Ice Feather's Mistake

After what was less than half the time it takes to burn incense, I retracted my aura and removed my hand from Lu Yu Qin's back. Lu Yu Qin, who had just been through this event, turned around and jumped onto me wrapping her arms and legs around my body. She smiled and then pressed her lips against mine without any reservation. A single tear formed at the corner of her eye, one I wiped away with a gentle touch. 

Lu Yu Qin, then realized what she had just done, seemingly embarrassed, she let herself down off of me and bowed. "Forgive me for my shameful display just now. For some reason I simply couldn't help myself for a moment there." Lu Yu Qin spoke, in an unbothered tone, rather it sounded endearing more than anything. 

"There is no need for any apology, the thing just now is what husband and wife do, while it is still not officially announced yet, you now hold a place at my side and in my family. But, do try not to get overwhelmed too quickly again, everything does have a time and place after all." I replied, standing her up right with a gentle hand again. 

"Yes, and, thank you husband." Lu Yu Qin smiled, looking into my eyes with her own, bright sparkling eyes. 

"Ahahaha! Void, your son is something else. So bold, and yet admirably so." Martial Beast Great Emperor chuckled aloud. 

"I'm more impressed by the power he just used. Did he seriously awaken another's Dragon bloodline?" Heaven's Revelations Great Emperor asked. 

"Indeed I have. Unfortunately, I believe this to be a power unique to myself at the moment. Though I'd be shocked if Sun's Burning Shine and Moon's Nether Glimmer wouldn't be able to mimic it, after, they improve their control a bit more. As of right now, they would likely just destroy or kill the individual by accident. So, I guess, it doesn't need to be the very next trip." I explained, with a light chuckle. 

"Hmm, I knew you'd get something new after seeing them. Though it is still quite impressive nonetheless. Good! Congratulations Leiji, you're going to be quite busy later on. As for Lu Yu Qin, welcome home, daughter." Yang Kai spoke up, in his calm yet serious and jovial tone. It was as if he was holding back his laughter at what just happened. 

"After a display like that I think he has more than proven his strength. One must be mighty to have the ability to pull off such a thing. Young Leiji even compared himself to two of the most powerful ancient existences in the 3000 worlds." Flower Shadow Great Emperor added , not wanting to be removed from the conversation. 

"If Martial Aunt Flower Shadow is suggesting that I need not prove my strength with a fight, I'd ask that she refrain from that line of thought. After all, once I finish my breakthrough, I'll be in the thick of it once again. And in a place where strength matters far more than one could imagine. Even you, wouldn't begin to understand the depth of these words lest you've experienced that place before. The war with the Demon race here, in Star Boundary, might as well have been baby food, and at worst childs play, by comparison." I said, quickly rejecting any thoughts of refraining from the match.

"Well said! This is a chance for me to understand the depth of his worth, man to man. As well as if he is truly worthy of taking my disciple from me. And even if that wasn't a factor, I can't help but want to test his strength out, as his seniors it is our duty to prepare him for the future." Iron Blood Great Emperor nodded approvingly. 

"I see, I can't say I understand your thoughts completely. But I do understand it would be interesting to see how he does against you. So just treat my comment as if it never happened. I'm more interested in hearing what the last young lady here, Zi Yu, has to say in response to Leiji. What is her reasoning behind that look in her eyes?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor smirked with intrigue. 

"I have a comment first, well, more of a question really, if I may, that is." Ice Feather Great Emperor asked, looking directly at me with a truly stern look. 

"Ask away Martial Uncle Ice Feather." I replied, noticing that Zi Yu was still staring at me with love simply radiating off of her. And Bing Yun seemed to be trying to get through to her. "I'll have to pay attention to her next, she makes me want to tease her for some reason. I bet she has some cute reactions." I thought, as I waited for Ice Feather to speak. 

"You said earlier that a war where billions of people died over the course..." Ice Feather Great Emperor started speaking. 

"Wrong! Do not underestimate the casualties of that war, Martial Uncle. That is absolutely insulting to the dead. The length of the war was how long, a couple of decades, and hundreds of billions of people died, daily. Simply saying billions is a massive underestimation of the true death toll. The total number of deaths easily surpasses Billions of Billions of Billions. Your estimation was off by several magnitudes, Martial Uncle, but even if it is you I must challenge your understanding immediately. I refuse to allow anyone to underestimate the suffering that happened during that war. That goes double for Great Emperors." I said, abruptly cutting Ice Feather off, sending the entire room into shock, except for those who already knew how serious I took loss, like Yang Kai and the rest of my family. 

"I..." Ice Feather Great Emperor started, then paused for a bit. "Apologies, I meant no offense." He said, shutting up again for a moment. "It is, however, now clear to me that you have not said your comment about that battlefield lightly. So forgive me for my lack of understanding." He finished off saying. 

"You're forgiven, I have the fortune of having memories of a world that has arithmetic several leagues beyond the scale of this world. Where a specific notation is used for excessively large numbers. But please, if you don't have that knowledge, at least use enough words in conjunction to give a more accurate description at the very least." I said with a sigh.