True Smite

Confused, Iron Blood Great Emperor gave me a look, then sighed and turned to put Yang Kai's face in his view. Along with them were several of the Dawn Squad members, but mainly there was Bai Yi and Feng Ying as well, both also know exactly how strong I was in the past. 

"I'm not quite sure what this will help, but I'm ready to hear it now." Iron Blood Great Emperor said, with an awkward mix of hesitation, and anticipation. 

"I can now control that final battle's wide range attack into a single hyper concentrated attack. I'm thinking of naming it, True Smite... Or something along those lines." I explained loud enough for those on the ship, Daybreak, to overhear. 

Yang kai, Bai Yi, and Feng Ying's faces, all went pale with fright, it was almost as if they had practiced it thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of times before this very moment. The paleness was more pronounced in Bai Yi and Feng Ying's face's since they are weaker by quite a substantial measure. 

"I can tell that those two are much weaker than Void, so it makes sense that they would become as pale as a cloud. But for Void to lose color in his face as well... Now that must have been one hell of a terrifying attack." Iron Blood Great Emperor thought, as he gave a look to Void, as if to ask if the words were true. Only getting a nod in response, a bead of sweat formed on Iron Blood's forehead and ran down to his chin. "If that's the case, I'd love to see it in action. But at the same time I'd prefer such a need never arise." He said with a half stutter. 

"Ahahaha! Don't worry father in law, it's not like I'm suddenly going to be launching that at anybody but my enemy. Though, if I did use it here, I'm afraid even my father would have quite the difficult time dealing with it. Well, that is if he doesn't go all out like he did when he got instant revenge after a territory lord nearly took my life." I laughed, keeping the conversation between myself and Iron Blood this time. "You should ask him about it. Honestly, the only regret I have from that day, is not being able to witness my father finally, for once, lifting all his self-imposed restrictions and limitations. Ah, what a sight that would be indeed." I said with a cheerful chuckle. 

"I... I see, perhaps I'll ask Void to show me this incredible sight at some point." Iron Blood Great Emperor replied, as got over his nervousness. "Well, let's stay here no longer, you wanted to talk to Martial Beast right? I wonder how he will make you improve?" He continued with a light chuckle. "I bet it won't be as much as I!" He laughed, heartily as we flew back down to the ship. 

"Well, father-in-law Iron Blood has helped me develop a method that will guarantee I can fight back against much higher cultivation realms. But, the thing I want Martial Uncle... yeah, He is still here Martial Uncle here... I think, right? Yeah, anyways, the thing I am going to get from him, I do hope will never, ever, be needed. But if it ever does... Well, just say that whatever the enemy is at that time, their complete and utter demise will be a foregone conclusion. That is unless it's Ink himself... I doubt I'll get strong enough to deal with that bastard, at least on my own. Or through normal means... Perhaps I should try to start using..." I said, trailing off so no one else could hear my murmuring as I landed on the ship deck. 

"Congratulations Son, you have now officially gained the approval of all those whom you must. When do you wish for the weddings to be held?" Yang Kai said, recovering the color in his face and attempting to brush over the topic as soon as possible. 

"What? You're going to just let him get away with making something so reckless! That ability was no doubt improved upon once he became a Great Emperor and then further enhanced after his alone time with his wives, and then even more again when he refined those resources! There is no longer any doubt given his natural immunity and overall ability to destroy that type of enemy, that he could kill Territory Lords with a single technique now!" Feng Ying yelled at Yang Kai, as her face's color returned. 

"That's right! He is supposed to stay cute and adorable longer than this! But now he's already stronger than us! And knowing him I'd be surprised if that True Smite or whatever isn't a single use technique." Bai Yi yelled, after Feng Ying finished, then looked at me. "I'm right aren't I?" She prodded. 

"Uhm... Well, it's not like it doesn't have its limitations. But, as far as one time use... Not really, I could probably use it about three times in short succession. Perhaps up to five, it depends on the enemy force's density and how strong the opponent actually is. So yes, it's not a once and done technique." I said, nervously, my thundering tattoos churning slightly at the nervousness I feel. It's not easy being yelled at by one's mother... Even if, said mother isn't blood related. 

"Alright, alright! Leiji, you did something reckless this time." Su Yan added, walking over to me and gently placing her hand on cheek. "But I know why you did it. Your action was reckless, but it is honorable that you'd go so far to protect your father's heart and mind from going through such pain... Again. But please don't go and do anything that could get you killed. I don't know if my heart could take it." she whispered to me, bringing me in for a warm hug. "But, if you can't avoid it... I'll use a phrase from your memories. Come back with your shield, or on it" She added, stating the true significance behind what my new ability actually means. 

"Now isn't the time to say such things, Mother. I'm not going to war, yet. I still have quite a fair amount of effort before my return to the front. If I don't prepare properly, I'll just be slightly worse than an 8th rank. I'd rather not be so unreliable." I answered, unwilling to accept that phrase.