The World Tree's Actual Effects

Wen Xue Qing's face flushed bright red, as her smile went from ear to ear. Meanwhile, mostly everyone else was already in the know about how I handled situations like this. However, my Adoptive brother on the other hand, was arguably more flushed than the woman who just had her chastity talked about so openly. 

"Wha... Little brother, how can you talk about such embarrassing things so easily like that?" Yang Xiao stuttered out, speaking half in human tongue and half in dragon tongue.

"Ahahaha, like I informed my elder sister earlier. Talking like this is not a problem. Rather, I think not talking about it is part of the reason why birth rates are absolutely pitiful. Seriously in over a thousand years, the population has only been multiplied by about 5 or 6 times from post demon war. If this continues this way, the world could still die even with the help of the senior World Tree." I laughed, toning it down to a chuckle as I explained. 

"Wait? Leiji, what do you mean by that? Even as a newly planted sapling that Subtree was able to revitalize the entire world and fixed its principles. Surely you can sense it." Yang Ying Feng asked, confused, much like everyone else. 

"It's no surprise you'd think this way. However, Grandfather, I know far more about Senior World Tree than even he would probably be willing to tell, and I even know a few things about him that even he doesn't know." I said with a calm and relaxed tone. "A short and easy explanation is that right now, Star Boundary is basically no better than a leech upon all other nearby Universe Worlds. And there are about 3000 of them within the vicinity. It is unfair to those Worlds to bear our burden. Eventually those world's principles will grow weaker, lest they also start popping out a baby for every woman every 2 years at the very least. Which, to be fair, isn't that horrible, but when you think about it normally, that is only because their world's energy is being stolen by Star Boundary." I explained further. 

"I see, so that's the reason you wanted to increase the population and do so as fast as possible." Yang Ying Feng commented, stroking his beard. "But, Why would it cause such a big disturbance on the other worlds you mentioned, if it is only a small amount each time." He asked, after a few moments of deep thought. 

"It is because of the 3rd Order Emperors. More specifically the weak ones. When someone uses the World Tree to understand how to create their own Dao Seal, it is a very similar situation to how a Great Emperor is born. Ask yourselves this; Where does the energy come from?" I answered clearly. 

"Oh, that's why... Wait, what about your breakthrough then? Didn't that cause a huge change?" Yang Ying Feng asked. "Wouldn't that have a greater effect?" He added.

"Grandfather is right, even with the addition of the remnant World Spirit I returned to the Star Boundary before, my breakthrough cost the absolute most out of all of the people who have ever made it to this realm, I that record will likely never be broken, since it was equivalent to several 6th rank open heavens worth of power." I said, with a straight face. "But, let me ask you this, how many Great Emperors do you think it would take to match me in combat?" I asked. 

"I don't think that number is even possible. Not if you can eliminate thousands of Ink Clan soldiers with ease." Yang Ying Feng said, looking at me. "But that means you're not simply using the measure of power used. But rather a cost benefit analysis." He added. 

"That is precisely right. If I had the time to connect to the Star Boundary. I alone could completely revive its spirit in about ten thousand years. Give or take a thousand or so. However, that is not possible. And thus I decided it best to take a different route. Hence the pills I designed. In this way everyone will be able to help out more. And given there is enough room in the world for more than 10^58 people... It is fair to say that I'd have my work cut out for me If I did that myself... As strong as I am, there are some problems that are best solved by the masses. And with that Pill I have made everyone's ability to repair the world multiplied by several hundred fold. I'd say that's a fair exchange, unlike the two bastards that stole energy from my baptism." I said, hiding my frustration behind a smile, similar to how my mother does it. 

"Alright, are there any other matters that need to be discussed? Because I want to spare with my little brother." Zhao Ya asked, eagerly. 

"Uhm, I don't have anything that requires the Young Palace Master's attention." Hua Qing Si said, deciding to be the first to speak up. "Though if you're going to spare... Don't go too hard. There are going to be a few things that need his attention in the coming days. Right now I am still accepting children that were escorted here to begin their alchemic training." She added. 

"Hmm, I see, in that case, I don't mind sparing with the three of you. My only condition is that you all come at once. And ya know what... Brother Yang Xiao, you should join their team as well. They'll need that much help to keep up with me." I said, stating my conditions. 

"Ah, uhm sure thing I guess... But is that really okay? Zhao Ya seems quite angry now." Yang Xiao asked. 

"Damn right I'm angry! How can Little Brother look down on us like that, aren't we 7th rank open heavens too!" Zhao Ya said practically flailing around. 

"Zhao Ya, remember Leiji has very real battle experience. So much so that if the conditions were right, he might even be able to injure myself. Not even mentioning a 7th rank, He has enough power to kill 8th ranks with a small degree of ease. So even with the four of you together you still won't win." Smile spoke of the harsh reality of the situation.