Off With The Great Emperors

"Hmph, I don't want to give my precious daughter away to a stinky man that can't commit to one woman. So no! I don't agree!" Gao Xue Ting said with a drunken pout and then took another few seconds downing more liquor. 

"I see... Elder Gao is quite the doting mother. I can respect that. However, I think you shouldn't make such major decisions while drunk. So..." I said, snapping my fingers to summon a maid servant. 

"Reporting, Young palace master." A maid servant said entering the room, and bowed politely. Well, it was much closer to prostrating. 

"Escort Temple Master Wen, Elder Gao and their daughter to a place where they can get some rest. Treat them as guests of the Palace." I ordered calmly. 

"With pleasure Young Master." The maid servant bowed deeper, accepting the assignment.

With the maid servant escorting them out of the meeting hall, the atmosphere in the meeting hall calmed. And business can move one as before. 

"Alright, now then. Are there any questions for me now?" I asked, with a light sigh. 

"Yes, what exactly was it you wanted to ask of me?" Martial Beast Great Emperor asked. 

"Hmm, that's just for the two of us. Now then if no one has any other questions. We should get to work. Great Emperors come with me to affix more veins to Star Boundary. And everyone else should return to their homes and search for the talents needed to refine the pill I invented. That is, aside from everyone I already mentioned, there are other important matters. Head Manager, I'll entrust the running of the Palace to you in my short absence. If anything too important comes up, you know what to do." I said, standing up and stretching. 

"Oh? So we are doing that again? Don't we need Void to complete the process?" Heaven's Revelation Great Emperor asked. 

"No, it isn't necessary for all the Great Emperors to be present. It just makes it a bit easier on me. And I doubt the absence of one would be enough to slow me down much at all. Not after how much I learned from the first time. I think we can do about 7 or 8 more today if I get serious. That is, if you can keep up." I chuckled, putting my hands on my hips confidently. 

"Bwahaha! Good let's go and take care of that now." Bustling World Great Emperor, laughed with a wink. 

~ Elsewhere In Star Boundary ~

All the Great Emperors, minus Void, gathered together in a relatively remote area. And now it truly was just the ones who must know. Which made every other Great Emperor look at me. They each had a different level of inquisitive look on their face. 

"Temporal Thunder, is this feeling what I think it is?" Serene Soul Great Emperor asked with a difficult sigh. 

"If you're talking about that power, that consciousness that we can sense. Then I have no solid facts. But I can say that it is very likely to be what you suspect. The World Spirit of Star Boundary is in recovery." I explained. 

"That's excellent! If it can truly make a full recovery, then the World will grow once again. Finally, after all this time, we can pay back Star Boundary for recognizing us as Great Emperors." Serene Soul Great Emperor said in a rather unbecoming tone for such an old man. It was like he was just about to start blubbering like a baby. 

"This will go faster if you listen to my instructions. After all, I am the only person alive today that understands how Universe Worlds work. From birth until they are destroyed. And even how to prevent them from ever dying. However, I am not yet strong enough to perform these tasks on my own, which is why I must use the power of other Great Emperors to fully establish the required link." I explained with a hint of confusion at Serene Soul's tone. 

"Then don't mind using us as much as you need to. So long as you don't run us ragged we will do our best." Wondrous Pill Great Emperor confidently stated. 

"Good, then let us begin. After we are done, Martial Uncle, Martial Beast I'll have that conversation with you in private." I said, as we all got into position. 

"Ahahaha! You've got me curious now. Very well, if it's something only I can do, I'll help my Martial Nephew to the best I can." Martial Beast Great Emperor said letting out an excited laugh.

~ Several Days later ~

After finishing 8 veins, I along with other Great Emperors all parted ways for the most part. However, I and Martial Beast Great Emperor went to Martial Beast Island for our own training. More specifically we went to a relatively secluded section of the island. 

"How do you like this place? It's pretty great isn't it. It wasn't easy to find this place, that's for sure. But no one should bother us here. So come on, what is it you wanted to ask me about?" Martial Beast Great Emperor asked, with a smile. 

"Martial Uncle, I'd like for you to show me how you command monster beasts. I have an Idea I need to try out. But as of now I am unable to formulate the entire picture. I haven't seen others command beasts yet. Mostly because they are utterly useless on that battlefield." I asked, cupping my hands and bowing slightly. 

"I see, so that place really is that bad. But may I ask what it is, that you need such techniques for? From where I stand you're plenty strong enough. If I had a Granddaughter I'd marry her off to you as soon as possible. Even if she needed some convincing... not that there is anything needing to be convinced of." Martial Beast Great Emperor asked, curiously. 

"If I tell you, I need you to promise not to tell a soul. Not even my own father." I said, nervously. 

"Hmm... It's that serious then. I see, in that case I promise not to breathe a word of it. But I get to make the final choice as to whether I show you or not." Martial Beast Great Emperor said. I nodded and whispered my reasoning to him. "HOLY HELL KID! That's brutal and noble, brutally noble! But, I can't say I don't like the thought behind it. Very well, I'll teach you." He replied in shock and respect.