Returned To Family

~ High Heaven Palace Yang Leiji's Residence ~

My mothers and wives were all gathered together, conversing about something over tea and snacks. It was quite the large assortment of treats. Overall, if one looks at this scene from afar, it looks wholesome. Yet, when on closer inspection, Yang Xue was teasing Yang Xiao, For some reason those two came to visit. 

Furthermore, there were several other people present. Though I recognized all of them, I hadn't been introduced to all of them either. And we even had Elder Gao with her daughter there, talking with Su Yan and Dong Su Zhu. 

However, my interest was more drawn towards three specific people. They are my senior disciples/siblings after all. First was Zhao Ya, my Senior Sister, and my father's Disciple of the Spear Dao. She seemed to be getting along with my wives, by way of teasing Zhao Ye Bai, My Senior Brother, and my father's Dao of Space Disciple. Lastly there was Xu Yi, sitting quietly, wondering what he should do at the moment. And all three of them had broken through to the 7th rank directly, and it is clear upon a glance they had just finished their seclusion. 

"Oh? My baby is back." Su Yan exclaimed, instantly recognizing that motherly intuition.

"I've returned Mother, I must say though, it is a little annoying that it's impossible to hide from that intuition of yours. I guess a mothers intuition is still the best anti deception ability out there." I said, appearing in the doorway with a calm smile on my face. 

"Son, your aura... It's so deep, chaotic and calm all at the same time... Just what did you do?" Su Yan asked, in surprise. 

"Oh, with the help of my fellow Great Emperors and I, we added 8 more veins to the Star Boundary. I imagine in about 1 month's time, the entire Star Boundary will have a nearly 20% boost in total world energy, wherever one may happen to be. The other Great Emperors also agree with me on this issue. After doing that I spent some time training with Martial Beast Great Emperor, that training yielded quite good results if I do say so myself, and I do." I explained, unable to resist my own mothers questioning. 

"I see, that's good then. But you were gone so long that some of your wives were getting worried. Don't do anything that dangerous again without telling anyone." Su Yan said with a pout. 

"Understood mother. I will do my utmost to refrain from causing them worry." I said, with an awkward expression, and a slight sigh before I sat down in the spot right in between my darling Huo Lei and Xiu Che, wrapping my arms around them. 

"Uhm, Adoptive mother is this who I think he is?" Zhao Ya asked in shock at how bold I was. 

"That's right, he is my husband and I's only biological Son, Yang Leiji. And he is also the Temporal Thunder Great Emperor. His birth is a bit different from the usual way and that is why you're only now able to meet your little brother." Su Yan explained with a warm smile on her face. 

"I see, he is the Master's son. I would say it's nice to meet you but you're too shameless for a man. Even more than Master is." Zhao Ya jeered with a fake annoyed look in her eyes.

"Sister Zhao Ya stop it. Remember what we heard from everyone. Our experience is nothing as intense as our little brother's, so we shouldn't be rude even if he is the youngest of the four of us." Zhao Ye Bai said, attempting to rebuke his fellow disciple. 

"Please forgive them little brother. Those two are always like this. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Xu Yi and I've been studying the Dao of Time under Master Yang. And while I may be older than you, there is no need to show me any extra respect for a simple reason like that." Xu Yi introduced himself in a humble manner. 

"Oh there's no need to worry about it. I'm sure Elder sister Zhao Ya is just directing her frustrations away from the real thing, making her upset. As from where I am sitting, it is quite obvious to me. So I hold no grudge towards her. But, as you should know by now, I am Yang Leiji. When I was born by Surrogate mother gave me the name Wang An Leiji. Later on when my father was able to confirm I would be accepted as a legitimate Son, I assumed the Yang Family Name and kept my given name. But now, most people here will likely call me Sir/Lord Temporal Thunder, or some variation of the sort. However, for the three of you, I am a little brother." I said lifting a hand lightly to indicate everything was alright. 

"Hmph! Little brother it is then! It's good you know how to act right with your elder siblings!" Zhao Ya nodded her head confidently and crossed her arms. 

"Anyways, Mothers, it seems there have been a lot of responses over the past month. To think almost all of the women on that list I made have already shown up... I'm shocked it was that quick." I said changing the topic. 

"Well of course, We didn't want to wait until your father came out of seclusion. It's easier to force his hand if we do everything the way you planned. Even if I still find it hard to believe you could come up with something like that." Yu Ru Meng explained. 

"Ah, that's good. By the way, I see that Elder Gao and Senior Sister Wen Xue Qing are both here as well. I have some inclination about what is going on. But I'd like to hear the full story." I said, acknowledging the situation and moving on to the next topic, like free flowing water. 

"My Daughter seems to be beyond hopelessly in love with you. Mind, body and soul. And you've earned Sir Iron Blood's approval, but I have a condition you absolutely must fulfill. If you don't, I won't let you have my daughter." Elder Gao explained herself, while glaring daggers at me.