Awkward Situations

"I'll help a little as well, I know you're busy as it is son." Smiles added, with a look of concern and then sighed. "You have some personal matters to tend to now as it is." She added with a glance towards my current and future wives. 

"Mother Smiles speaks true. I am a husband after all, there are important matters I must attend to. I wonder though... You didn't give them any crazy ideas, did you?" I asked, glancing over to Yu Ru Meng and Shang Qing Luo. Both of them looked away and started whistling to try and play it off.

"Husband, Let's go already! We've been preparing and waiting too long." Huo Lei said, jumping on my back as her tails beat the air rapidly. The others could see the look in her eyes was nothing short of lustful desire. 

"I guess I have kept you waiting a bit longer this time. And I guess I can't hide what I'm planning on doing next either. Very well, no need to drag me there alright." I smirked, looking into Huo Lei's eyes after turning my head. In doing so the breeze behind us grew stronger. 

"Uhm, didn't you want to fight me next?" Yang Xue asked. 

"Aunt Xue, I would love to. However, I judged from your reaction during my last fight, that you'd rather not do so at this time. Was I wrong about that?" I replied with a look of curiosity on my face and a wondering tone in my voice. 

"Uh, you were able to see that... Then no, nephew is right. I really don't want to fight right now. Besides, I think there are more important things to take care of now, aren't there. I know I have one I'd like to take care of." Yang Xue said in a bit of shock realizing that I had been able to tell what her feelings were like from such a great distance while in the midst of fighting. 

"Aunt Xue, the day one finds themselves in the position of commander, one must be able to take notice of all their surroundings accurately and faster than instantly. One who studies the Dao of Time should be able to master this with ease. For time stands still for no one and nothing alike, only through a master of time may the happenings of chaos become like a steady stream. And only through Space can Chaos be ordered to clarity. If one masters both, they will achieve the requirements to command Chaos itself." I said with a simple smile and then teleported myself and my women back to my family residence. 

"Uh... Brother Xiao'er... let's go..." Yang Xue said, struggling to hold back. 

"Uh... Agreed... Sister Xue'er..." Yang Xiao stuttered, also struggling. 

"What happened to them?" Elder Gao asked, confused about something. "Leiji just said some words and then they started acting like that... There wasn't any ambiance or even prepared tea! Did they really gain something from simple words?" She added, exasperated at what she just witnessed. 

"My son is quite the master of that which is esoteric." Su Yan giggled. 

"You got that right. Just watching him fight on the battlefield was enough to push us further beyond our limits. Even before Yang Kai had broken through, He likely could have done his whole vengeance thing a dozen times over after having done it once." Feng Ying explained. 

"Anyway, I can't help but feel jealous right now. Yang Kai is in seclusion so we can't even play around a little. Yet Leiji is about to... Ugh! When is that stinky man going to come out! I want a baby already! Is it really that hard to ask for?" Yu Ru Meng complained, in utter annoyance. 

"Well at least we don't have to worry about Leiji having children before we can have some more of our own." Su Yan smiled, calming Yu Ru Meng down. 

"You're right, that boy is quite considerate. Though it seems like he is going to have his work cut out for himself once he has to start making good on that promise." Yu Ru Meng said, calming down rather quickly. 

"Wait a minute... you said there was a deal? And what do you mean he isn't going to have kids yet?" Elder Gao asked curiously worried. 

"Oh yeah, we didn't bring it up yet but... If Leiji wanted to have kids right now, there is zero doubt that he would have dozens by now. The strength of will he has to resist his women like that for our sake is quite an admirable quality." Shang Qing Luo started explaining. "But it's like this..." She continued explaining. 

"Ha... here I thought I'd get a grandbaby right away... Alright. Get that stink Yang Kai out here already. I want my grandbabies!" Elder Gao said, slightly raising her voice, annoyed but understood the situation clearly. 

"Hang on, instead of doing that, why don't you go and use this time to have another child of your own, Sister Gao. I'll give you permission to take some pills from Night-Love City. With those you'll be guaranteed to be successful." Xia Ning Chang said in a cheerful moment. She was able to be like this as a result of the talk of alchemy. Without that, she would have still been her timidly shy personality. 

"Oh? That's a great plan. I'll do just that. Thanks for the idea, I'm going to make my man's knees tremble..." Elder Gao snickered behind an intentful smile. 

~ Flowing Time Temple ~

"Brother Xiao, let's not hold back anymore. We need to use that method together now. Or we may not learn anything." Yang Xue said in a half confident and half trembling voice. As she slowly removed her clothes. 

"Sister Xue... I..." Yang Xiao stuttered as progressively more of Yang Xue's body became visible to him. 

"Am I not good enough for you? Or is it that you don't want to do this?" Yang Xue said, pausing just before she was about to expose her chest. "It doesn't matter anymore anyways, you're my man now." She added pulling one last thread that released the rest of her clothing. Leaving her bare in Yang Xiao's eyes, to which he let out an audible gulp.