Direct Disciples Vs Yang Son (2)

"Oh, very well, I'll let you use everything you can for now. Try your best to defeat me, alright?" I smiled, chuckling. 

From that moment, I began pressing Zhao Ya, Forcing her to keep up, by constantly keeping her just barely on the edge. Those who saw this scene were surprised they could even see it to begin with. However, Bai Yi and Feng Ying specifically weren't surprised in the slightest. 

"Hmm, it seems Leiji is trying to teach them something." Tao Ling Wan spoke up, watching the scene unfolding before her. 

"Of course he is, but it isn't just one thing. He is giving the three of them the most important lesson while also helping them to improve their own Dao strength." Bai Yi giggled a little as she spoke, holding Tao Ling Wan's hand gently. 

"The lesson they are learning now, is one almost everyone fails to learn until their closest friends have been killed in battle. Leiji really cares about family more than anything else. Even going so far as to break customs and even show what could be seen as disrespect to his elders." Feng Ying explained the importance behind what was happening. And just loud enough that everyone watching heard it as well. 

"That's not the end of it sister, Right now, he is by far the superior opponent. His actions now can be said to be toying with his opponents... Something the Ink Clan loves to do. He is preparing them for when they have to fight in the war." Su Yan explained the feelings that she could sense. 

"If that's the case, then he is already thinking about the three of them and their responsibility in the future. As future 9th rank's they will all be looked up to as the mountains that hold the heavens high." Smiles commented, and from a place she could resonate with. "If only those 3 had been raised in this manner from the very start, they might actually give Leiji a challenge." She added, with a slight regretful tone. 

"It's unfortunate, but better late than never. Those three kids will grow much stronger now because of this loss." Shen Ao said, appearing nearby with a couple of the other Dawn squad people. 

"Wait? Loss? I know Leiji is freakishly competent and absolutely invincible to the same realm. But surely three 7th ranks, even if they are newly promoted, would be able to win against him." Elder Gao said in a halfway panicked voice. The thought of Leiji winning never actually crossed her mind even in the presence of that very reality just breaths away. 

"Ahahaha! A future direct 8th rank is not something just anyone can trifle with. Their strength is ludicrously unfathomable for the Great Emperor Realm. I'd be shocked if even a couple dozen newly promoted 7th ranks could beat him, coming all together." Shen Ao laughed with a smirk. 

"Sister Zhao Ya, your energy circulation is slow and too chaotic. You'll never touch me acting like that unrefined. Right now, you're only slightly higher than a new born baby in difficulty." I said, standing with my back towards Zhao Ya. 

Zhao Ya was exhausted and struggling to hold herself up with the aid of her spear. Her breath was heavy, unsteady and filled with flaws. It was clear to anyone who had been in a real fight before, that she had many problems with her abilities. 

"Brother Leiji... How, are you... So strong?" Zhao Ya spoke with a rasped breath. 

"The answer is not one you'll like, I can promise you that." I sighed, annoyed that such a question was being asked by a 7th rank open heaven, albeit a newly minted one and one that hasn't ever fought at this level, plus they haven't been in a real life or death combat before. Just really annoying bullying. 

"It doesn't matter. I'll do it. If one thing is clear to me after this..." Zhao Ya said, pausing to collect her breath some more. "That if I don't improve more, I'll just be a burden and then let my master down." She explained, looking behind her at the unconscious boys. "Even now, I can't figure out how you managed to take both of them down while fighting me the whole time. They didn't even get the chance to use their hold on you, right?" She asked, falling further, but not yet kneeling. 

"If you must be told the answer it won't be as effective. Instead, take some time to recover and reflect what the reasons behind it are. I will give you a hint though, I didn't use any World Force, nor Emperor Qi during our battle. And I didn't use my best strength. To be quite honest I held back a considerable deal. Furthermore, as for brothers Zhao Ye Bai and Xu Yi... you can ask them what happened once they wake up." I said letting out a sigh, and looking up to the sky. 

With a flicker of light, Zhao Ya's exhaustion began to fade rapidly and I walked away. Zhao Ya was left dumbfounded at what just happened. She looked at herself and struggled internally for a moment. Then a smile appeared where a defeated look once was. 

"Thank you Brother Leiji, I'm not sure how much I'll learn from this defeat, but I promise I won't learn nothing." Zhao Ya thought, making a confident fist. ":Now then, I think I'll help get these two idiots back to the mountain." She said turning and putting her spear away. 

"So, how was it son?" Su Yan asked me once I appeared. 

"I... I hope my father can come out and give them some personal instruction. Right now if they were to plunge onto that battlefield. They would kill at most 1 Feudal Lord before losing their senses, or even being killed themselves." I said, not holding anything back. "I have a bit of experience on that battlefield, but my father is better suited to teaching them these things. But I'll do what I can while he is in seclusion." I said following up my previous statement. 

"I agree with Leiji, from what I saw just now. Even if all three worked together I doubt they would beat me." Bai Yi said, which added a new level of shock to my mothers and close family.