More Arranged Marriages

"Father, I gave you the nod knowing that would be the case. So there is no need to snicker like you won some kind of gamble. Besides, I'm fairly certain that I can guess why each of them are here. Though it would still be excellent if I heard it from them and in their own words, free from any stiff formalities. And it seems like Senior Sister Lan Yun'er is true to her position as a Great Emperor's Disciple, and has regained her composure first, so let us hear from her first, shall we?" I said, with a relaxed tone after letting out an exasperated sigh. 

"Oh, well, it is a master's responsibility to find a suitable husband for his disciple. However, even after that, I heard how strong you are. And now that I see you for myself I can't help but be in awe, just how do you keep such immense strength under control?" Lin Yun'er explained.

"Hmm, is it alright if I tell you that another time, I'd prefer not to have too many hear that kind of secret, after all, if one's foundation isn't strong enough they could go mad and experience deviation as a result. That is, once they realize just much they ruined their own cultivation as a result of idiotic reckless abandon. However, you..." I said, and inspected her foundation from afar with the help of not the star boundary, but my eyes alone. "You won't suffer from such a situation. Martial Uncle Iron Blood was indeed quite meticulous with your training." I finished saying. 

"In that case, I guess I can't ask for anything more than that for now. Instead if I am to marry you, I'd like to see just how strong you are. After all, you'll be taking care of so many women, do you truly have the ability?" Lin Yun'er asked, as the look in her eyes changed, one I knew extremely well by this point. 

"I could sit here and say just how strong I am now, but I doubt that would do much of anything to convince you, which is quite the endearing trait in my eyes." I said, in an interested tone.

"Between such a stable foundation and that seeing is believing attitude, You are indeed worthy to have a place at my son's side. To think the little girl from all the way back then would end up being my daughter in the end. Hah, fun." Yang Kai spoke up in confidence. 

"Since you wish to see his strength first hand, how about this?" Iron Blood Great Emperor stands up. "Temporal Thunder, there is one more thing to do before I can truly be at ease giving you my disciple. Fight me, and prove yourself in doing so." He said initiating a challenge.

I stood up as well, accepting the challenge. "I accept, though I must insist on one thing. If I am truly to prove myself, a fight like that would undoubtedly cause great harm to the Star Boundary. So we shall fight outside the bounds of this world. Furthermore, If there are any others who wish to fight me, please do so. My Dao is one that no matter the number of opponents, the result is the same. So please, do your absolute best. I could use a good warm up, after all." I explained with a smirk on my face. 

"Ahahaha! Then let us all fight! And make it a grand event for all Emperor Realms to bear witness too." Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed. 

"That's a fantastic idea. But make sure there are some guards to protect them from the ripples our fight will inevitably cause." I said. 

"Oh there's no need to worry about that. I'll take care of it personally, you just go fight your heart out, son." Smiles said with a smile on her face. 

"Excellent, thank you mother Smiles for volunteering. With you on guard I guess I really will be able to go as far as this fight should go." I smirked. "Now then, let's move onto Senior Sister Lu Yu Qin, you seem to have several reasons behind your presence here. I'm not ignorant of your situation, so I have a question, are you sure that you don't have a problem with me?" I added, basically designating the person to speak. 

"Ah! Uhm, I don't, I was just stricken by that aura. Your power seems stimulating in some way." Lu Yu Qin blushed. "Ah! He spoke to me next. I was still admiring that aura, a dragon, yet kind and chaotic. It's so calming and feels like I'm being drawn to him." She thought. 

"Haha, forgive my step-daughter, you see her original father Fu Chi..." Li Jiao started explaining. 

I raised a hand indicating for Li Jiao to stop talking. "Martial Uncle, I know very well the details behind Senior Sister Lu Yu Qin's background. There is no need to bring up such memories again. Had I been in her situation, my power would have given me the edge I needed to break out of such things. However, if that were not the case, well, I wouldn't have been in such a great state of mind. So instead of giving such reminders, let us make it so those become small things and then nothing." I said, with a short shake of my head. 

I then walked over to see Lu Yu Qin more closely. "Ah, wha... what is it?" Lu Yu Qin said in a frantic blush. 

"Tell me, has there been no one that could awaken your dragon side?" I asked, with one brow raised. 

"I... I didn't inherit any dragon power from my father. That was why I was kicked out." Lu Yu Qin replied solemnly. 

"No, it's not that you didn't, it's that it is pathetically weak. Basically nonexistent, but in my presence... hmm..." I said, rubbing my chin. "Father, next time we make plans for that trip we should take all of the people who were born of the union of an ancient divine spirit and a human, specifically the ones who didn't awaken any power. Oh and while we're at it, let's take the entire monster race with us too. I can do something about a small number of dragons and phoenixes but anyone else is out of luck in my hands." I suggested.