(NSFW)50/50(SFW) Matters Of Husband & Wives (3)

Several days went by and the restriction around my residence was removed. I ended up filling them 5 times each. Except for Huo Lei and Xiu Che. They each had a bit more experience and thus lasted longer than the others. Well, more like they recovered faster than the others. We ended up using that experience at the end to show the others how to perform the more advanced sexual techniques they had been developing over the years with me, before the others had joined the harem. 

After all of the examples, we all took a soothing herbal bath together. We talked about things related to all sorts of topics, ranging from sex and family to cultivation and war. Overall it was a fruitful conversation with my wives learning quite a lot. I, in turn, also learned a fair amount of stuff about my wives as well. Though it was mostly Zi Yu, Lin Yun'er and Wen Xue Qing who shared their thoughts to me, verbally. 

Lu Yu Qin on the other hand had practiced the Joyous Re-Unification Art with me and now could sense my thoughts and feelings as her own, and vice versa. With such an overwhelming advantage, Zi Yu, Lin Yun'er and Wen Xue Qing all vowed to begin learning a monster cultivation method at the very least. This was in the hopes of further connecting to me as their husband. 

After we stood up to leave the bath I walked over to Wen Xue Qing, and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my embrace. Our naked bodies pressed against each other tightly. "You need not worry about your place in the future. I have taken you in as one of my wives. Even if it was only a formality outside, here you truly became mine. And I never let go of my family. So even if out there we aren't officially recognized by my father, it won't matter. Because in my eyes and the eye of your sisters here you are our family, united together by mutual love with your Husband." I explained, holding the now happily crying Wen Xue Qing warmly. 

My other wives all joined the naked hug in affirmation of my words. Which only made Wen Xue Qing cry more tears of joy. Because before this moment, she had a few doubts about her position here. Even during intercourse, she had moments of doubts, sad thoughts of; "what if this is all I get?". 

Now though, all of those doubts washed away in an instant which filled her heart with nothing but love and jubilation. So I kissed her with love and held her close to my body, until she finished crying. Once she did stop though... All the harem wives took turns kissing her as well. A warm welcome to the family indeed. 

However, like all good things, they must have their time and place. And it was time to leave the room so, I along with my wives walked out of seclusion, refreshed, satisfied and confident in our lives going forward. The air around Zi Yu, Wen Xue Qing, Lu Yu Qin and Lin Yun'er were all much different than before. Fiercer and deeper than before, as if they had the will of a dragon coursing through their bodies. 

Though Lu Yu Qin was the only one to experience a significant change in cultivation. The others all had some growth. This was due to the Joyous Re-Unification Art, she was the only one to benefit from it massively as she hadn't experienced the effects of it before now. That and her Dragon bloodline had only just awakened a month ago. So the fact her Dragon cultivation had already reached the Great Emperor realm Equivalent was nothing to overlook. 

It was weak by comparison to her current cultivation of a young woman attempting to become a direct 7th rank. Even still it was now a power she has that she previously didn't have. Moreover she now had a Husband that would help to aid her cultivation forward. As well as two sister wives that would be able to do the very same. And even more than that, one of her mother-in-laws was a dragon as well. Lu Yu Qin now had quite a large support net to rely on.

"Alright, Husband, you should go and begin doing what you need to do. I'll inform mothers that everything went... Almost according to plan. We still didn't outlast you after all." Huo Lei said, pouting a little now. 

"Don't worry about that too much. Without some kind of drug I don't think you'll be defeating my stamina for a while yet. Instead try to use this time to increase your cultivation a bit more. Huo Lei, Xiu Che, both of you are still below the Emperor Realm. It would give me peace of mind if you were to advance higher." I said, calmly suggesting what they should all be focusing on. 

"Ohhhh! Why do you have to say it like that Husband! We are still young like you. And your Strength is just impossible to keep up with." Xiu Che pouted with fake annoyance, she knew I was only worried for their well being. 

"Don't worry sisters, we won't let anyone harm you. Anyways, that aside, we still need to go and visit with our mothers. They need our help with some matters and while we're there with them, I'm sure they will help you both out." Chi Qiu spoke up with a cute voice. 

"True, and mother Smiles is bound to have some good tips as well." Feng Qiang nodded. 

"Though, not as good as Husband's tip! Heh heh!" The Bing sisters giggled in response. 

"Alright, I have four... three places to go and visit in the near future. Yun'er, Iron Blood is in seclusion right now, and it looks like he is gonna need some time before he comes out. About... 5 years at his current pace." I said, explaining the reasoning. 

"Oh, alright. Wait, does that mean you can sense when father will be done?" Lin Yun'er asked, talking about Yang Kai. 

"Yes I can, I've already updated my mother on my father's situation. And it seems like there will be plenty of time to gather all the rest of the women whom shall be those we call, Mother." I said, with a smile.