Date Through Star Boundary (7)

Following the same process, as with Huo Lei, Xiu Che's Baptism was also similar in scale. Though it was ever so slightly higher, the difference made up for a small deficit Xiu Che had in her Monster Race Cultivation when compared to Huo Lei. But for all intensive measurements the two of them were relatively equal in power. 

Even so, this storm was a direct reflection of what Xiu Che must be able to bear, that is if she wants to become an Emperor Realm Cultivator. From my perspective I knew she would be able to handle it. But from her perspective, it felt as if she thought that without me there, she wouldn't be able to bear it. 

To some extent Xiu Che was right. Even though it made me feel a bit too warm and fuzzy inside as a result. What man wouldn't feel like this? To be trusted and relied upon like this by such objectively beautiful women. They believe and trust in me, as well as harbor this much love that they are confident in braving a significantly more difficult baptism. A love so great they brave the heavens. 

So once the Baptism was over and we landed back down in the water. I set Xiu Che down for her to stabilize her cultivation. I looked at each of my wives with a warm and loving look. And then I smiled. "It's about that time then I guess." I said, just before assuming my Dragon form. 

This action took all but two by surprise. What am I doing now? Well I coiled my body around, and shook off some scales. I had been holding this back for quite some time now. And it gave me no small amount of difficulty in my Fire Element Refinement. But now, I had a veritable mountain of Dragon Scales each of which were from the body of a 4th rank equivalent. Yet now a 5th rank equivalent Dragon. 

Using my powers I then refined all the missing pieces of my wives' jewelry sets. Earrings for them all and Necklaces to pair with them. It took next to no time at all for me to refine them this time for some reason. However, I did add some extra things to the ones I had made previously. I did so because I noticed there was a bit of difference in their effects. It was small to be sure, but I'm not the kind of guy who is going to just not fix a problem if I have found it and can fix it. This goes double when it comes to my wives. 

Next I assumed my Phoenix form. And I did it with almost no effort at all. It seems that I've grown more accustomed to it over the time spent with my wives, especially using the Joyous Re-Unification Art. It was all but inevitable that I was going to experience some odd things. 

Then as if proving it's equal supremacy with the Dragons, I molted all of my Phoenix Feathers at once, instantly regrowing them with a significant improvement in power. It was as if I had skipped right over the time needed for 4th rank equivalent. Landing myself into the 5th rank equivalent. 

Seizing the moment I performed a similar action using my old feathers, that still brimmed with power. Refining them into dresses for each of my wives, well, full on outfits. Each outfit had a strapless dress with two gauntlet sleeves and gauntlet stockings. Around the chest and hip areas of the dresses were refined Dragon scales to add texture not support. 

Where there were dragon scales, they hung down. Such that if they spun around the scales would lift up. And all along the fabric was the design of a phoenix with spread wings, as if challenging the heavens. It was really just a design choice, one that I could sense was going to be well received by my wives. They don't have a problem with their bodies as is, so even if it was a bit eccentric it's not as if they would hate it so much. And the sparkle in their eyes was also a clear indication they loved it. 

"Husband, these dresses, you went all out didn't you." Chi Qiu said, trying on the whole outfit. 

"Husband, just how many feathers did you use from your molting just now? These really aren't going to be some small sum. They are too well made to not have a high cost." Feng Qiang asked, with a worried look. 

"Uhm... about that... I used up about 30% of the feathers I just molted..." I explained, nervously. When it comes to the Phoenix Clan stuff, those two are bound to scold me. 

"Hmm, don't be so reckless in the future, Husband. Save some of those feathers for our nest." Feng Qiang sighed, now wearing the outfit in full. 

"Sister Qiang, isn't it a bit much to scold Husband about making the thing you're wearing?" Bing Xue giggled, now also enjoying the new outfit she had, giving a twirl. 

"That's... Because it's a great dress but still he needs to be careful with his feathers. I don't want him making too many of these in the future. The ones we are wearing now are already incredibly expensive." Feng Qiang nervously replied energetically. 

"It's fine, I made them because I want to adorn my wives with only the best. And have everything be of my own making. In this way, I am with you always. As for shoes... I have a plan for them. But I won't be able to make them just yet. Forgive me." I said, returning to human form. 

"Ugh, you're planning something super fancy or super meaningful again aren't you. Fine, we won't wear the outfit again until it's all finished." Chi Qiu said, putting the outfit away neatly in her storage ring. 

"Awe, Husband, I quite liked the outfit as is. But you've got me curious about what you're going to do now. So I'll follow Sister Qiu's lead on this. You won't get to see your wives wearing your specially created outfit until it's all done." Bing Hua smirked.