To The Power Of 54

A silence befell everyone there after I finished speaking. They were in shock that such a place could exist, but then they began to think about it more. If one could have a billion, billions, then it would stand to reason that billions, was simply an insufficient number, not, a significant number. 

"Hmm, I guess with such advanced measures, it would be as annoying to hear those words used as descriptions, as it would be to hear an idiot of the body tempering realm dare to tell a great emperor how to cultivate. No, perhaps even a bit worse than that." Heaven's Revelation Great Emperor spoke up, realizing the significance first among the others. "Would you be willing to spread some of this knowledge to others? Having an accurate account of matters is essential for making any decision." He added, asking with an odd look in his eyes. His old tired eyes seemingly beamed to life again at the thought of acquiring new information. 

"Worry not Martial Uncle, I intend to explain it little by little. Any more than small parts at a time would be far too much for anyone to understand properly, and I'd prefer not to see others confuse it too much. But for now, I'll explain what the difference is for this issue." I replied with a thumbs up and a smile. "First, take a billion, it is simply the number ten multiplied by itself nine times. This can be said as ten to the power of nine. In short, the number of zeros behind the 1 is the number of times one multiples by ten. It changes from number to number, but it is not of significance here. Now, any questions yet?" I asked, looking around the room. 

"I only have one as of now, what is the power number, in relation to the deaths in that demon war? You seemed quite upset about billions, and even said billions of billions of billions, so, is it, ten to the power of 27?" Martial Beast Great Emperor asked, narrowing his look with a significant interest, all but demanding the answer. 

"Martial Uncle, please prepare yourself, even if you've already long known the actual number as a result of the close familial resonance with Star Boundary, it will still shatter your idea of reality hearing this number." I said, waiting for everyone to nod. "Ten to the 54." I said with a deep breath, and then a sigh. 

The room fell silent again. At first they couldn't believe it, but then they did the math again. There were easily billions of cities in the Star Boundary, far more than that even. But then add in, large villages which had 30% the population of a city, and the ratio of them to each city was around 1 city to 1000 Large Villages, and it soon became significantly more clear just how immense the loss of life was during that war. 

"I... I see, our own lack of proper language, had restricted us from truly understanding the depths of that war's cost. It now makes significantly more sense why the world itself fell into a decline of certain death. There were simply too many deaths." Martial Beast Great Emperor sighed a heavy sigh, and clenched his fists tighter. 

"At the time I was also confused why the world itself had very nearly died out. It is only now that I fully understand, even a few hundred billion dead wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket when compared to that number. Such a massive lack of comprehension, heh, and here we had once thought that we could recover the world on our own." Wondrous Pill Great Emperor mused, speaking up for the first time during this meeting.

"To be honest, Martial Uncle, it was and still is within the power of a Great Emperor to restore such damage. Specifically, had everyone used the shamanic spell my father knows, to link all the Great Emperors together, it is possible to link yourselves directly to the Star Boundary. This process though... Has many dangers. In fact I think the other method only my father could have pulled off at that time, would have had a chance of working." I explained, rubbing my chin in thought. 

"Oh? Are you talking about that one method you mentioned a while ago, Leiji?" Yang Kai asked. 

"Indeed I am, father. And after becoming a Great Emperor myself I am only more convinced it would have worked. And the worst case scenario would have been your cultivation would stagnant for at most two or three decades. Yet this would have even given the World spirit more than enough time to make an absolute recovery. Which would in turn reward your painstaking efforts." I answered, still rubbing my chin. "That said, I can't say it was the best solution to the problem. The sub-tree is by far the best result, no questions asked." I added, relaxing a bit. 

"I see, I too thought that it would have worked, that is, after you mentioned such a laborious plan. And had I thought of it at the time, I might have done that instead. It doesn't really have much in the way of downsides. Heh heh, much like a woman wouldn't have much of a downside to marry you. I wonder, are there any others that I know of that would be good matches for you?" Yang Kai said laughing lightly, in an attempt to bring the mood back to a happier topic. 

"I know that in my case I don't see any downsides. Junior brother is exactly my type. Unbothered by his form, unassuming, and that look on the world is refreshing. It also doesn't hurt that his body... is just, yummy looking." Zi Yu spoke up, almost as if she had been waiting for this moment but still managed to say some interesting words that raised quite a lot of eyebrows. "Ehh! I mean... uhm, I feel like I met my soulmate the first time I laid my eyes upon him and his perfect body!" She added, frantically. 

"Sister Zi Yu has good eyes indeed. His body is perfect indeed, just you wait until you see for yourself to just what extent that perfection goes." Huo Lei quickly replied, on instinct with her tails beating the air as she squirmed in anticipation.