Date Through Star Boundary (3)

Huo Lei and Xiu Che had both successfully broken through to the Dao Source Realm. They went right back to cultivating. As did everyone else. We did plan to be here for a decent bit of time after all. All of us were experiencing plenty of gains by this point that it was quite clear how much better dual cultivation is. And how much nicer the environment is. 

~ 1 Month Later ~

"Husband, you made time flow differently in this space didn't you?" Bing Xue asked, only now realizing the change. 

"That's right Xue'er, In this Oasis, I have made time flow about 30 times faster. I am able to do this much because of a few factors. I was actually curious if I should increase it further. But I don't think it would be that great of an idea... Aunt Yang Xue might come over here and ruin my good deed." I said, explaining what I did. 

"30 times faster? That's quite the effort, Husband. But if you can do more, then why don't you?" Bing Hua asked, caressing my cheek. 

"Because at the time, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy... I mean, Cultivate with you as well. And I must be here for you." I said, failing to catch myself. 

"Oh my, Husband, you're quite lustful aren't you? Why don't you increase it further now? Surely you can increase it again by now. Knowing how fast you improve, that is." Chi Qiu smirked, staring into my eyes.

"Indeed I can increase it, but it won't be by much. Only about another 10 times. After that, I'll have to advance to a Great Dragon to continue improving it." I explained. 

"Oh? Then do it now. If Husband does that we can get four months of cultivation together in just the span of 3 days. 5 months in 4 days if we count the previous month." Feng Qiang said with her overly eager mindset coming through. 

"Don't worry, Husband, we won't be trying for children just yet. As much as we want one. We understand fully why you wish to respect the mothers we have. They are not just worthy of respect, they deserve nothing but it." Lu Yu Qin spoke up, picking up on the only worry I had at the time. 

"I guess you've all seen through me now." I said with a nervous chuckle. 

"Well, there is this small part of you that just refuses to reveal itself. But I think that if you have to hide it from us it must be something really important. Or something that no one should know about, ever. Though knowing you, it's probably information on your last resort ultimate move or something like that." Bing Xue said, trying to hide her annoyance at the hidden part remaining hidden.

At that moment I sat up straight and placed my elbows to my knees. A worried look came across my face. But it was also one with a stern look of utter seriousness. I let out a sigh, with a quick flare of qi I changed the flow of time from 30 to 40. Huo Lei and Xiu Che, sensing this change decided to rejoin everyone for a moment, knowing that it was something serious. 

"First, I'm sorry but I can't share the details of what is hidden there. It's not that I don't want to share it with you. I'm just not in a position to do so. I can say however, that it exists to hold my final trump cards. I'll tell you this as well..." I said, explaining what they were for, and the possible situations for their use. 

"Husband, you better not be thinking that's the only way." Zi Yu shouted in shock. 

"Sister! I assure you he isn't. If he was, then he wouldn't have taken us on this wonderful journey. And look at us now. We are all much closer together than before." Chi Qiu spoke up next, to defend me. 

"Besides, it's admirable that he would do something so crazy... For something so simple. But knowing him, it's best to trust and support him. So let's make sure he doesn't have to use those things." Feng Qiang said.

"Husband, I know you didn't want to share it with us because you were worried about how we would feel. But, I think it would be a comfort to know the whole story. Could you not share it with us?" Bing Hua asked, claiming her turn with me next, to the point we were already connected as one. 

"Wah! No fair sister! I want to have a turn with Husband!" Huo Lei and Xiu Che both exclaimed. 

"Sorry sisters, but it's my turn to be joined with Husband. But don't worry I'm sure we are going to have plenty of time to be together while in this Oasis. Looking at both of you now, it is clear to see that you've already reached the 2nd Order Dao Source." Bing Hua said, getting a jolt from below, that bounced her up a little making her giggle. 

"Lei'er, Che'er, you'll have plenty of time. I just made this area flow at 40 times the outside world. It used to be 30 times. And I had planned to stay here for a week. But we can stay as long as you like. However, the next place I plan on taking everyone, Heh, will undoubtedly give you some crazy benefits. Similar to this place, but different." I explained, as I continued initiating the Joyous Re-Unification Art with Bing Hua on top of me. 

"Oh? Good, then We will get our turn when the time comes." Huo Lei smirked with clear intent. "Come on Sister, Let's work hard and become Emperor Realms already." She added, brimming with confidence. 

"Yes, and once we do, then Sister Zi Yu, Sister Lin Yun'er and Sister Wen Xue Qing can all join us in cultivation. Once that happens we will all grow much faster with even greater stability." Xiu Che said, then realized something was wrong with her words.

"You're missing something. Once you both reach the Emperor Realm, all 11 of us will be able to cultivate together with the highest efficiency and greatest stability." I mentioned, adding in the missing part.