Approval Gained

The fight between myself and Iron Blood Great Emperor continued. With each exchange of blows the fight's intensity increased and onlooking emperor realms began having brand new insights into the Dao. Though, it wasn't just them that experienced this effect, no, it was also many of the mid rank open heavens that had come along as well.

What was it that made these mid ranks leave seclusion, or take time away from their other business? Simply put, they wanted to see a fight between two Great Emperors. Even if there was a massive difference in cultivation level between the two fighting, it would be fair to say that a Great Emperor's natural ability to control the mighty power of World Force, as well as other forms of Qi, is simply next level. After all, Great Emperors are cultivators that were given the recognition of the world tree though the world's will. It would be foolish not to take time to come by and witness this match, even if it meant taking a small loss from their seclusion.

Lightning crackled seemingly endlessly, and a deep blood red aura, strong like iron clashed, repeatedly. The void trembled with each successive blow. And then it calmed all at once. 

"You've been through quite a lot for someone so young, haven't you Temporal Thunder? I can feel it with every blow, the experience you developed is nothing so simple. Just how bad is that battlefield... It's got me curious now." Iron Blood Great Emperor spoke, glancing at his fist, and then back to me. "My fists have started to go numb, yet he looks as though he hasn't even begun to take this seriously... Is he holding back? Or, no it must be something else." He thought, casually opening and closing his hands, as if to stretch them out to regain feeling. 

"You praise me too much, Martial Uncle. I am simply far more accustomed to this power than you are to your own. This is not meant to be insulting. Rather, you have just recently broken through within the last ten years. It's actually impressive you could fight at this level after only recently breaking through. I'm glad, you've set a good example for us of my generation to follow, you have my thanks." I said with a polite bow. "Now then, shall we, take it up a few notches. With the warm up out of the and all. I figure we could have some fun now." I smirked, cracking my neck, in anticipation. 

"Heh, seems like it was wrong for me to doubt your strength. Now that I think about it, I should have known from the moment you earned your name sake, Temporal Thunder." Iron Blood Great Emperor chuckled. "Very well then, you've proven yourself worthy to take my precious disciple, I expect you to treat her well." He smiled, with a thoughtful look on his face. 

"Junior thanks, father-in-law, for his blessings. And junior will make this promise, I will treat Lin Yun'er a a proper husband should. This is the same promise I have made for all of my wives, and one I never intend on reneging on." I said, cupping my hands, bowing deeply. 

"Ahahaha! Good! Then let's continue a little longer, consider it a gift to help you grow stronger." Iron Blood Great Emperor Laughed, and then looked at me with a knowing smirk. 

"Then let's begin in earnest once again! Please, instruct me well." I said with an excited look on my face. "Now I can finally get what I needed all this time. A good bit of practice, the kind only a sufficiently strong opponent can give me." I thought as we each began using Qi attacks. 

Thunderous Lightning flew through the void, sparking everywhere, as if in direct conflict with the iron blood energy. However, Iron is one hell of a conductor, and thus has quite the debuff when fighting lightning. Even still, Iron Blood Great Emperor is no slouch, he picked up on this seemingly odd effect and came up with countermeasures, forcing me to adapt in a way I never had to before. And it is for this very reason why Iron Blood Great Emperor was the best possible opponent for me to fight now. 

~ Several Hours Later ~

"Hmm, it seems that Leiji has finished the creation of his new ability. It's probably for the best if Brother Iron Blood, doesn't, get hit by it." Yang Kai said, realizing the significant change. 

"Oh? He's already got something to put Iron Blood out of the fight, Interesting?" Heaven's Revelations Great Emperor asked, slightly amused. 

The clashing of attacks stopped, and the void settled down, calming to its original state after a few breaths of time. Iron Blood Great Emperor, looking exhausted, looked at me. His brow raised slightly at my appearance. And then he looked at himself as well and then started laughing. 

"Ahahaha! It seems we might have gone a little bit further than your father had intended. To think that this equipment could get torn like this from a simple fight." Iron Blood Great Emperor laughed, looking at the holes and tears in his shirt. 

"Indeed, it was quite the workout. Fortunately I didn't wear any protective defensive equipment this time. So it shouldn't take too long to get a new outfit. In fact I think the people in my small realm have fashioned a wardrobe specifically for me by now." I laughed, as the last tatters of my shirt fell off, once again exposing my upper body. "But I wasn't worried about all that. I learned quite a lot from this battle. But you'll have to forgive me. I can not use the new ability on you. For I fear it would bore a hole through an established 7th rank with ease, similar to a hot knife through butter." I nervously stated. "It is developed specifically for such purposes as fighting higher level opponents, after all. So I'm sure you can understand my hesitance to use it against allies, especially family." I added. 

"Then tell me, in relation to that first Qi beam you fired, how much stronger is this new ability?" Iron Blood Great Emperor asked. 

"That would be difficult to say. That attack had barely any effort behind it. Just look at my father's face for a moment while I say it and it should explain it well enough." I sighed.