Date Through Star Boundary (6)

After many passionate days, we all came to an abrupt stop. Huo Lei, and Xiu Che were both experiencing the signs of someone on the cusp of breaking through. As one can imagine this would necessitate an end to our activities. However, while they were both experiencing this sensation, Huo Lei was clearly further along than Xiu Che. 

"Husband, will you stay with me while I break through? Let the heavens recognize our marriage to the fullest." Huo Lei asked, sweating profusely, refusing to let go of me. 

"Of course I will, Lei'er. It's a beautifully thoughtful idea." I answered with a kiss, and kept ourselves joined together. If she would need assistance during this, I'd be ready to give it. "My wives, protect Che'er and help restrict her advancement for now." I said, sending the message to the others. "Che'er, I'll do this for you as well. I promised to protect you, and that is exactly what I will do." I said, comforting Xiu Che.

"Take care of Sister Lei'er, my Husband! I'll be here waiting." Xiu Che called out from within her heart. 

"Don't worry about anything Che'er, us sisters will keep you safe until you get to... breakthrough with husband." Bing Xue said, wrapping her arms around Xiu Che. 

"Thank you sisters, I won't be able to hold this back on my own. But I wasn't as close as sister Lei'er was." Xiu Che pouted and then muttered, "I wanted to go first."

"Think of it this way, sister. Now you'll get to see the beautiful breakthrough that is bound to happen now. I'm sure Star Boundary is going to give us a great show. After all, this world truly does love our Husband. With that love, it's bound to rub off on those of us who truly love him with all of our being." Lin Yun'er said, comfortingly. 

"That's right, even if it does make me a bit jealous that I'll never get to experience what is going to happen next here... I'm already refining resources... I'll just have to get the sensation second hand from Sister Lei'er's and Sister Che'er's description of how it felt. Hah, I bet it's nothing short of the most Supreme of all Blissful experiences." Zi Yu said, holding a hand to her heart as if in pain. 

"In that case, I'll be sure to take as many detailed notes for Sister as possible. But remember, we also have the world's best Husband, I'm sure if you ask him. He will find a way for us to all experience that bliss." Xiu Che smiled, with a slight pain. 

Floating in the air above them all was a man and woman joined together as a man and woman could be. Huo Lei's tails were brimming with energy, sparking to life with thunderous might, akin to the kind only an Emperor realm could manage. All while she and I didn't stop making love, her Emperor Realm Baptism began. 

Immediately, it was clear to everyone that there was something massively different about this breakthrough. A standard Emperor Realm baptism wouldn't be nearly this large. In fact this one was around the neighborhood of 5 to 7 times the size. It was difficult to calculate because it grew and shrank as if breathing. But it was just matching how much of myself was inside Huo Lei. The more inside, the bigger the Baptism. 

"Husband, I want the biggest Baptism I can have. Don't worry about anything else. So..." Huo Lei said, wrapping her legs around my waist and forcing me in as far deep as was possible. And then she surprised me. "Husband, I love you with everything I am. You saved my life, gave my mother and I a place to live and protected us from all manner of dangers. Let the world know you are the only man whom I could ever love." She whispered, and then increased the intensity of her passionate kiss. 

I knew everything about what happened in the past, but even so. Hearing it in her voice at a time like this, I couldn't help but get excited, which is probably what she was aiming for. Because in response to her words, I grew inside her no insignificant amount. This Directly reflected in the Baptism's size, It was now 10 times that of the average Emperor Realm Baptism.

And then the lightning began to fall on Huo Lei. Refining her body slowly becoming an Emperor Realm Cultivator. She didn't even flinch at the Lightning's strength. Bearing the whole of it with everything she was as we continued making out. Each strike held mighty power within, this power gradually became her own. And then the storm condensed to a single bolt and struck down upon Huo Lei. She became a fully fledged Emperor Realm cultivator of the 1st Order. 

We flew back down to my other wives, who were all in embarrassed shock about what they just witnessed. It was clear that they were jealous as could be. From their view it was as if the love between Huo Lei and myself was what all that electric energy was. And to a certain extent... they aren't wrong. The more closely the two of us were connected, the stronger the Baptism. 

"Sister Che'er, have fun. I know you'll enjoy every moment of that experience." Huo Lei smiled, staggering as she walked, her legs were still trembling from the experience. It would honestly have been weird if they weren't. 

"Rest well my love." I said in a soft caring voice. "Che'er, you've done well to hold it back this long, it's time for your reward." I said, picking her up.

Xiu Che couldn't help herself anymore, she was in complete heat now. And it was clear she was desiring this even more than before. So in one swift motion she shifted her body just enough to connect as man and woman. And forced herself to take all of it in. All this while we flew up in the air again. 

"Husband, You're the reason my family is alive and well today. You saved my father's life, and all the people's live in the city. I love you with everything I have and everything I am. I am yours, my Husband." Xiu Che whispered in my ear just before she began her own Passionate Kiss.