Wen Xue Qing

After the fight was over, Those who had only come to watch the fight were sent on their way, and the meeting participants returned to the meeting room. 

~ Somewhere In Star Boundary ~

"That fight... What did you think about it, senior brother?" A 3rd order Emperor asked, as he flew in sync with the others in the party, of which there were many. 

"I... Having such power at the Great Emperor Realm is impossible, at least for the other Great Emperors. You saw it yourself, Sir Temporal Thunder was clearly holding back during the match. No one recovers that quickly after such an intense fight, provided they are going all out. Yet, he recovered within just a few breaths." The Senior brother mentioned with a stiff expression. 

"Oh? How much stronger is he then? I found it a bit difficult to follow, much less understand and comprehend." Another Cultivator asked, he had only recently broken through to the 3rd order, as such his perception is still lacking a bit. 

"I hope you at least gained something, watching something like that is not a thing that happens all the time." The most senior sister of the bunch chimed in with an annoyed sigh. 

"In any case, from what I heard, from master, about the Great Demon War... Had Sir Temporal Thunder been here at that time, he likely could have single handedly dealt with all the demons without batting an eye." The most senior brother answered, exasperated. "In fact, I'd say being one of his women would likely be one of this world's greatest accomplishments for a young woman." He continued. 

Then the three men, and one sister all looked the fifth, and the youngest here. A relatively beautiful Young woman, who instantly got flushed red in the face. 

"Awe, so your heart did flutter a bit when you that... that, beautiful body of his, heh heh." The Senior Sister teased with a chuckle. "Should I tell Master that her daughter has found a man she really likes? Who knows, Master Gao Xue Ting might actually be able to pull some strings for you. How about it?" She continued, with a grin that basically conveyed that no matter what happened, Gao Xue Ting would hear about this development, in detail. Even if those details become exaggerated slightly. "Oh, but if you don't want him, perhaps I might have shot then. Alright, guess I'm going to see what happens." She smirked with a wild grin. 

"No! You can't have him! He's m... Ah! Don't you already have a partner? Why are you teasing me so much! Oh! Why, why, why!" The junior sister flailed, as they continued flying. Her face became so red, the standard bright red dress trope doesn't even begin to compare. 

"Oh? You say that with such confidence... Interesting. I wonder what you're thinking about to turn all red like this, come on you can tell your senior sister." The Senior sister continued her teasing. "Come on, Wen Xue Qing, won't you tell me?" She continued prodding. 

"Ah, stop teasing me sister, I'll tell you... But, not loud enough for the stinky men to hear. It's just... too embarrassing." Wen Xue Qing said nervously, poking her fingers together innocently. 

"If that's all then whisper it to me. It's not like those stinky men should hear it anyway." The senior sister said, confidently as she flew along closer to Wen Xue Qing, and then Wen Xue Qing whispered everything... "Oh my, you've got it bad don't you? To think you'd even imagine that much. I wonder how your mother is going to react upon hearing of this news too." The Senior Sister exclaimed, now also beat red in the face, but was wearing a sly smirk. 

"Little Sister, it's probably for the best if you don't say whatever that exchange was between you too just now, in front of the Temple Mistress. I'd prefer not to get involved, so if you must, please wait until we have officially returned to the Temple." The most Senior brother there commented with a worried sigh, then turned to look ahead. "It seems like it is going to be a ruff next few months for Lord Temporal Thunder Great Emperor." He sighed. 

"Oh? So it's lord now, is it? That's quite the jump from Sir." The most Senior Sister said with a glint in her eyes. 

"After seeing such a massive gap between Lord Temporal Thunder and I, I can't help but say as much. He is of our generation, and yet he is not just a Great Emperor, but he clearly shatters his father, Lord Void Great Emperor's record. Xia Bai Xiao you should also start showing Lord Temporal Thunder a similar respect, he is too great to be disrespected. Else, I shall tell father about this matter personally." The most Senior Brother of the five said, with a heavily annoyed sigh. "She's always been a handful, seriously, how could you not see it for yourself." He thought.

"We shouldn't talk about how I feel once we return, I... I don't think I have the nerve to... Nor am I a princess like Lady Lin Yun'er. I don't have a chance..." Wen Xue Qing spoke shyly. 

"Heh, that's not happening. You're the Temple's Princess, isn't Azure Sun Temple on par with Ice Heart Valley and Fire Dragon Palace? If their disciples are able to marry such a man, why wouldn't you? The only thing you need to worry about is if you are prepared to marry a man with multiple wives. Meaning, can you share him with your fellow sisters? Or would that be too much?" Xia Bai Xiao asked, in a reassuring way. 

"Then... I can do it. As long as I can be with him, and have him be the father of my children... I bet our children would be great as well. Ah, I can't wait, I want to... Oh, I probably shouldn't say anything more than that now should I..." Wen Xue Qing said nervously, looking at the embarrassed looks on the three men's faces upon hearing her words. 

~ Azure Sun Temple Minor Hall ~

"You said what now! You left to witness that battle and now my precious daughter has already found a man?! Where is this devious man! And who is it! Tell me now!" Gao Xue Ting yelled with a furious aura and sinister smile.