10th Wife Confirmed

"Hmm, I see. Well, until I know what the condition is, I can not make any promises in the affirmative nor the negative. However, I can hear this condition. I will also add that I can tell you've already told my wives as of now. Otherwise they wouldn't be doing their best to hide their feelings from me." I replied, in an understanding tone. "That being said, I can imagine how hard it is to give your child away in marriage. I have not done this, but I don't imagine it would be an easy thing for a parent, especially a mother to do so willingly." I added, trying to ease Elder Gao's clearly blatant anxiety. 

"Good, then my one condition is that you officially make her your wife today. If you promise this, I will not get in the way any longer." Elder Gao declared, with a far larger degree of confidence than I had expected. 

"Hmm, Elder Gao. Let me ask you a question... Do you think I'm a stupid good for nothing unfilial child and grandchild that would mistreat his family?" I asked, with an intense look in my eyes. "You can take your time to answer that question. But remember the answer will determine the relationship of Azure Sun Temple going forward. So choose your words more carefully than you did just now." I added, clearly pissed and disappointed. 

Elder Gao's face went through multiple stages of anger and confusion. It was as if her entire preconceived notion about me was shattered in an instant. She tried to speak for a moment but was rendered mute. The air was instantly heavy and suffocating. Elder Gao then began to think calmly. And after what seemed like far too long, she turned back to look at me...

"Apologies, what I said was out of line. There are many reasons why you can not do that today. I was getting ahead of myself and foolishly tested your character. You are different than I expected what a man with a harem would act like." Elder Gao said in a slightly nervous tone. "I've never seen such a fierce young man... even Yang Kai didn't have half the presence this young man does. Qing'er will not suffer even if she is the tenth wife." She thought, as her arm trembled awaiting my reply. 

"Good, it seems like the relationship can continue as it was at the very least. You should know that if there is only one line I will absolutely never back down on, it is family. And in your previous comment, you insulted the entire Yang Family, Great Emperors, and even the Honor of Star Boundary itself, ignored the toiling that my father went through on the Ink Battlefield and much, much more. But to top that up, the single most insulting thing you insinuated in that comment, was to suggest I'd officially marry without my father's approval." I said with an intense glare, albeit slightly less so than before. 

"I see, Yang Kai is unavailable at the moment and thus you can't do it in good faith. That is, without becoming a stinky man like him." Elder Gao mused, with a sigh. "Seriously what was I thinking, even saying for you to take her flower today. I really was thrown for a loop at this whole situation." She continued with pointless musing. 

"There are many things my father and I have in common. But accepting a spouse in an unofficial manner is not one of them. I already had enough regrets doing that before I arrived in the 3000 Worlds. However, in those cases, I at least had step-mothers and my first master present to give their approval alongside my father's. However, I do not even have a stand in for my father, and even if I did, I would refuse, lest my father is completely incapable of ever doing his duties in this regard." I explained further. 

"Husband, I think that might be enough now. So let's move on now." Huo Lei said, rubbing her cheek into my shoulder. 

"Indeed, let's move this forward. Elder Gao, While I can not accept an official marriage to be held today, I can seal the deal so to speak. In this way the future is secure and worries will be few and far between if they ever repeat." I suggested. "Case in point, I will be sealing the deal with my current fiancés over the next several days. As a man I must ensure their futures are secure. So while I can not hold any grandiose wedding at this current time, I can most certainly make sure there are no worries about Senior Sister Wen Xue Qing's future." I explained a little more about what I meant. 

"Oh, my. So bold! Little brother, how are you so bold as to talk like this in front of so many women?!" Zhuo Ya asked, beat red in the face and constantly stealing glances over at Zhuo Ye Bai, as she squirmed a little. 

"Trust me, if that gets you red in the face you don't want to know about other stories I doubt have been shared with you. Trust me when I say this, you'd faint from embarrassment at the mere thought of what I have been exposed to." I said with a clear tone of pain in my voice. One that you'd have to have zero senses to not sense it. 

That comment I made seemed to be enough to the point that Wen Xue Qing's heart seemed to flutter once more. "Mother, please I beg of you, accept this proposal. I can tell that Junior brother Yang Leiji is a man worth giving my flower to." She said in a confidently bold tone. 

"Even you've become more bold in just the last month. Very well, Yang Leiji. I, Gao Xue Ting Elder of Azure Sun Temple, accept the arrangement you have proposed, treat my daughter right. Oh, and I will not leave High Heaven Palace until you two have shared a night." Elder Gao proclaimed. 

"Understood, we wouldn't want you worrying about your daughter's, my new fiancé's future. You may stay here as a guest for as long as you like. Just, don't get drunk again while you're here, please." I said, with a smile, that hid the "Seriously don't touch my wine right now" look.