Direct Disciples Vs Yang Son

"True, if we go by that logic then there really isn't a problem. However, let's let the rest play out naturally from here on. I'm sure that would be for the best." Dong Su Zhu replied, knowing that I was dissolving her own worries with my words just then. 

"Thank you mother, I'll be sure not to let my future husband slip out from my grasp." Yang Xue smiled intently at her mother, and then gave a loving glance towards Yang Xiao, though it was also filled with a terror inducing feeling that made him recoil and gulp audibly. 

"Ahahaha! Anyways, on another note, I'd like to see just how far you've all gone along your Dao. I practice Space, Time, Thunder & Lightning, Spear and Hammer. I practice with others but those aren't really suitable for fighting, and I have a little less understanding in them than those five." I said, clearing my throat and changing the topic once again. 

"Good, then we will fight you. Your big sister here will teach you a thing or two about the Spear Dao." Zhao Ya said, brimming with an overabundance of confidence. 

"Haha, you can try. I welcome the confidence. Just don't think that training and actual combat are the same. You'd do well to take that to heart. The earlier the better." I chuckled, with a soft sigh, standing up. "You'll learn just why I can stand on that Battlefield." I smirked.

"Heh, honestly little brother, I don't think you can beat all three of us. We are fairly strong as it is." Zhao Ye Bai commented softly, but loud enough for me to hear it. 

"HAHAHA! How about you earn the privilege of fighting me 1 v 1 if you can beat me 3 v 1. I won't allow it any sooner than that." I said drawing the line they must cross. "Also, you are the last person who should mention things like that. You can't even realize your own situation. And trust me, as the younger brother here, I am quite annoyed that my older brother has yet to marry, when I have already done so." I smiled, with a hidden anger behind it. Su Yan could tell just how much I was holding back though, and she nearly choked. 

"My son, perhaps you could let him off the hook for a bit? He has been focused solely on cultivation this whole time. So there isn't a need to get so heated." Su Yan smiled, attempting to calm my nerves. 

"Understood mother. I will heed your advice and take it to heart. It's just that... it feels like he's been slacking in more ways than one." I said, then sighed. "I guess since my father has been away for so long, they haven't had proper instruction in these Daos... Very well then. If you 3 beat me, you can try your luck in single combat. However, if I win, heh heh, you'll have to listen to my methods and increase your Dao strength." I smirked, knowing full well I was about to win. 

"Heh, get ready to lose brother Leiji! We're going to beat you till you're no longer confident." Zhao Ya piped up again. 

~ A Training Platform ~

"Hey hey! Aren't they the Palace Master's Direct disciples!" A bystander asked as a crowd formed around the platform. 

"Yeah, that's them alright. But, didn't they go into seclusion to break through to the 7th rank? I can't even sense the depth of their cultivation now. It must be quite high. That's it they broke through. But wait, who is it that's standing against them?" Another bystander said, curious about me. 

"You idiot! That's the Young Palace Master! The mighty Temporal Thunder Great Emperor. I've heard that he is beyond the normal cultivation ratings strength value that he even beat Lord Iron Blood in single combat." Another person shouted. 

" Looks like a crowd has formed up. You four better not get too hurt you hear." Hua Qing Si sighed. "Well then, since all contestants are ready, let the match begin." She announced dropping her hand as the signal. 

In the next moment I appeared directly behind Zhao Ye Bai. "Hello elder brother." I whispered. 

"WHAT!?" Zhao Ye Bai exclaimed in shock, as he turned around with a swipe of his arm. It was a pitiful attempt, but an attempt nonetheless at landing a hit on me. "Wait, where did he go?" he muttered confused. 

"Ye Bai! Get it together, what are you waiting for? Help me out! Brother is too strong on my own!" Zhao Ya shouted, as her spear and my own were exactly even on the very tips of the weapons. 

"Oh? This is interesting, even though my weapon is of a lower rank I am able to equal out and even over power you Sister Ya, you might want to get some help soon." I chuckled, as I forced her to take several steps back. 

"I'll hold him in place! You two hit him with everything you've got! He can't break free from my, Time Prison!" Xu Yi shouted in what seemed like a rare moment of bravery. When in reality, he is the least afraid of fighting, that is, only while he is fighting. 

"Hmm, this isn't half bad, I'd say you're at least coming up to the 4th level of the Dao of Time. However, this... isn't enough to fool me. It's not even enough to hold my... BRUTE STRENGTH!" I smiled calmly, and yelled at the end, only for the intimidation effect. I did have to show them the true gap in our levels at some point but whipping out nearly level 8 Dao strength against child's play is simply a waste. 

"WHAT! Zhao Ya you're going to need to do the honors of keeping brother busy. Brother Xu Yi let us combine our powers together!" Zhao Ye Bai snapped out of his confusion when he noticed I broke out of the Time Prison. 

I then surged forward towards him, stopping just before reaching him, twisting my wrist so my spear head faced to the side. And my spear once again met head on with Zhao Ya's. 

"I can't make any promises, but I'll do what I can, you two hurry it along too." Zhao Ya answered. "You're playing with me now!" She Yelled, going into an almost berserker state, yet it was controlled.