Date Through Star Boundary

It was at this moment I decided to do something else. "Listen, Let's take a trip around the Star Boundary and take in the sights." I suggested before my wives could speak up about my father's condition. 

"You mean a... A date! Yes, let's go! Let's go right now!" All of them said with a truly happy smile. It made me chuckle a bit seeing them all in sync with each other though. Truly a beautiful sight. 

Seeing how enthusiastic they all were, I sent my mother Su Yan a message informing her about what I was planning to do next. "Mother, I am taking my wives on an extended date around the Star Boundary. The look on their faces when I suggested this idea was simply too beautiful for me to ignore. I'll return with all of them after some time." The message said. 

"That's lovely my son. Make sure you treat your wives like the beautiful women they are. Spending time with you will naturally be one of their most desired wishes. Just, please don't start having kids yet. I want to bear a child from my own body before my daughter in-laws get too." Su Yan replied in a warm motherly tone. She seemed pleased that I was taking such responsibilities already. 

"Mother, I plan to take care of them with everything I have. Each of my wives is a precious member of my family. So I will do anything to see them smile, give them a shoulder to cry on if the tears are inevitable. This goes for my wives and any other women that find their way to a place at my side. Such is my responsibility." I replied, sounding blessed to have a great mother like Su Yan. After all, she was taking a lot of heat off of me when it came to my wives begging for children of their own. 

"As you should. Now go and have fun with those beautiful women of yours. Make them feel your love in every possible way. Have it envelope their mind, body and soul. Do this without worries over here. Sister Hua Qing Si is managing just fine for the moment. And we are only missing a few of our other sisters from the list. However, they have already responded and are on their way to their new home." Su Yan replied back expressing her heartfelt feelings about having a son like me. 

"Thank you mother, I love you with all the love a son can give his mother." I said, sending along the very sensation that such words would invoke. 

"I'm going to turn you back into a baby again. I didn't get enough time nursing or coddling you. I wanted to take naps with my baby close by. So prepare yourself in the future. Now then make sure you don't come back until you've all had as much fun as you can together." Su Yan said, her words were filled with an immutable love and intention. One I knew she had the desire to pull off, even if she couldn't force me back into an infantile state she still forced me to be babied, and it wouldn't end with just me, no, my wives would also be babied just as much. 

My wives and I, with the blessing of all the mothers we had, took a bit of a vacation. We traveled through the entire Star Boundary, picking out only the best locations for couples to experience each other and nature in a symbiotic nature. 

The Forests we traveled through were filled with plenty of delicious foods for us to eat together, not that we needed to eat anything in the first place. All of us were of high enough realms to where consuming food was nothing more than a formality. That said, one can not ignore the feeling of companionship one gets when eating a meal together, under the cover of the forest's canopy. 

We would play with each other's bodies a little every night. Not anything crazy, just a little sensational foreplay that would purposefully not go any further. This was just to give my wives the feeling I'd be there even in the darkest of times, comforting their minds, bodies and souls. A way to ward off the heart's worries. 

When we traveled through the plains, we would stop around the meadows. Laying among the flowers we made love with earth as our bed and the stars as our blanket. Of course, I made sure that there was no way for us to ever be seen, even other Great Emperors would have a difficult time seeing through this barrier. And before they could, they would receive a warning that they shouldn't pry any further. This was just a counter measure, not that it ever needed to be used. 

Continuing our travels, in the ocean we met a clan of sea monster race. They hardly wore a thing, in fact most of the women opted not to wear anything. It was quite an interesting clan, The women ruled here with quite the presence to say the very least. They treated us to their clan's traditional hospitality. Which included a synchronized swimming dance as the show to go with the meal. 

However, we were surprised when it turned into the complete version of the show. Apparently this is also how the clan mates. So yeah, they ended up showing off their techniques for intercourse as well. With no specific partners to speak of they simply decide who they will be with that night according to the performance of the dance.

Needless to say, my wives and I learned this dance on the first sight of it. We all had the same idea in mind. Let's do this while flying through the air! Along with the dance we also made sure to pay attention to the techniques used in their intercourse. Trying it may prove to be an enjoyable experience. 

After we left that clan, we decided to travel through the ocean a bit more. While doing so, we came across a large underwater valley. A perfect place to try out the sexual swim that we had learned... We stayed there for several days, and I collected rare underwater materials while my wives rested in between love making sensations. Or if they needed to cultivate instead.