings in your heart. Even the ones you want to hide for our sake. And I have personally confirmed that each of the women on the list is someone that you do harbor feelings of love towards. So stop suppressing them and let's give the families betrothal gifts." Su Yan smiled, giving a bit more encouragement.