Date Through Star Boundary (4)

We continued our time in the Oasis, steadily improving ourselves. Star Boundary was clearly helping out as much as it could. For some reason or another it not only sensed my desire to help strengthen my wives, but also agreed with me and lent its aid. 

~ 4 Months Later Inside / 3 Days Outside The Oasis Bubble ~

Huo Lei and Xiu Che were both quickly realizing their new found potential. Noticing that it seemingly rose over time, further empowering them. Couple that with their Dual Cultivation methods it's a foregone conclusion that they will advance further, faster. Where were they now? About half way through the 3rd Order Dao Source, and rapidly approaching the Emperor Realm. As for my other wives...

"Husband, you should try to refine more elements while we're here. We have time don't we?" Bing Xue asked, suggesting something I thought was a bit odd. 

"Hmm, but if I do that, it will take away time I can spend with all of you. Are you sure this is what you wish to do?" I asked, looking around at everyone. 

"It will be annoying not to enjoying Husband's body for some time, that is certain and I even hesitated to ask this because of that. It's just that Husband makes me feel so good. But we also want to try that method Sister Lei and Sister Che are using. I think it will provide some decent insight into the human cultivation we need to really start moving along the human realms of power." Bing Hua spoke up next for her sister. 

"I see, I don't have a problem with that. But you need to promise to stop before anything bad can happen. The next element I'm refining is not gonna be easy... even for me." I said, making sure it was crystal clear how serious I was. 

"No interruptions then. In that case we will take turns practicing and Sister Qing'er, Sister Yu'er, Sister Yun'er and Sister Qin'er can help solve any problems that may arise. So long as two of them are available to help out at any time there shouldn't be an issue, right?" Chi Qiu asked. 

"Not necessarily. If that happens there will be four groups using this method. It would be for the best if we don't overdo it and instead work with them in one on one Dual Cultivation to practice the method before we try going on our own with it. If we don't and something dangerous happens, only Husband has the ability to solve the issue before any real damage can be done." Feng Qiang mentioned, with reasonability. 

"Good, then that's what we will do, This way Husband can continue his own cultivation without fear. I know how strong the 7th rank materials are... and 8th ranks sound terrifying just imagining it makes me shutter." Lin Yun'er said, stating her agreement with the plan. The other three nodded in agreement as well. 

"Very well, I shall begin at once then. Fire Element, Raging Flare Lotus and Volcanic Lava Source... Both are peak 8th rank materials of the Fire Element." I sighed, refraining from pulling them out.

"Two? Oh that's right, you have two Human paths at once. Weird? That must have been difficult to deal with." Wen Xue Qing said, leaning back on her hands in a relaxed way. Even still, the sun made her body glisten with pure beauty. 

"Indeed, at first I thought I'd have to do some crazy shenanigans to get this to work properly, but after refining the 9th rank Yin and Yang resources... I learned a few things. First is that I can be considered a Half-Step Open Heaven. Apparently the strength gained from those two resources is the same as refining all 5 elements. Which makes sense, since Yin and Yang together breathe life to the 5 elements. So I half expected this situation from the start." I explained. "Second, is that I am not strong enough to handle a 9th rank direct promotion. That is definitely beyond me. A sad fate but true nonetheless." I continued, pausing for a moment. "Third, no matter how I refine the other resources, it will all be the same difficulty regardless. As such, I'm going to get the Fire Element over and done with next." I finished explaining. 

"Husband, even if you don't need it, we wish you luck in your cultivation. Don't worry about us and finish refining that element. Once you do, us wives, will reward you." Zi Yu said, kissing me lovingly on the lips and a light gentle tease with her fingers on my dick.

The rest of my wives aside from Huo Lei and Xiu Che all did similar things. Some blew in my ear, others nibbled a little. However, Bing Hua and Lu Yu Qin, both did something different. Instead they kissed me at the same time and then licked my dick and balls before smirking at me. 

"Husband, there's more where that came from. Your wives will be waiting for your successful refinement." Bing Hua and Lu Yu Qin said in unison. It was like they had bonded over both of their unique quite awkwardness, while they also knew deep down, they were likely the most wild directly after Huo Lei and Xiu Che. 

"With this much encouragement, how could this Husband fail?" I smiled seeing them off. "It won't be you rewarding me, but I you. For putting up with such a selfish man such as I." I thought. "Ready Feng Qing? This one isn't going to be easy." I asked my second consciousness. 

"Ready, I want the lotus though. You don't have a problem with that do you?" Feng Qing replied. 

"Good, then let us begin." I thought with a smirk on my face. 

A restriction to ward off excess heat was set up to protect the surrounding area. And then I pulled out both Fire Element Resources. And instantly I was assailed by the furiously intense heat that came with them. 

"Yeah, this is going to be difficult to deal with. But I don't care. I'll be successful here." I murmured to myself. 

The elements began disappearing, each turning into raw Fire Elemental Energy and fusing with my Dao Seals. Even so, this was going to take me a bit longer than expected.