Temporal Thunder Vs Iron Blood

"Let's stop this and watch as Little Leiji proves himself yet again." Bai Yi interjected. 

"That's right, after what he pulled off when we went to see the twins..." Yu Ru Meng muttered, but not so quietly that the other Great Emperors couldn't overhear her comment. 

Ice Feather Great Emperor's eyebrow raised upon hearing what Yu Ru Meng had said. "And what exactly, did he do there that was so impressive?" He asked, incapable of restraining his intrigue in the slightest. "I must know what it was. He was able to teach us a new method of understanding drastically large numbers with ease, to the point that we understood immediately just how wrong we were in the past." He thought, expecting an answer. 

Yang Kai smirked at the look that Ice Feather had. Almost in immediate response, the Serene Soul Great Emperor got a chill down his spine after seeing the smirk. And then, instead of Yang Kai speaking it into existence, he sent the information through the Star Boundary link. And the looks on the Great Emperors became frightfully terrified. All except one that is. 

"HAH HAH HAH! Seems like I won't get away from this fight without some bruises if I don't go all out." Iron Blood Great Emperor roared with laughter, and a giant smile came across his face. "Let's see just how strong you truly are! Lin Yun'er's future is on the line in this fight. So don't make the false assumption that I'll go easy on you. Not after you've gone and got my blood pumping like this." He added, pressing his aura even further, now, no longer holding his 7th rank strength back. 

"Sounds like Martial Uncle is finally, truly into this fight. I know it can be cumbersome to fight against juniors. But please, don't think that just because you've stopped holding back..." I said with a simple smirk of anticipation, crawling into position on my face. "You will be the first single combat opponent I've had for a long time. And I certainly won't be holding back either. I AM TEMPORAL THUNDER GREAT EMPEROR!" I explained calling out as my power began to show its true limits, my aura exploded with an intense energy, putting it on par with Iron Blood's.

"Then we shall fight!" Iron Blood Great Emperor smirked, excitedly. He then dashed forward to make use of his greatest asset, physical strength. And then... 


The sound of Iron Blood Great Emperor's fist colliding with my own caused the sound of an explosion to reverberate through the void. 

"What?!" Iron Blood Great Emperor thought, in the very moment that our fists collided. "How did he...?" But he didn't have time to finish that thought. 

The first punch was merely a prelude to the fight. And we each began exchanging blows, matching each other's strength and even speed. Several ripples began forming throughout the void as streaks of our two auras began painting a picture of two near equals fighting each other. 

The looks on the Emperor Realms face's was nothing short of priceless. Each of them had already been in awe about the sheer amount of power that Iron Blood and I had released at the very beginning. But now, the scene before them was... Inspiring. 

Lightning and blood colored blows filled the void. If before, entering the void below the Great Emperor Realm was basically a death sentence, then it would be fair to say that now... now it was far more dangerous than that. 

"Heh, at this level even 5th rank open heaven would dare get any closer than this." Yang Kai chuckled as he spoke. 

"But why is Leiji holding back this much? Is it really that hard for him to win this fight?" Feng Ying asked, now a little puzzled. 

"He is using it as practice, he wants to come up with ways to avoid what happened that day." Yang Kai answered, knowing full well how I felt about this at the moment. "The day he nearly died... I never want to feel like that ever again." He sighed, as his aura fluctuated with fury simply from remembering what happened that day. 

"Wait, you said he is using a fight, against a 7th rank open heaven, as training?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked, surprised. 

"Indeed, he is, and the best part about it, is that Iron Blood can't get upset about it either. Since this was originally for Iron Blood to test Temporal Thunder out, for himself." Yang Kai chuckled with a big smile. 

"Yikes, I almost feel bad for brother Iron Blood in this case. On top of that I'm not sure who is going to win this fight now." Bustling World Great Emperor sighed with a light chuckle. 

"Oh, don't be so overly on the fence. Temporal Thunder is bound to win from the start. In fact he already has." Flower Shadow Great Emperor spoke up. "Or haven't you realized it yet? He is still in the Great Emperor Realm, and has yet to achieve the Open Heaven, or even the Half Open Heaven realms. The simple fact he can hold his own against a 7th rank open heaven as he is now, is simply beyond outstanding." She added, then looked over at Huo Lei and the other 8 young ladies all sitting together. "And besides, he strikes me as the type who wouldn't abandon a young woman's heart, especially when they are already so close to his women as it is. Just look at them over there." She finished saying. 

Others looked over in the direction of Huo Lei and my other wives, there were also the three new additions to their sister wifehood. 

"Fighting for your women's sake... What better reason could there be to fight, than that. Sister Flower Shadow is right. I too think Temporal Thunder will come out the victor of this fight." Martial Beast Great Emperor said, as he thought about when he toppled Dragon Island in the past for the same reason. 

Then suddenly. "Father! Is it possible for me to maybe..." Yao Lin started saying. 

"It would be for the best if you don't finish that thought, Yao Lin." Serene Soul Great Emperor spoke up before his foolish daughter could say another word. 

Yao Lin then stood in silence watching the fight go on. "I was a real brat when I was younger huh." She thought, as a tear formed, one that she quickly wiped away.